@@ -135,6 +135,18 @@ The method getId() is undefined for the type ProxyRouteLocator.ProxyRouteSpec
The method getLocation() is undefined for the type ProxyRouteLocator.ProxyRouteSpec PreDecorationFilter.java /spring-cloud-netflix-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/zuul/filters/pre line 55 Java Problem
==== Importing into Intellij
Spring Cloud projects use annotation processing, particularly Lombok, which requires configuration
or you will encounter compile problems. It also needs a specific version of maven and a profile
enabled. Intellij 14.1+ requires some configuration to ensure these are setup properly.
1. Click Preferences, Plugins. *Ensure Lombok is installed*
2. Click New, Project from Existing Sources, choose your spring-cloud-sleuth directory
3. Choose Maven, and select Environment Settings. *Ensure you are using Maven 3.3.3*
4. In the next screen, *Select the profile `spring`* click Next until Finish.