Commit 01abd6d1 by Spencer Gibb

removed in favor of github issues

parent 5c84080d
## TODO List
- [x] Example front end app (currently in sandbox)
- [x] Example back end service (currently in sandbox)
- [x] Use platform config
- [x] Hystrix integration (hystrix-javanica)
- [x] Feign use spring message converters
- [x] Ribbon (static server list)
- [x] Eureka boot app (Service registration)
- [x] Eureka (apache -> tomcat) see and!topic/eureka_netflix/g3p2r7gHnN0
- [x] Archaius bridge to spring environment
- [x] Ribbon (Client side load balancing) (Eureka integration)
- [x] Remove need for *
- [ ] Use spring boot values as defaults where appropriate
- [x] Synchronous removal of service from eureka on shutdown
- [x] Refresh log levels dynamically
- [x] Router (Zuul) integrated using hystrix/ribbon/eureka
- [ ] Better observable example
- [ ] Distributed refresh environment via platform bus
- [x] Metrics aggregation (turbine)
- [x] Use Eureka for instance discovery rather than static list see
- [ ] Configure InstanceDiscovery.impl using auto config/config props
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