Commit a7398842 by Spencer Gibb

added preferIpAddress section to eureka and updated ribbon docs to show what…

added preferIpAddress section to eureka and updated ribbon docs to show what beans are created by default and how to override them.
parent 39eb9815
......@@ -308,6 +308,13 @@ the registrations amongst themselves. If the peers are physically
separated (inside a data centre or between multiple data centres) then
the system can in principle survive split-brain type failures.
=== Prefer IP Address
In some cases, it is preferable for Eureka to advertise the IP Adresses
of services rather than the hostname. Set `eureka.instance.preferIpAddress`
to `true` and when the application registers with eureka, it will use its
IP Address rather than its hostname.
== Circuit Breaker: Hystrix Clients
Netflix has created a library called[Hystrix] that implements the[circuit breaker pattern]. In a microservice architecture it is common to have multiple layers of service calls.
......@@ -519,6 +526,41 @@ In this case the client is composed from the components already in
`RibbonClientConfiguration` together with any in `FooConfiguration`
(where the latter generally will override the former).
Spring Cloud Netflix provides the following beans by default for ribbon
(`BeanType` beanName: `ClassName`):
* `IClientConfig` ribbonClientConfig: `DefaultClientConfigImpl`
* `IRule` ribbonRule: `ZoneAvoidanceRule`
* `IPing` ribbonPing: `NoOpPing`
* `ServerList<Server> ribbonServerList: `ConfigurationBasedServerList`
* `ServerListFilter<Server>` ribbonServerListFilter: `ZonePreferenceServerListFilter`
* `ILoadBalancer` ribbonLoadBalancer: `ZoneAwareLoadBalancer`
Creating a bean of one of those type and placing it in a `@RibbonClient`
configuration (such as `FooConfiguration` above) allows you to override each
one of the beans described. Example:
public class FooConfiguration {
public IPing ribbonPing(IClientConfig config) {
return new PingUrl();
This replaces the `NoOpPing` with `PingUrl`.
=== Using the Ribbon with Eureka
When Eureka is used in conjunction with Ribbon the `ribbonServerList` is
overridden with an extension of `DiscoveryEnabledNIWSServerList` which
populates the list of servers from Eureka. It also replaces the `IPing`
interface with `NIWSDiscoveryPing` which delegates to Eureka to determine if
a server is up.
=== Using the Ribbon API Directly
You can also use the `LoadBalancerClient` directly. Example:
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