Commit 9cab69a9 by Dave Syer

Update readme script to handle local includes

parent 243c13b7
......@@ -16,9 +16,16 @@ end
file = ARGV[0] if ARGV.length>0
srcDir = File.dirname(file)
out = "// Do not edit this file (e.g. go instead to docs/src/main/asciidoc)\n\n"
doc = Asciidoctor.load_file file, safe: :safe, parse: false, attributes: 'allow-uri-read'
# Copied from
doc = Asciidoctor.load_file file, safe: :unsafe, header_only: true, attributes: options[:attributes]
header_attr_names = (doc.instance_variable_get :@attributes_modified).to_a
header_attr_names.each {|k| doc.attributes[%(#{k}!)] = '' unless doc.attr? k }
attrs = doc.attributes
attrs['allow-uri-read'] = true
puts attrs
out = "// Do not edit this file (e.g. go instead to src/main/asciidoc)\n\n"
doc = Asciidoctor.load_file file, safe: :unsafe, parse: false, attributes: attrs
out <<
unless options[:to_file]
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