- 13 Jun, 2017 1 commit
Dave Syer authored
- 05 Dec, 2016 1 commit
Bertrand Renuart authored
use `com.netflix.loadbalancer.DummyPing` instead of `NoopPing` This eliminates the startup of another theadpool. fixes gh-1504
- 08 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Daniel Lavoie authored
Fix issue gh-1054
- 24 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Spencer Gibb authored
Allows ribbon class name properties to be used to define beans. This seems like boilerplate, but works, though not easily extensible. fixes gh-927
- 16 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Spencer Gibb authored
fixes gh-1091 closes gh-958
- 03 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Damian Jackson authored
When using property placeholders in the @RequestMapping annotation the ones placed in the headers attribute do not get replaced. This appears to be because the other attributes, such as the url, use the resolve() function to perform the substitution whereas the header is parsed as-is. This change adds a call to resolve for each side of the equals in the header string so that the properties are substituted correctly.
- 28 May, 2016 1 commit
Spencer Gibb authored
- 27 May, 2016 1 commit
Daniel Lavoie authored
- 25 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Pedro Alvarado authored
Fixes gh-894
- 22 Mar, 2016 2 commits
Spencer Gibb authored
Spencer Gibb authored
- 20 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Oreste Luci authored
Includes name and url attributes. fixes gh-414
- 30 Sep, 2015 1 commit
Jakub Narloch authored
- 13 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Dave Syer authored
It turns out that the suckiness of Zuul with multipart requests comes almost entirely from the Multipart handling in Spring's DispatcherServlet. This change makes the proxy routes available on an alternative path /zuul/<normal_path> (where /zuul is the default value of zuul.servletPath). I have tested those with 800MB file uploads using the main method in the FormZuulServletProxyApplicationTests and the main observation is that there is no OutOfMemory error (no-one tries to download the complete request body). It works with Ribbon and with the simple (HttpClient) filter. With Ribbon you will need to set some timeouts if you want to upload files as large as that, e.g. see application.yml in the tests: hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds: 60000 ribbon: ConnectTimeout: 3000 ReadTimeout: 60000 You need to set "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" in the incoming request. Chrome does not do this by default apparently, but I was able to test with curl, e.g. $ curl -v -H "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" \ -F "file=@mylarg.iso" \ localhost:9999/zuul/direct/file The old proxy paths through the DispatcherServlet are still available (for backwards compatibility and for convenience of having the paths available at the root of the context path). Fixes gh-254
- 09 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Dave Syer authored
If the ServerProperties contain a servletPath then the handler mapping does not contain that prefix, but the incoming request URI does. This leads to some interesting prefix stripping gymnastics. All the existing tests assumed that the prefix was empty (the default for a Spring boot app). See gh-199
- 16 Dec, 2014 1 commit
Dave Syer authored
The Zuul filter registry has to be cleareed (including a cache in a private field in FilterLoader, yuck).
- 15 Dec, 2014 1 commit
Dave Syer authored
Ribbon and simple host reverse proxy now share quite a lot of code (everything to do with headers). Fixes gh-103
- 03 Dec, 2014 2 commits
- 29 Nov, 2014 1 commit
Dave Syer authored
Bean instantiation ordering was causing external (user-supplied) filter beans to replace the defaults, not append to them. Separating out the autowired map of beans into a spearate class was enough to fix it. Fixes gh-78
- 26 Nov, 2014 1 commit
Dave Syer authored
E.g. zuul: route: testclient: /testing123/** # service mapping http://localhost:8081: /stores/** # physical mapping
- 25 Nov, 2014 1 commit
Spencer Gibb authored
This allows mappings to be at the root and not have to be prefixed. It also allows mappings to fall through to other handler mappings. Patterns are now Ant-style via AntPathMatcher. fixes gh-72
- 06 Nov, 2014 1 commit
Spencer Gibb authored
fixes gh-40
- 04 Nov, 2014 1 commit
Spencer Gibb authored
Removed old zuul module. fixes gh-14
- 18 Oct, 2014 1 commit
Spencer Gibb authored
- 25 Sep, 2014 1 commit
Spencer Gibb authored
- 29 Aug, 2014 1 commit
Dave Syer authored
- 06 Aug, 2014 1 commit
Spencer Gibb authored
- 14 Jul, 2014 1 commit
Dave Syer authored
- 11 Jul, 2014 3 commits
Spencer Gibb authored
Dave Syer authored
Dave Syer authored