- 15 Dec, 2014 2 commits
- 12 Dec, 2014 2 commits
Spencer Gibb authored
removed circular dependency between EurekaClientAutoConfiguration and EurekaDiscoveryClientConfiguration that caused DiscoveryClientConfigServiceBootstrapConfiguration to fail. fixes gh-99
Dave Syer authored
If user adds auth.route.<service>.scheme: passthru then instead of adding the bearer token the filter will not do anything (and the normal authorization header will be passed through to the backend) See gh-19
- 11 Dec, 2014 2 commits
- 09 Dec, 2014 3 commits
Dave Syer authored
Without this change the health status is always UNKNOWN because it never finds the servo metrics for the health indicator. It's also a general spruce up of the servo and eureka metrics and health infrastructure which was looking a little more complicated than it needed to be (no need for a separate MetricReader).
Dave Syer authored
Spencer Gibb authored
- 08 Dec, 2014 1 commit
Dave Syer authored
Using Spring as an object factory to control the lifecycle of ribbon clients. So far we have a single, parameterized configuration class for all clients, but can be extended to allow user to supply additional configuration. The current model for user extensions is @EnableRibbonClient(@RibbonClient(name = "foo", configuration = FooConfiguration.class)) public class MainConfiguration { ... } So in this example, MainConfiguration is part of the "main" application context and FooConfiguration is used to create the Ribbon client and load balancer for the "foo" service.
- 06 Dec, 2014 1 commit
Dave Syer authored
- 05 Dec, 2014 4 commits
Spencer Gibb authored
Spencer Gibb authored
Document FeignClient
Spencer Gibb authored
Spencer Gibb authored
fixes gh-91
- 04 Dec, 2014 9 commits
Jonathan Lounsbury authored
Jonathan Lounsbury authored
Spencer Gibb authored
fixes gh-85
Spencer Gibb authored
fixes gh-87
Spencer Gibb authored
Dave Syer authored
Fixes gh-86
Dave Syer authored
Dave Syer authored
The default behaviour is now to strip the prefixes (global and route-specific) by default. E.g. zuul: prefix: /api routes: customers: /customers/** Will forward /api/customers/101 to /101 on the customers service See gh-43
Dave Syer authored
Fixes gh-43
- 03 Dec, 2014 6 commits
Spencer Gibb authored
Handle InstanceRegisteredEvent and RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent in ZuulHandlerMapping rather than ProxyRouteLocator. Move /routes endpoint out of ZuulHandlerMapping into RoutesEndpoint (because of a problem when I added @RefreshScope to ZuulHandlerMapping)
Dave Syer authored
Dave Syer authored
Dave Syer authored
We now support prefix stripping per service, e.g. zuul: routes: customers: path: /customers/** stripPrefix: true Will route /customers/101 -> /101 (on the customers service) See gh-77
Dave Syer authored
User can now specify zuul.routes.*.{path,url,serviceId} (with "url" and "serviceId" mutually exclusive (and "location" is a synonym) separately, or can use a one-one short form, like the old style. See gh-77
Dave Syer authored
zuul.route -> zuul.routes zuul.mapping -> zuul.prefix
- 02 Dec, 2014 4 commits
Spencer Gibb authored
Spencer Gibb authored
Spencer Gibb authored
removed classes now in spring-cloud-commons
Spencer Gibb authored
- 01 Dec, 2014 2 commits
Spencer Gibb authored
Julien Roy authored
- 29 Nov, 2014 1 commit
Dave Syer authored
Bean instantiation ordering was causing external (user-supplied) filter beans to replace the defaults, not append to them. Separating out the autowired map of beans into a spearate class was enough to fix it. Fixes gh-78
- 26 Nov, 2014 3 commits
Spencer Gibb authored
fixes gh-73
Spencer Gibb authored
Spencer Gibb authored