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= Spring Cloud Netflix

9 10

12 13 14

== Service Discovery: Eureka Clients

15 16
Service Discovery is one of the key tenets of a microservice based architecture. Trying to hand configure each client or some form of convention can be very difficult to do and can be very brittle.  Eureka is the Netflix Service Discovery Server and Client.  The server can be configured and deployed to be highly available, with each server replicating state about the registered services to the others.

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
=== How to Include Eureka Client

To include Eureka Client in your project use the starter with group `org.springframework.cloud`
and artifact id `spring-cloud-starter-eureka`. See the http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud/[Spring Cloud Project page]
for details on setting up your build system with the current Spring Cloud Release Train.

24 25
=== Registering with Eureka

Spencer Gibb committed
When a client registers with Eureka, it provides meta-data about itself
27 28 29 30
such as host and port, health indicator URL, home page etc.  Eureka
receives heartbeat messages from each instance belonging to a service.
If the heartbeat fails over a configurable timetable, the instance is
normally removed from the registry.

32 33
Example eureka client:

34 35
36 37 38 39 40 41 42
public class Application {

43 44 45 46
    public String home() {
        return "Hello world";

48 49 50
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new SpringApplicationBuilder(Application.class).web(true).run(args);
51 52


55 56 57 58
(i.e. utterly normal Spring Boot app). In this example we use
`@EnableEurekaClient` explicitly, but with only Eureka available you
could also use `@EnableDiscoveryClient`. Configuration is required to
locate the Eureka server. Example:

60 61 62

63 64 65
      defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/

69 70 71 72 73 74 75
where "defaultZone" is a magic string fallback value that provides the
service URL for any client that doesn't express a preference
(i.e. it's a useful default).

The default application name (service ID), virtual host and non-secure
port, taken from the `Environment`, are `${spring.application.name}`,
`${spring.application.name}` and `${server.port}` respectively.

77 78 79 80 81 82
`@EnableEurekaClient` makes the app into both a Eureka "instance"
(i.e. it registers itself) and a "client" (i.e. it can query the
registry to locate other services). The instance behaviour is driven
by `eureka.instance.*` configuration keys, but the defaults will be
fine if you ensure that your application has a
`spring.application.name` (this is the default for the Eureka service
ID, or VIP).

Dave Syer committed
See {github-code}/spring-cloud-netflix-eureka-client/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/eureka/EurekaInstanceConfigBean.java[EurekaInstanceConfigBean] and {github-code}/spring-cloud-netflix-eureka-client/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/eureka/EurekaClientConfigBean.java[EurekaClientConfigBean] for more details of the configurable options.

87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
=== Authenticating with the Eureka Server

HTTP basic authentication will be automatically added to your eureka
client if one of the `eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone` URLs has
credentials embedded in it (curl style, like
`http://user:password@localhost:8761/eureka`). For more complex needs
you can create a `@Bean` of type `DiscoveryClientOptionalArgs` and
inject `ClientFilter` instances into it, all of which will be applied
to the calls from the client to the server.

NOTE: Because of a limitation in Eureka it isn't possible to support
per-server basic auth credentials, so only the first set that are
found will be used.

101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
=== Status Page and Health Indicator

The status page and health indicators for a Eureka instance default to
"/info" and "/health" respectively, which are the default locations of
useful endpoints in a Spring Boot Actuator application. You need to
change these, even for an Actuator application if you use a
non-default context path or servlet path
(e.g. `server.servletPath=/foo`) or management endpoint path
(e.g. `management.contextPath=/admin`). Example:

115 116
    statusPageUrlPath: ${management.context-path}/info
    healthCheckUrlPath: ${management.context-path}/health
117 118

These links show up in the metadata that is consumed by clients, and
120 121
used in some scenarios to decide whether to send requests to your
application, so it's helpful if they are accurate.
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131

=== Registering a Secure Application

If your app wants to be contacted over HTTPS you can set two flags in
the `EurekaInstanceConfig`, _viz_
respectively. This will make Eureka publish instance information
showing an explicit preference for secure communication. The Spring
Cloud `DiscoveryClient` will always return an `https://...` URI for a
service configured this way, and the Eureka (native) instance
information will have a secure health check URL.
133 134

Because of the way
135 136
Eureka works internally, it will still publish a non-secure URL for
status and home page unless you also override those explicitly.
137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
You can use placeholders to configure the eureka instance urls,

    statusPageUrl: https://${eureka.hostname}/info
    healthCheckUrl: https://${eureka.hostname}/health
    homePageUrl: https://${eureka.hostname}/

(Note that `${eureka.hostname}` is a native placeholder only available
in later versions of Eureka. You could achieve the same thing with
Spring placeholders as well, e.g. using `${eureka.instance.hostName}`.)
152 153 154 155 156

NOTE: If your app is running behind a proxy, and the SSL termination
is in the proxy (e.g. if you run in Cloud Foundry or other platforms
as a service) then you will need to ensure that the proxy "forwarded"
headers are intercepted and handled by the application. An embedded
157 158 159 160
Tomcat container in a Spring Boot app does this automatically if it
has explicit configuration for the 'X-Forwarded-\*` headers. A sign
that you got this wrong will be that the links rendered by your app to
itself will be wrong (the wrong host, port or protocol).

Jakub Narloch committed
162 163 164 165
=== Eureka's Health Checks

By default, Eureka uses the client heartbeat to determine if a client is up.
Unless specified otherwise the Discovery Client will not propagate the
current health check status of the application per the Spring Boot Actuator.  Which means
Jakub Narloch committed
167 168 169
that after successful registration Eureka will always announce that the
application is in 'UP' state. This behaviour can be altered by enabling
Eureka health checks, which results in propagating application status
to Eureka. As a consequence every other application won't be sending
Jakub Narloch committed
171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
traffic to application in state other then 'UP'.

      enabled: true

181 182
WARNING: `eureka.client.healthcheck.enabled=true` should only be set in `application.yml`. Setting the value in `bootstrap.yml` will cause undesirable side effects like registering in eureka with an `UNKNOWN` status.

Jakub Narloch committed
183 184 185
If you require more control over the health checks, you may consider
implementing your own `com.netflix.appinfo.HealthCheckHandler`.

186 187 188 189 190 191
=== Eureka Metadata for Instances and Clients

It's worth spending a bit of time understanding how the Eureka metadata works, so you can use it in a way that makes sense in your platform. There is standard metadata for things like hostname, IP address, port numbers, status page and health check. These are published in the service registry and used by clients to contact the services in a straightforward way. Additional metadata can be added to the instance registration in the `eureka.instance.metadataMap`, and this will be accessible in the remote clients, but in general will not change the behaviour of the client, unless it is made aware of the meaning of the metadata. There are a couple of special cases described below where Spring Cloud already assigns meaning to the metadata map.

==== Using Eureka on Cloudfoundry

Cloudfoundry has a global router so that all instances of the same app have the same hostname (it's the same in other PaaS solutions with a similar architecture). This isn't necessarily a barrier to using Eureka, but if you use the router (recommended, or even mandatory depending on the way your platform was set up), you need to explicitly set the hostname and port numbers (secure or non-secure) so that they use the router. You might also want to use instance metadata so you can distinguish between the instances on the client (e.g. in a custom load balancer). By default, the `eureka.instance.instanceId` is `vcap.application.instance_id`. For example:
193 194 195 196 197

198 199
    hostname: ${vcap.application.uris[0]}
    nonSecurePort: 80
200 201 202 203

Depending on the way the security rules are set up in your Cloudfoundry instance, you might be able to register and use the IP address of the host VM for direct service-to-service calls. This feature is not (yet) available on Pivotal Web Services (https://run.pivotal.io[PWS]).

204 205
==== Using Eureka on AWS

Dave Syer committed
If the application is planned to be deployed to an AWS cloud, then the Eureka instance will have to be configured to be Amazon aware and this can be done by customizing the {github-code}/spring-cloud-netflix-eureka-client/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/eureka/EurekaInstanceConfigBean.java[EurekaInstanceConfigBean] the following way:
207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219

public EurekaInstanceConfigBean eurekaInstanceConfig() {
  EurekaInstanceConfigBean b = new EurekaInstanceConfigBean();
  AmazonInfo info = AmazonInfo.Builder.newBuilder().autoBuild("eureka");
  return b;

==== Changing the Eureka Instance ID

222 223 224
A vanilla Netflix Eureka instance is registered with an ID that is equal to its host name (i.e. only one service per host). Spring Cloud Eureka provides a sensible default that looks like this: `${spring.cloud.client.hostname}:${spring.application.name}:${spring.application.instance_id:${server.port}}}`. For example `myhost:myappname:8080`.

Using Spring Cloud you can override this by providing a unique identifier in `eureka.instance.instanceId`. For example:
225 226 227 228 229

    instanceId: ${spring.application.name}:${vcap.application.instance_id:${spring.application.instance_id:${random.value}}}
231 232

Dave Syer committed
With this metadata, and multiple service instances deployed on
localhost, the random value will kick in there to make the instance
235 236
unique. In Cloudfoundry the `vcap.application.instance_id` will be
populated automatically in a Spring Boot application, so the
237 238
random value will not be needed.

=== Using the EurekaClient

Once you have an app that is `@EnableDiscoveryClient` (or `@EnableEurekaClient`) you can use it to
discover service instances from the <<spring-cloud-eureka-server,
Eureka Server>>. One way to do that is to use the native
`com.netflix.discovery.EurekaClient` (as opposed to the Spring
Cloud `DiscoveryClient`), e.g.
246 247 248

private EurekaClient discoveryClient;
250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258

public String serviceUrl() {
    InstanceInfo instance = discoveryClient.getNextServerFromEureka("STORES", false);
    return instance.getHomePageUrl();

Don't use the `EurekaClient` in `@PostConstruct` method or in a
260 261 262 263
`@Scheduled` method (or anywhere where the `ApplicationContext` might
not be started yet). It is initialized in a `SmartLifecycle` (with
`phase=0`) so the earliest you can rely on it being available is in
another `SmartLifecycle` with higher phase.

=== Alternatives to the native Netflix EurekaClient

You don't have to use the raw Netflix `EurekaClient` and usually it
269 270 271 272
is more convenient to use it behind a wrapper of some sort. Spring
Cloud has support for <<spring-cloud-feign, Feign>> (a REST client
builder) and also <<spring-cloud-ribbon, Spring `RestTemplate`>> using
the logical Eureka service identifiers (VIPs) instead of physical
273 274
URLs. To configure Ribbon with a fixed list of physical servers you
can simply set `<client>.ribbon.listOfServers` to a comma-separated
list of physical addresses (or hostnames), where `<client>` is the ID
of the client.

278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286
You can also use the `org.springframework.cloud.client.discovery.DiscoveryClient`
which provides a simple API for discovery clients that is not specific
to Netflix, e.g.

private DiscoveryClient discoveryClient;

public String serviceUrl() {
    List<ServiceInstance> list = discoveryClient.getInstances("STORES");
288 289 290 291 292 293 294
    if (list != null && list.size() > 0 ) {
        return list.get(0).getUri();
    return null;

295 296 297 298 299 300
=== Why is it so Slow to Register a Service?

Being an instance also involves a periodic heartbeat to the registry
(via the client's `serviceUrl`) with default duration 30 seconds. A
service is not available for discovery by clients until the instance,
the server and the client all have the same metadata in their local
cache (so it could take 3 heartbeats). You can change the period using
302 303 304 305 306 307
`eureka.instance.leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds` and this will speed up
the process of getting clients connected to other services. In
production it's probably better to stick with the default because
there are some computations internally in the server that make
assumptions about the lease renewal period.

309 310
== Service Discovery: Eureka Server

311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321
=== How to Include Eureka Server

To include Eureka Server in your project use the starter with group `org.springframework.cloud`
and artifact id `spring-cloud-starter-eureka-server`. See the http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud/[Spring Cloud Project page]
for details on setting up your build system with the current Spring Cloud Release Train.

=== How to Run a Eureka Server

Example eureka server;

323 324
Dave Syer committed
326 327 328
public class Application {

329 330 331
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new SpringApplicationBuilder(Application.class).web(true).run(args);
332 333

335 336

The server has a home page with a UI, and HTTP API endpoints per the
normal Eureka functionality under `/eureka/*`.

Eureka background reading: see https://github.com/cfregly/fluxcapacitor/wiki/NetflixOSS-FAQ#eureka-service-discovery-load-balancer[flux capacitor] and https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/eureka_netflix/g3p2r7gHnN0[google group discussion].


342 343
Spencer Gibb committed
Due to Gradle's dependency resolution rules and the lack of a parent bom feature, simply depending on spring-cloud-starter-eureka-server can cause failures on application startup. To remedy this the Spring Boot Gradle plugin must be added and the Spring cloud starter parent bom must be imported like so:
345 346 347 348 349 350

buildscript {
  dependencies {
Spencer Gibb committed
352 353 354

Spencer Gibb committed
apply plugin: "spring-boot"
356 357 358

dependencyManagement {
  imports {
Spencer Gibb committed
    mavenBom "org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-dependencies:Brixton.RELEASE"
360 361 362 363 364

365 366 367 368
=== High Availability, Zones and Regions

The Eureka server does not have a backend store, but the service
instances in the registry all have to send heartbeats to keep their
registrations up to date (so this can be done in memory). Clients also
370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377
have an in-memory cache of eureka registrations (so they don't have to
go to the registry for every single request to a service).

By default every Eureka server is also a Eureka client and requires
(at least one) service URL to locate a peer. If you don't provide it
the service will run and work, but it will shower your logs with a lot
of noise about not being able to register with the peer.

378 379 380
See also <<spring-cloud-ribbon,below for details of Ribbon
support>> on the client side for Zones and Regions.

381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397
=== Standalone Mode

The combination of the two caches (client and server) and the
heartbeats make a standalone Eureka server fairly resilient to
failure, as long as there is some sort of monitor or elastic runtime
keeping it alive (e.g. Cloud Foundry). In standalone mode, you might
prefer to switch off the client side behaviour, so it doesn't keep
trying and failing to reach its peers. Example:

.application.yml (Standalone Eureka Server)
  port: 8761

    hostname: localhost
399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423
    registerWithEureka: false
    fetchRegistry: false
      defaultZone: http://${eureka.instance.hostname}:${server.port}/eureka/

Notice that the `serviceUrl` is pointing to the same host as the local

=== Peer Awareness

Eureka can be made even more resilient and available by running
multiple instances and asking them to register with each other. In
fact, this is the default behaviour, so all you need to do to make it
work is add a valid `serviceUrl` to a peer, e.g.

.application.yml (Two Peer Aware Eureka Servers)

  profiles: peer1
    hostname: peer1
425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433
      defaultZone: http://peer2/eureka/

  profiles: peer2
    hostname: peer2
435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453
      defaultZone: http://peer1/eureka/

In this example we have a YAML file that can be used to run the same
server on 2 hosts (peer1 and peer2), by running it in different
Spring profiles. You could use this configuration to test the peer
awareness on a single host (there's not much value in doing that in
production) by manipulating `/etc/hosts` to resolve the host names. In
fact, the `eureka.instance.hostname` is not needed if you are running
on a machine that knows its own hostname (it is looked up using
`java.net.InetAddress` by default).

You can add multiple peers to a system, and as long as they are all
connected to each other by at least one edge, they will synchronize
the registrations amongst themselves. If the peers are physically
separated (inside a data centre or between multiple data centres) then
the system can in principle survive split-brain type failures.

454 455 456 457 458 459 460
=== Prefer IP Address

In some cases, it is preferable for Eureka to advertise the IP Adresses
of services rather than the hostname.  Set `eureka.instance.preferIpAddress`
to `true` and when the application registers with eureka, it will use its
IP Address rather than its hostname.

461 462
== Circuit Breaker: Hystrix Clients

463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474
Netflix has created a library called https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix[Hystrix] that implements the http://martinfowler.com/bliki/CircuitBreaker.html[circuit breaker pattern].  In a microservice architecture it is common to have multiple layers of service calls.

.Microservice Graph

A service failure in the lower level of services can cause cascading failure all the way up to the user.  When calls to a particular service reach a certain threshold (20 failures in 5 seconds is the default in Hystrix), the circuit opens and the call is not made.  In cases of error and an open circuit a fallback can be provided by the developer.

.Hystrix fallback prevents cascading failures

Having an open circuit stops cascading failures and allows overwhelmed or failing services time to heal.  The fallback can be another Hystrix protected call, static data or a sane empty value.  Fallbacks may be chained so the first fallback makes some other business call which in turn falls back to static data.

475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482

=== How to Include Hystrix

To include Hystrix in your project use the starter with group `org.springframework.cloud`
and artifact id `spring-cloud-starter-hystrix`. See the http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud/[Spring Cloud Project page]
for details on setting up your build system with the current Spring Cloud Release Train.

483 484
Example boot app:

486 487
488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497
public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new SpringApplicationBuilder(Application.class).web(true).run(args);


public class StoreIntegration {

499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508
    @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "defaultStores")
    public Object getStores(Map<String, Object> parameters) {
        //do stuff that might fail

    public Object defaultStores(Map<String, Object> parameters) {
        return /* something useful */;


The `@HystrixCommand` is provided by a Netflix contrib library called
512 513
Spring Cloud automatically wraps Spring beans with that
514 515 516 517
annotation in a proxy that is connected to the Hystrix circuit
breaker. The circuit breaker calculates when to open and close the
circuit, and what to do in case of a failure.

518 519 520 521 522 523
To configure the `@HystrixCommand` you can use the `commandProperties`
attribute with a list of `@HystrixProperty` annotations.  See
for more details.  See the https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix/wiki/Configuration[Hystrix wiki]
for details on the properties available.

=== Propagating the Security Context or using Spring Scopes
525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533

If you want some thread local context to propagate into a `@HystrixCommand` the default declaration will not work because it executes the command in a thread pool (in case of timeouts). You can switch Hystrix to use the same thread as the caller using some configuration, or directly in the annotation, by asking it to use a different "Isolation Strategy". For example:

@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "stubMyService",
    commandProperties = {
      @HystrixProperty(name="execution.isolation.strategy", value="SEMAPHORE")
535 536 537 538 539

The same thing applies if you are using `@SessionScope` or `@RequestScope`. You will know when you need to do this because of a runtime exception that says it can't find the scoped context.

You also have the option to set the `hystrix.shareSecurityContext` property to `true`. Doing so will auto configure an Hystrix concurrency strategy plugin hook who will transfer the `SecurityContext` from your main thread to the one used by the Hystrix command. Hystrix does not allow multiple hystrix concurrency strategy to be registered so an extension mechanism is available by declaring your own `HystrixConcurrencyStrategy` as a Spring bean. Spring Cloud will lookup for your implementation within the Spring context and wrap it inside its own plugin.

542 543
### Health Indicator

The state of the connected circuit breakers are also exposed in the
`/health` endpoint of the calling application.
546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559

    "hystrix": {
        "openCircuitBreakers": [
        "status": "CIRCUIT_OPEN"
    "status": "UP"

560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571
=== Hystrix Metrics Stream

To enable the Hystrix metrics stream include a dependency on `spring-boot-starter-actuator`.  This will expose the `/hystrix.stream` as a management endpoint.


572 573
== Circuit Breaker: Hystrix Dashboard

574 575 576 577 578
One of the main benefits of Hystrix is the set of metrics it gathers about each HystrixCommand.  The Hystrix Dashboard displays the health of each circuit breaker in an efficient manner.

.Hystrix Dashboard

579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586

=== How to Include Hystrix Dashboard

To include the Hystrix Dashboard in your project use the starter with group `org.springframework.cloud`
and artifact id `spring-cloud-starter-hystrix-dashboard`. See the http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud/[Spring Cloud Project page]
for details on setting up your build system with the current Spring Cloud Release Train.

To run the Hystrix Dashboard annotate your Spring Boot main class with `@EnableHystrixDashboard`.  You then visit `/hystrix` and point the dashboard to an individual instances `/hystrix.stream` endpoint in a Hystrix client application.

589 590
=== Turbine

Dave Syer committed
Looking at an individual instances Hystrix data is not very useful in terms of the overall health of the system.  https://github.com/Netflix/Turbine[Turbine] is an application that aggregates all of the relevant `/hystrix.stream` endpoints into a combined `/turbine.stream` for use in the Hystrix Dashboard.  Individual instances are located via Eureka.  Running Turbine is as simple as annotating your main class with the `@EnableTurbine` annotation  (e.g. using spring-cloud-starter-turbine to set up the classpath).  All of the documented configuration properties from https://github.com/Netflix/Turbine/wiki/Configuration-(1.x)[the Turbine 1 wiki] apply.  The only difference is that the `turbine.instanceUrlSuffix` does not need the port prepended as this is handled automatically unless `turbine.instanceInsertPort=false`.

593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602
NOTE: By default, Turbine looks for the `/hystrix.stream` endpoint on a registered instance by looking up its `homePageUrl` entry in Eureka, then appending `/hystrix.stream` to it. This means that if `spring-boot-actuator` is running on its own port (which is the default), the call to `/hystrix.stream` will fail. 
To make turbine find the Hystrix stream at the correct port, you need to add `management.port` to the instances' metadata: 
      management.port: ${management.port:8081}

Dave Syer committed
The configuration key `turbine.appConfig` is a list of eureka serviceIds that turbine will use to lookup instances.  The turbine stream is then used in the Hystrix dashboard using a url that looks like: `http://my.turbine.sever:8080/turbine.stream?cluster=<CLUSTERNAME>` (the cluster parameter can be omitted if the name is "default"). The `cluster` parameter must match an entry in `turbine.aggregator.clusterConfig`. Values returned from eureka are uppercase, thus we expect this example to work if there is an app registered with Eureka called "customers":

605 606 607 608 609 610 611
    clusterConfig: CUSTOMERS
  appConfig: customers

Dave Syer committed
612 613 614 615 616 617 618
The `clusterName` can be customized by a SPEL expression in `turbine.clusterNameExpression` with root an instance of `InstanceInfo`. The default value is `appName`, which means that the Eureka serviceId ends up as the cluster key (i.e. the `InstanceInfo` for customers has an `appName` of "CUSTOMERS").  A different example would be `turbine.clusterNameExpression=aSGName`, which would get the cluster name from the AWS ASG name. Another example:

    clusterConfig: SYSTEM,USER
  appConfig: customers,stores,ui,admin
  clusterNameExpression: metadata['cluster']
Dave Syer committed
620 621 622 623

In this case, the cluster name from 4 services is pulled from their metadata map, and is expected to have values that include "SYSTEM" and "USER".

To use the "default" cluster for all apps you need a string literal expression (with single quotes, and escaped with double quotes if it is in YAML as well):
625 626 627 628

  appConfig: customers,stores
  clusterNameExpression: "'default'"
631 632 633

Spring Cloud provides a `spring-cloud-starter-turbine` that has all the dependencies you need to get a Turbine server running. Just create a Spring Boot application and annotate it with `@EnableTurbine`.

NOTE: by default Spring Cloud allows Turbine to use the host and port to allow multiple processes per host, per cluster. If you want the native Netflix behaviour built into Turbine that does _not_ allow multiple processes per host, per cluster (the key to the instance id is the hostname), then set the property `turbine.combineHostPort=false`.

=== Turbine Stream

In some environments (e.g. in a PaaS setting), the classic Turbine model of pulling metrics from all the distributed Hystrix commands doesn't work. In that case you might want to have your Hystrix commands push metrics to Turbine, and Spring Cloud enables that with messaging. All you need to do on the client is add a dependency to `spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-stream` and the `spring-cloud-starter-stream-*` of your choice (see Spring Cloud Stream documentation for details on the brokers, and how to configure the client credentials, but it should work out of the box for a local broker).

On the server side Just create a Spring Boot application and annotate it with `@EnableTurbineStream` and by default it will come up on port 8989 (point your Hystrix dashboard to that port, any path). You can customize the port using either `server.port` or `turbine.stream.port`. If you have `spring-boot-starter-web` and `spring-boot-starter-actuator` on the classpath as well, then you can open up the Actuator endpoints on a separate port (with Tomcat by default) by providing a `management.port` which is different.

You can then point the Hystrix Dashboard to the Turbine Stream Server instead of individual Hystrix streams.  If Turbine Stream is running on port 8989 on myhost, then put `http://myhost:8989` in the stream input field in the Hystrix Dashboard. Circuits will be prefixed by their respective serviceId, followed by a dot, then the circuit name.

Dave Syer committed
Spring Cloud provides a `spring-cloud-starter-turbine-stream` that has all the dependencies you need to get a Turbine Stream server running - just add the Stream binder of your choice, e.g. `spring-cloud-starter-stream-rabbit`. You need Java 8 to run the app because it is Netty-based.

647 648
== Client Side Load Balancer: Ribbon

649 650 651 652 653 654
Ribbon is a client side load balancer which gives you a lot of control
over the behaviour of HTTP and TCP clients. Feign already uses Ribbon,
so if you are using `@FeignClient` then this section also applies.

A central concept in Ribbon is that of the named client. Each load
balancer is part of an ensemble of components that work together to
Marcin Grzejszczak committed
contact a remote server on demand, and the ensemble has a name that
656 657 658 659
you give it as an application developer (e.g. using the `@FeignClient`
annotation). Spring Cloud creates a new ensemble as an
`ApplicationContext` on demand for each named client using
`RibbonClientConfiguration`. This contains (amongst other things) an
`ILoadBalancer`, a `RestClient`, and a `ServerListFilter`.

662 663 664 665 666 667 668
=== How to Include Ribbon

To include Ribbon in your project use the starter with group `org.springframework.cloud`
and artifact id `spring-cloud-starter-ribbon`. See the http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud/[Spring Cloud Project page]
for details on setting up your build system with the current Spring Cloud Release Train.

669 670 671 672 673
=== Customizing the Ribbon Client

You can configure some bits of a Ribbon client using external
properties in `<client>.ribbon.*`, which is no different than using
the Netflix APIs natively, except that you can use Spring Boot
configuration files. The native options can
675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683
be inspected as static fields in `CommonClientConfigKey` (part of

Spring Cloud also lets you take full control of the client by
declaring additional configuration (on top of the
`RibbonClientConfiguration`) using `@RibbonClient`. Example:

Spencer Gibb committed
684 685 686 687
@RibbonClient(name = "foo", configuration = FooConfiguration.class)
public class TestConfiguration {
688 689 690 691 692 693

In this case the client is composed from the components already in
`RibbonClientConfiguration` together with any in `FooConfiguration`
(where the latter generally will override the former).

694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701
WARNING: The `FooConfiguration` has to be `@Configuration` but take
care that it is not in a `@ComponentScan` for the main application
context, otherwise it will be shared by all the `@RibbonClients`. If
you use `@ComponentScan` (or `@SpringBootApplication`) you need to
take steps to avoid it being included (for instance put it in a
separate, non-overlapping package, or specify the packages to scan
explicitly in the `@ComponentScan`).

702 703 704 705 706 707
Spring Cloud Netflix provides the following beans by default for ribbon
(`BeanType` beanName: `ClassName`):

* `IClientConfig` ribbonClientConfig: `DefaultClientConfigImpl`
* `IRule` ribbonRule: `ZoneAvoidanceRule`
* `IPing` ribbonPing: `NoOpPing`
Eric Bottard committed
* `ServerList<Server>` ribbonServerList: `ConfigurationBasedServerList`
709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717
* `ServerListFilter<Server>` ribbonServerListFilter: `ZonePreferenceServerListFilter`
* `ILoadBalancer` ribbonLoadBalancer: `ZoneAwareLoadBalancer`

Creating a bean of one of those type and placing it in a `@RibbonClient`
configuration (such as `FooConfiguration` above) allows you to override each
one of the beans described.  Example:

Spencer Gibb committed
718 719 720 721 722 723 724
public class FooConfiguration {
    public IPing ribbonPing(IClientConfig config) {
        return new PingUrl();
725 726 727 728

This replaces the `NoOpPing` with `PingUrl`.

729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755
=== Customizing the Ribbon Client using properties

Starting with version 1.2.0, Spring Cloud Netflix now supports customizing Ribbon clients using properties to be compatible with the https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon/wiki/Working-with-load-balancers#components-of-load-balancer[Ribbon documentation].

This allows you to change behavior at start up time in different environments.

The supported properties are listed below and should be prefixed by `<clientName>.ribbon.`:

* `NFLoadBalancerClassName`: should implement `ILoadBalancer`
* `NFLoadBalancerRuleClassName`: should implement `IRule`
* `NFLoadBalancerPingClassName`: should implement `IPing`
* `NIWSServerListClassName`: should implement `ServerList`
* `NIWSServerListFilterClassName` should implement `ServerListFilter`

NOTE: Classes defined in these properties have precedence over beans defined using `@RibbonClient(configuration=MyRibbonConfig.class)` and the defaults provided by Spring Cloud Netflix.

To set the `IRule` for a service name `users` you could set the following:

    NFLoadBalancerRuleClassName: com.netflix.loadbalancer.WeightedResponseTimeRule

See the https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon/wiki/Working-with-load-balancers[Ribbon documentation] for implementations provided by Ribbon.

=== Using Ribbon with Eureka

When Eureka is used in conjunction with Ribbon (i.e., both are on the classpath) the `ribbonServerList`
759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766
is overridden with an extension of `DiscoveryEnabledNIWSServerList`
which populates the list of servers from Eureka.  It also replaces the
`IPing` interface with `NIWSDiscoveryPing` which delegates to Eureka
to determine if a server is up. The `ServerList` that is installed by
default is a `DomainExtractingServerList` and the purpose of this is
to make physical metadata available to the load balancer without using
AWS AMI metadata (which is what Netflix relies on). By default the
server list will be constructed with "zone" information as provided in
the instance metadata (so on the remote clients set
768 769
`eureka.instance.metadataMap.zone`), and if that is missing it can use
the domain name from the server hostname as a proxy for zone (if the
770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787
flag `approximateZoneFromHostname` is set). Once the zone information
is available it can be used in a `ServerListFilter`. By default it
will be used to locate a server in the same zone as the client because
the default is a `ZonePreferenceServerListFilter`. The zone of the
client is determined the same way as the remote instances by default,
i.e. via `eureka.instance.metadataMap.zone`.

NOTE: The orthodox "archaius" way to set the client zone is via a
configuration property called "@zone", and Spring Cloud will use that
in preference to all other settings if it is available (note that the
key will have to be quoted in YAML configuration).

NOTE: If there is no other source of zone data then a guess is made
based on the client configuration (as opposed to the instance
configuration). We take `eureka.client.availabilityZones`, which is a
map from region name to a list of zones, and pull out the first zone
for the instance's own region (i.e. the `eureka.client.region`, which
defaults to "us-east-1" for comatibility with native Netflix).

789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806
=== Example: How to Use Ribbon Without Eureka

Eureka is a convenient way to abstract the discovery of remote servers
so you don't have to hard code their URLs in clients, but if you
prefer not to use it, Ribbon and Feign are still quite
amenable. Suppose you have declared a `@RibbonClient` for "stores",
and Eureka is not in use (and not even on the classpath). The Ribbon
client defaults to a configured server list, and you can supply the
configuration like this

    listOfServers: example.com,google.com

807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818
=== Example: Disable Eureka use in Ribbon

Setting the property `ribbon.eureka.enabled = false` will explicitly
disable the use of Eureka in Ribbon.

   enabled: false

819 820 821
=== Using the Ribbon API Directly

You can also use the `LoadBalancerClient` directly. Example:

823 824
825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834
public class MyClass {
    private LoadBalancerClient loadBalancer;

    public void doStuff() {
        ServiceInstance instance = loadBalancer.choose("stores");
        URI storesUri = URI.create(String.format("http://%s:%s", instance.getHost(), instance.getPort()));
        // ... do something with the URI

837 838 839 840 841
== Declarative REST Client: Feign

https://github.com/Netflix/feign[Feign] is a declarative web service client.  It makes writing web service clients easier.  To use Feign create an interface and annotate it.  It has pluggable annotation support including Feign annotations and JAX-RS annotations. Feign also supports pluggable encoders and decoders.  Spring Cloud adds support for Spring MVC annotations and for using the same `HttpMessageConverters` used by default in Spring Web.  Spring Cloud integrates Ribbon and Eureka to provide a load balanced http client when using Feign.

842 843 844 845 846 847 848
=== How to Include Feign

To include Feign in your project use the starter with group `org.springframework.cloud`
and artifact id `spring-cloud-starter-feign`. See the http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud/[Spring Cloud Project page]
for details on setting up your build system with the current Spring Cloud Release Train.

849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875
Example spring boot app

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);


public interface StoreClient {
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/stores")
    List<Store> getStores();

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/stores/{storeId}", consumes = "application/json")
    Store update(@PathVariable("storeId") Long storeId, Store store);
877 878 879 880 881 882 883

In the `@FeignClient` annotation the String value ("stores" above) is
an arbitrary client name, which is used to create a Ribbon load
balancer (see <<spring-cloud-ribbon,below for details of Ribbon
support>>). You can also specify a URL using the `url` attribute
884 885 886 887 888 889
(absolute value or just a hostname). The name of the bean in the
application context is the fully qualified name of the interface.
An alias is also created which is the 'name' attribute plus 'FeignClient'.
For the example above, `@Qualifier("storesFeignClient")` could be used to
reference the bean. If you want to change the default `@Qualifier` value,
this can be done with the `qualifier` value in `@FeignClient`.
890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897

The Ribbon client above will want to discover the physical addresses
for the "stores" service. If your application is a Eureka client then
it will resolve the service in the Eureka service registry. If you
don't want to use Eureka, you can simply configure a list of servers
in your external configuration (see
<<spring-cloud-ribbon-without-eureka,above for example>>).

898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907
=== Overriding Feign Defaults

A central concept in Spring Cloud's Feign support is that of the named client. Each feign client is part of an ensemble of components that work together to contact a remote server on demand, and the ensemble has a name that you give it as an application developer using the `@FeignClient` annotation. Spring Cloud creates a new ensemble as an
`ApplicationContext` on demand for each named client using `FeignClientsConfiguration`. This contains (amongst other things) an `feign.Decoder`, a `feign.Encoder`, and a `feign.Contract`.

Spring Cloud lets you take full control of the feign client by declaring additional configuration (on top of the `FeignClientsConfiguration`) using `@FeignClient`. Example:

Spencer Gibb committed
908 909 910 911
@FeignClient(name = "stores", configuration = FooConfiguration.class)
public interface StoreClient {
912 913 914 915

In this case the client is composed from the components already in `FeignClientsConfiguration` together with any in `FooConfiguration` (where the latter will override the former).

WARNING: The `FooConfiguration` has to be `@Configuration` but take care that it is not in a `@ComponentScan` for the main application context, otherwise it will be used for every `@FeignClient`. If you use `@ComponentScan` (or `@SpringBootApplication`) you need to take steps to avoid it being included (for instance put it in a separate, non-overlapping package, or specify the packages to scan explicitly in the `@ComponentScan`).
917 918 919 920 921

NOTE: The `serviceId` attribute is now deprecated in favor of the `name` attribute.

WARNING: Previously, using the `url` attribute, did not require the `name` attribute. Using `name` is now required.

922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931
Placeholders are supported in the `name` and `url` attributes.

@FeignClient(name = "${feign.name}", url = "${feign.url}")
public interface StoreClient {

932 933 934 935 936 937
Spring Cloud Netflix provides the following beans by default for feign (`BeanType` beanName: `ClassName`):

* `Decoder` feignDecoder: `ResponseEntityDecoder` (which wraps a `SpringDecoder`)
* `Encoder` feignEncoder: `SpringEncoder`
* `Logger` feignLogger: `Slf4jLogger`
* `Contract` feignContract: `SpringMvcContract`
* `Feign.Builder` feignBuilder: `HystrixFeign.Builder`
939 940 941
* `Client` feignClient: if Ribbon is enabled it is a `LoadBalancerFeignClient`, otherwise the default feign client is used.

The OkHttpClient and ApacheHttpClient feign clients can be used by setting `feign.okhttp.enabled` or `feign.httpclient.enabled` to `true`, respectively, and having them on the classpath.
942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954

Spring Cloud Netflix _does not_ provide the following beans by default for feign, but still looks up beans of these types from the application context to create the feign client:

* `Logger.Level`
* `Retryer`
* `ErrorDecoder`
* `Request.Options`
* `Collection<RequestInterceptor>`

Creating a bean of one of those type and placing it in a `@FeignClient` configuration (such as `FooConfiguration` above) allows you to override each one of the beans described.  Example:

Spencer Gibb committed
955 956 957
public class FooConfiguration {
Mathias Düsterhöft committed
    public Contract feignContract() {
Spencer Gibb committed
959 960
        return new feign.Contract.Default();

Spencer Gibb committed
962 963 964 965 966
    public BasicAuthRequestInterceptor basicAuthRequestInterceptor() {
        return new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("user", "password");
967 968 969 970 971 972

This replaces the `SpringMvcContract` with `feign.Contract.Default` and adds a `RequestInterceptor` to the collection of `RequestInterceptor`.

Default configurations can be specified in the `@EnableFeignClients` attribute `defaultConfiguration` in a similar manner as described above. The difference is that this configuration will apply to _all_ feign clients.

Ryan Baxter committed
973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991
=== Creating Feign Clients Manually

In some cases it might be necessary to customize your Feign Clients in a way that is not
possible using the methods above.  In this case you can create Clients using the
https://github.com/OpenFeign/feign/#basics[Feign Builder API]. Below is an example
which creates two Feign Clients with the same interface but configures each one with
a separate request interceptor.

class FooController {

	private FooClient fooClient;

	private FooClient adminClient;

	public FooController(
992 993
			ResponseEntityDecoder decoder, SpringEncoder encoder, Client client) {
		this.fooClient = Feign.builder().client(client)
Ryan Baxter committed
995 996 997 998
				.requestInterceptor(new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("user", "user"))
				.target(FooClient.class, "http://PROD-SVC");
		this.adminClient = Feign.builder().client(client)
Ryan Baxter committed
1000 1001 1002
				.requestInterceptor(new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("admin", "admin"))
				.target(FooClient.class, "http://PROD-SVC");
Ryan Baxter committed
1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009

NOTE: In the above example `FeignClientsConfiguration.class` is the default configuration
provided by Spring Cloud Netflix.

Ryan Baxter committed
NOTE: `PROD-SVC` is the name of the service the Clients will be making requests to.
Ryan Baxter committed

1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032
=== Feign Hystrix Support

If Hystrix is on the classpath, by default Feign will wrap all methods with a circuit breaker. Returning a `com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixCommand` is also available. This lets you use reactive patterns (with a call to `.toObservable()` or `.observe()` or asynchronous use (with a call to `.queue()`).

To disable Hystrix support for Feign, set `feign.hystrix.enabled=false`.

To disable Hystrix support on a per-client basis create a vanilla `Feign.Builder` with the "prototype" scope, e.g.:

public class FooConfiguration {
	public Feign.Builder feignBuilder() {
		return Feign.builder();

1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053
=== Feign Hystrix Fallbacks

Hystrix supports the notion of a fallback: a default code path that is executed when they circuit is open or there is an error. To enable fallbacks for a given `@FeignClient` set the `fallback` attribute to the class name that implements the fallback.

@FeignClient(name = "hello", fallback = HystrixClientFallback.class)
protected interface HystrixClient {
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/hello")
    Hello iFailSometimes();

static class HystrixClientFallback implements HystrixClient {
    public Hello iFailSometimes() {
        return new Hello("fallback");

1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077
If one needs access to the cause that made the fallback trigger, one can use the `fallbackFactory` attribute inside `@FeignClient`.

@FeignClient(name = "hello", fallbackFactory = HystrixClientFallbackFactory.class)
protected interface HystrixClient {
	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/hello")
	Hello iFailSometimes();

static class HystrixClientFallbackFactory implements FallbackFactory<HystrixClient> {
	public HystrixClient create(Throwable cause) {
		return new HystrixClientWithFallBackFactory() {
			public Hello iFailSometimes() {
				return new Hello("fallback; reason was: " + cause.getMessage());

1078 1079
WARNING: There is a limitation with the implementation of fallbacks in Feign and how Hystrix fallbacks work. Fallbacks are currently not supported for methods that return `com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixCommand` and `rx.Observable`.

1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107
=== Feign Inheritance Support

Feign supports boilerplate apis via single-inheritance interfaces.
This allows grouping common operations into convenient base interfaces.

public interface UserService {

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value ="/users/{id}")
    User getUser(@PathVariable("id") long id);

public class UserResource implements UserService {


Spencer Gibb committed
1108 1109
package project.user;

1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115
public interface UserClient extends UserService {


Dave Syer committed
NOTE: It is generally not advisable to share an interface between a
1117 1118 1119 1120
server and a client. It introduces tight coupling, and also actually
doesn't work with Spring MVC in its current form (method parameter
mapping is not inherited).

1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142
=== Feign request/response compression

You may consider enabling the request or response GZIP compression for your
Feign requests. You can do this by enabling one of the properties:


Feign request compression gives you settings similar to what you may set for your web server:


These properties allow you to be selective about the compressed media types and minimum request threshold length.

Spencer Gibb committed
1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173
=== Feign logging

A logger is created for each Feign client created. By default the name of the logger is the full class name of the interface used to create the Feign client. Feign logging only responds to the `DEBUG` level.


logging.level.project.user.UserClient: DEBUG

The `Logger.Level` object that you may configure per client, tells Feign how much to log. Choices are:

* `NONE`, No logging (*DEFAULT*).
* `BASIC`, Log only the request method and URL and the response status code and execution time.
* `HEADERS`, Log the basic information along with request and response headers.
* `FULL`, Log the headers, body, and metadata for both requests and responses.

For example, the following would set the `Logger.Level` to `FULL`:

public class FooConfiguration {
    Logger.Level feignLoggerLevel() {
        return Logger.Level.FULL;

1174 1175
== External Configuration: Archaius

1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191
https://github.com/Netflix/archaius[Archaius] is the Netflix client side configuration library.  It is the library used by all of the Netflix OSS components for configuration.  Archaius is an extension of the http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-configuration[Apache Commons Configuration] project.  It allows updates to configuration by either polling a source for changes or for a source to push changes to the client.  Archaius uses Dynamic<Type>Property classes as handles to properties.

.Archaius Example
class ArchaiusTest {
    DynamicStringProperty myprop = DynamicPropertyFactory

    void doSomething() {

Archaius has its own set of configuration files and loading priorities.  Spring applications should generally not use Archaius directly, but the need to configure the Netflix tools natively remains.  Spring Cloud has a Spring Environment Bridge so Archaius can read properties from the Spring Environment.  This allows Spring Boot projects to use the normal configuration toolchain, while allowing them to configure the Netflix tools, for the most part, as documented.

1194 1195
== Router and Filter: Zuul

1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212
Routing in an integral part of a microservice architecture.  For example, `/` may be mapped to your web application, `/api/users` is mapped to the user service and `/api/shop` is mapped to the shop service.  https://github.com/Netflix/zuul[Zuul] is a JVM based router and server side load balancer by Netflix.

http://www.slideshare.net/MikeyCohen1/edge-architecture-ieee-international-conference-on-cloud-engineering-32240146/27[Netflix uses Zuul] for the following:

* Authentication
* Insights
* Stress Testing
* Canary Testing
* Dynamic Routing
* Service Migration
* Load Shedding
* Security
* Static Response handling
* Active/Active traffic management

Zuul's rule engine allows rules and filters to be written in essentially any JVM language, with built in support for Java and Groovy.

1213 1214
NOTE: The configuration property `zuul.max.host.connections` has been replaced by two new properties, `zuul.host.maxTotalConnections` and `zuul.host.maxPerRouteConnections` which default to 200 and 20 respectively.

1215 1216
NOTE: Default Hystrix isolation pattern (ExecutionIsolationStrategy) for all routes is SEMAPHORE.  `zuul.ribbonIsolationStrategy` can be changed to THREAD if this isolation pattern is preferred.

1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223
=== How to Include Zuul

To include Zuul in your project use the starter with group `org.springframework.cloud`
and artifact id `spring-cloud-starter-zuul`. See the http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud/[Spring Cloud Project page]
for details on setting up your build system with the current Spring Cloud Release Train.

1224 1225 1226
=== Embedded Zuul Reverse Proxy

1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235
Spring Cloud has created an embedded Zuul proxy to ease the
development of a very common use case where a UI application wants to
proxy calls to one or more back end services.  This feature is useful
for a user interface to proxy to the backend services it requires,
avoiding the need to manage CORS and authentication concerns
independently for all the backends.

To enable it, annotate a Spring Boot main class with
`@EnableZuulProxy`, and this forwards local calls to the appropriate
service.  By convention, a service with the ID "users", will
1237 1238
receive requests from the proxy located at `/users` (with the prefix
stripped). The proxy uses Ribbon to locate an instance to forward to
via discovery, and all requests are executed in a hystrix command, so
1240 1241 1242
failures will show up in Hystrix metrics, and once the circuit is open
the proxy will not try to contact the service.

NOTE: the Zuul starter does not include a discovery client, so for
routes based on service IDs you need to provide one of those
1245 1246
on the classpath as well (e.g. Eureka is one choice).

To skip having a service automatically added, set
1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255
`zuul.ignored-services` to a list of service id patterns. If a service
matches a pattern that is ignored, but also included in the explicitly
configured routes map, then it will be unignored. Example:

  ignoredServices: '*'
1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263
    users: /myusers/**

In this example, all services are ignored *except* "users".

To augment or change
1264 1265
the proxy routes, you can add external configuration like the

1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275
    users: /myusers/**

This means that http calls to "/myusers" get forwarded to the "users"
service (for example "/myusers/101" is forwarded to "/101").
1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292

To get more fine-grained control over a route you can specify the path
and the serviceId independently:

      path: /myusers/**
      serviceId: users_service

This means that http calls to "/myusers" get forwarded to the
"users_service" service.  The route has to have a "path" which can be
specified as an ant-style pattern, so "/myusers/{asterisk}" only matches one
level, but "/myusers/{all}" matches hierarchically.
1295 1296

The location of the backend can be specified as either a "serviceId"
(for a service from discovery) or a "url" (for a physical location), e.g.
1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308

      path: /myusers/**
      url: http://example.com/users_service

Tommy Ludwig committed
1309 1310
These simple url-routes don't get executed as a `HystrixCommand` nor can you loadbalance multiple URLs with Ribbon.
To achieve this, specify a service-route and configure a Ribbon client for the
1311 1312
serviceId (this currently requires disabling Eureka support in Ribbon:
see <<spring-cloud-ribbon-without-eureka,above for more information>>), e.g.
1313 1314 1315 1316

1318 1319 1320 1321
      path: /myusers/**
      serviceId: users
1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327

    enabled: false

1328 1329 1330 1331
    listOfServers: example.com,google.com

You can provide convention between serviceId and routes using
Tommy Ludwig committed
regexmapper.  It uses regular expression named groups to extract
variables from serviceId and inject them into a route pattern.

1336 1337
1339 1340
public PatternServiceRouteMapper serviceRouteMapper() {
Dave Syer committed
    return new PatternServiceRouteMapper(
1342 1343 1344
1345 1346

1347 1348
This means that a serviceId "myusers-v1" will be mapped to route
"/v1/myusers/{all}".  Any regular expression is accepted but all named
Tommy Ludwig committed
1349 1350 1351 1352 1353
groups must be present in both servicePattern and routePattern.  If
servicePattern does not match a serviceId, the default behavior is
used. In the example above, a serviceId "myusers" will be mapped to route
"/myusers/{all}" (no version detected) This feature is disable by
default and only applies to discovered services.

1355 1356 1357 1358 1359
To add a prefix to all mappings, set `zuul.prefix` to a value, such as
`/api`. The proxy prefix is stripped from the request before the
request is forwarded by default (switch this behaviour off with
`zuul.stripPrefix=false`). You can also switch off the stripping of
the service-specific prefix from individual routes, e.g.
1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367

      path: /myusers/**
      stripPrefix: false
1369 1370

1371 1372 1373
NOTE:  `zuul.stripPrefix` only applies to the prefix set in `zuul.prefix`.  It does have any effect on prefixes
defined within a given route's `path`.

Tommy Ludwig committed
In this example, requests to "/myusers/101" will be forwarded to "/myusers/101" on the "users" service.

The `zuul.routes` entries actually bind to an object of type `ZuulProperties`. If you
1377 1378 1379 1380 1381
look at the properties of that object you will see that it also has a "retryable" flag.
Set that flag to "true" to have the Ribbon client automatically retry failed requests
(and if you need to you can modify the parameters of the retry operations using
the Ribbon client configuration).

Eric Bottard committed
The `X-Forwarded-Host` header is added to the forwarded requests by
1383 1384 1385 1386
default.  To turn it off set `zuul.addProxyHeaders = false`.  The
prefix path is stripped by default, and the request to the backend
picks up a header "X-Forwarded-Prefix" ("/myusers" in the examples

Tommy Ludwig committed
An application with `@EnableZuulProxy` could act as a standalone
server if you set a default route ("/"), for example `zuul.route.home:
/` would route all traffic (i.e. "/{all}") to the "home" service.

If more fine-grained ignoring is needed, you can specify specific patterns to ignore.
Tommy Ludwig committed
These patterns are evaluated at the start of the route location process, which
means prefixes should be included in the pattern to warrant a match. Ignored patterns
1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400
span all services and supersede any other route specification.

  ignoredPatterns: /**/admin/**
1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408
    users: /myusers/**

This means that all calls such as "/myusers/101" will be forwarded to "/101" on the "users" service.
But calls including "/admin/" will not resolve.

1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425
WARNING: If you need your routes to have their order preserved you need to use a YAML
file as the ordering will be lost using a properties file. For example:

      path: /myusers/**
      path: /**

If you were to use a properties file, the `legacy` path may end up in front of the `users`
path rendering the `users` path unreachable.

1426 1427 1428
=== Zuul Http Client

The default HTTP client used by zuul is now backed by the Apache HTTP Client instead of the
deprecated Ribbon `RestClient`. To use `RestClient` or to use the `okhttp3.OkHttpClient` set
1430 1431
`ribbon.restclient.enabled=true` or `ribbon.okhttp.enabled=true` respectively.

=== Cookies and Sensitive Headers
1433 1434 1435

It's OK to share headers between services in the same system, but you
probably don't want sensitive headers leaking downstream into external
1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448
servers. You can specify a list of ignored headers as part of the
route configuration. Cookies play a special role because they have
well-defined semantics in browsers, and they are always to be treated
as sensitive. If the consumer of your proxy is a browser, then cookies
for downstream services also cause problems for the user because they
all get jumbled up (all downstream services look like they come from
the same place).

If you are careful with the design of your services, for example if
only one of the downstream services sets cookies, then you might be
able to let them flow from the backend all the way up to the
caller. Also, if your proxy sets cookies and all your back end
services are part of the same system, it can be natural to simply
Tommy Ludwig committed
share them (and for instance use Spring Session to link them up to some
1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457
shared state). Other than that, any cookies that get set by downstream
services are likely to be not very useful to the caller, so it is
recommended that you make (at least) "Set-Cookie" and "Cookie" into
sensitive headers for routes that are not part of your domain. Even
for routes that *are* part of your domain, try to think carefully
about what it means before allowing cookies to flow between them and
the proxy.

Tommy Ludwig committed
The sensitive headers can be configured as a comma-separated list per
1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467
route, e.g.

      path: /myusers/**
      sensitiveHeaders: Cookie,Set-Cookie,Authorization
Tommy Ludwig committed
      url: https://downstream
1470 1471

Tommy Ludwig committed
Sensitive headers can also be set globally by setting `zuul.sensitiveHeaders`. If `sensitiveHeaders` is set on a route, this will override the global `sensitiveHeaders` setting.

1474 1475 1476 1477 1478
NOTE: this is the default value for `sensitiveHeaders`, so you don't
need to set it unless you want it to be different. N.B. this is new in
Spring Cloud Netflix 1.1 (in 1.0 the user had no control over headers
and all cookies flow in both directions).

1479 1480
=== Ignored Headers

1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488
In addition to the per-route sensitive headers, you can set a global
value for `zuul.ignoredHeaders` for values that should be discarded
(both request and response) during interactions with downstream
services. By default these are empty, if Spring Security is not on the
classpath, and otherwise they are initialized to a set of well-known
"security" headers (e.g. involving caching) as specified by Spring
Security. The assumption in this case is that the downstream services
might add these headers too, and we want the values from the proxy.
To not discard these well known security headers in case Spring Security is on the classpath you can set `zuul.ignoreSecurityHeaders` to `false`. This can be useful if you disabled the HTTP Security response headers in Spring Security and want the values provided by downstream services

1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502
=== The Routes Endpoint

If you are using `@EnableZuulProxy` with tha Spring Boot Actuator you
will enable (by default) an additional endpoint, available via HTTP as
`/routes`. A GET to this endpoint will return a list of the mapped
routes. A POST will force a refresh of the existing routes (e.g. in
case there have been changes in the service catalog).

NOTE: the routes should respond automatically to changes in the
service catalog, but the POST to /routes is a way to force the change
to happen immediately.

1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533
=== Strangulation Patterns and Local Forwards

A common pattern when migrating an existing application or API is to
"strangle" old endpoints, slowly replacing them with different
implementations. The Zuul proxy is a useful tool for this because you
can use it to handle all traffic from clients of the old endpoints,
but redirect some of the requests to new ones.

Example configuration:

      path: /first/**
      url: http://first.example.com
      path: /second/**
      url: forward:/second
      path: /third/**
      url: forward:/3rd
      path: /**
      url: http://legacy.example.com

In this example we are strangling the "legacy" app which is mapped to
all requests that do not match one of the other patterns. Paths in
1534 1535
`/first/{all}` have been extracted into a new service with an external
URL. And paths in `/second/{all}` are forwared so they can be handled
locally, e.g. with a normal Spring `@RequestMapping`. Paths in
`/third/{all}` are also forwarded, but with a different prefix
1538 1539
(i.e. `/third/foo` is forwarded to `/3rd/foo`).

Tommy Ludwig committed
NOTE: The ignored patterns aren't completely ignored, they just
1541 1542 1543
aren't handled by the proxy (so they are also effectively forwarded

1544 1545 1546 1547
=== Uploading Files through Zuul

If you `@EnableZuulProxy` you can use the proxy paths to
upload files and it should just work as long as the files
1548 1549
are small. For large files there is an alternative path
which bypasses the Spring `DispatcherServlet` (to
1550 1551
avoid multipart processing) in "/zuul/{asterisk}". I.e. if
`zuul.routes.customers=/customers/{all}` then you can
1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574
POST large files to "/zuul/customers/*". The servlet
path is externalized via `zuul.servletPath`. Extremely
large files will also require elevated timeout settings
if the proxy route takes you through a Ribbon load
balancer, e.g.

hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds: 60000
  ConnectTimeout: 3000
  ReadTimeout: 60000

Note that for streaming to work with large files, you need to use chunked encoding in the request (which some browsers
do not do by default). E.g. on the command line:

$ curl -v -H "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" \
    -F "file=@mylarge.iso" localhost:9999/zuul/simple/file

1575 1576 1577 1578
=== Plain Embedded Zuul

You can also run a Zuul server without the proxying, or switch on parts of the proxying platform selectively, if you
use `@EnableZuulServer` (instead of `@EnableZuulProxy`). Any beans that you add to the application of type `ZuulFilter`
1579 1580
will be installed automatically, as they are with `@EnableZuulProxy`, but without any of the proxy filters being added

1582 1583 1584 1585
In this case the routes into the Zuul server are still specified by
configuring "zuul.routes.{asterisk}", but there is no service
discovery and no proxying, so the "serviceId" and "url" settings are
ignored. For example:
1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594

    api: /api/**

maps all paths in "/api/{all}" to the Zuul filter chain.

1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606
=== Disable Zuul Filters

Zuul for Spring Cloud comes with a number of `ZuulFilter` beans enabled by default
in both proxy and server mode.  See https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix/tree/master/spring-cloud-netflix-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/netflix/zuul/filters[the zuul filters package] for the
possible filters that are enabled.  If you want to disable one, simply set
`zuul.<SimpleClassName>.<filterType>.disable=true`. By convention, the package after
`filters` is the Zuul filter type. For example to disable
`org.springframework.cloud.netflix.zuul.filters.post.SendResponseFilter` set

1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617
=== Polyglot support with Sidecar

Do you have non-jvm languages you want to take advantage of Eureka, Ribbon and
Config Server?  The Spring Cloud Netflix Sidecar was inspired by
https://github.com/Netflix/Prana[Netflix Prana].  It includes a simple http api
to get all of the instances (ie host and port) for a given service.  You can
also proxy service calls through an embedded Zuul proxy which gets its route
entries from Eureka.  The Spring Cloud Config Server can be accessed directly
via host lookup or through the Zuul Proxy.  The non-jvm app should implement
a health check so the Sidecar can report to eureka if the app is up or down.

1618 1619 1620
To include Sidecar in your project use the dependency with group `org.springframework.cloud`
and artifact id `spring-cloud-netflix-sidecar`.

1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705
To enable the Sidecar, create a Spring Boot application with `@EnableSidecar`.
This annotation includes `@EnableCircuitBreaker`, `@EnableDiscoveryClient`,
and `@EnableZuulProxy`.  Run the resulting application on the same host as the
non-jvm application.

To configure the side car add `sidecar.port` and `sidecar.health-uri` to `application.yml`.
The `sidecar.port` property is the port the non-jvm app is listening on.  This
is so the Sidecar can properly register the app with Eureka.  The `sidecar.health-uri`
is a uri accessible on the non-jvm app that mimicks a Spring Boot health
indicator.  It should return a json document like the following:


Here is an example application.yml for a Sidecar application:

  port: 5678
    name: sidecar

  port: 8000
  health-uri: http://localhost:8000/health.json

The api for the `DiscoveryClient.getInstances()` method is `/hosts/{serviceId}`.
Here is an example response for `/hosts/customers` that returns two instances on
different hosts.  This api is accessible to the non-jvm app (if the sidecar is
on port 5678) at `http://localhost:5678/hosts/{serviceId}`.

        "host": "myhost",
        "port": 9000,
        "uri": "http://myhost:9000",
        "serviceId": "CUSTOMERS",
        "secure": false
        "host": "myhost2",
        "port": 9000,
        "uri": "http://myhost2:9000",
        "serviceId": "CUSTOMERS",
        "secure": false

The Zuul proxy automatically adds routes for each service known in eureka to
`/<serviceId>`, so the customers service is available at `/customers`.  The
Non-jvm app can access the customer service via `http://localhost:5678/customers`
(assuming the sidecar is listening on port 5678).

If the Config Server is registered with Eureka, non-jvm application can access
it via the Zuul proxy.  If the serviceId of the ConfigServer is `configserver`
and the Sidecar is on port 5678, then it can be accessed at

Non-jvm app can take advantage of the Config Server's ability to return YAML
documents.  For example, a call to http://sidecar.local.spring.io:5678/configserver/default-master.yml
might result in a YAML document like the following

      defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/
  password: password
  description: Spring Cloud Samples
  url: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples

1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737
== RxJava with Spring MVC
Spring Cloud Netflix includes the https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava[RxJava].

> RxJava is a Java VM implementation of http://reactivex.io/[Reactive Extensions]: a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences.

Spring Cloud Netflix provides support for returning `rx.Single` objects from Spring MVC Controllers. It also supports using `rx.Observable` objects for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server-sent_events[Server-sent events (SSE)]. This can be very convenient if your internal APIs are already built using RxJava (see <<spring-cloud-feign-hystrix>> for examples).

Here are some examples of using `rx.Single`:


If you have an `Observable`, rather than a single, you can use `.toSingle()` or `.toList().toSingle()`. Here are some examples:


If you have a streaming endpoint and client, SSE could be an option. To convert `rx.Observable` to a Spring `SseEmitter` use `RxResponse.sse()`. Here are some examples:


1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799
== Metrics: Spectator, Servo, and Atlas

When used together, Spectator/Servo and Atlas provide a near real-time operational insight platform.

Spectator and Servo are Netflix's metrics collection libraries. Atlas is a Netflix metrics backend to manage dimensional time series data.

Servo served Netflix for several years and is still usable, but is gradually being phased out in favor of Spectator, which is only designed to work with Java 8.  Spring Cloud Netflix provides support for both, but Java 8 based applications are encouraged to use Spectator.

=== Dimensional vs. Hierarchical Metrics

Spring Boot Actuator metrics are hierarchical and metrics are separated only by name. These names often follow a naming convention that embeds key/value attribute pairs (dimensions) into the name separated by periods. Consider the following metrics for two endpoints, root and star-star:

    "counter.status.200.root": 20,
    "counter.status.400.root": 3,
    "counter.status.200.star-star": 5,

The first metric gives us a normalized count of successful requests against the root endpoint per unit of time. But what if the system had 20 endpoints and you want to get a count of successful requests against all the endpoints? Some hierarchical metrics backends would allow you to specify a wild card such as `counter.status.200.*` that would read all 20 metrics and aggregate the results. Alternatively, you could provide a `HandlerInterceptorAdapter` that intercepts and records a metric like `counter.status.200.all` for all successful requests irrespective of the endpoint, but now you must write 20+1 different metrics. Similarly if you want to know the total number of successful requests for all endpoints in the service, you could specify a wild card such as `counter.status.2*.*`.

Even in the presence of wildcarding support on a hierarchical metrics backend, naming consistency can be difficult. Specifically the position of these tags in the name string can slip with time, breaking queries. For example, suppose we add an additional dimension to the hierarchical metrics above for HTTP method. Then `counter.status.200.root` becomes `counter.status.200.method.get.root`, etc. Our `counter.status.200.*` suddenly no longer has the same semantic meaning.  Furthermore, if the new dimension is not applied uniformly across the codebase, certain queries may become impossible. This can quickly get out of hand.

Netflix metrics are tagged (a.k.a. dimensional). Each metric has a name, but this single named metric can contain multiple statistics and 'tag' key/value pairs that allows more querying flexibility. In fact, the statistics themselves are recorded in a special tag.

Recorded with Netflix Servo or Spectator, a timer for the root endpoint described above contains 4 statistics per status code, where the count statistic is identical to Spring Boot Actuator's counter. In the event that we have encountered an HTTP 200 and 400 thus far, there will be 8 available data points:

    "root(status=200,stastic=count)": 20,
    "root(status=200,stastic=max)": 0.7265630630000001,
    "root(status=200,stastic=totalOfSquares)": 0.04759702862580789,
    "root(status=200,stastic=totalTime)": 0.2093076914666667,
    "root(status=400,stastic=count)": 1,
    "root(status=400,stastic=max)": 0,
    "root(status=400,stastic=totalOfSquares)": 0,
    "root(status=400,stastic=totalTime)": 0,

=== Default Metrics Collection

Without any additional dependencies or configuration, a Spring Cloud based service will autoconfigure a Servo `MonitorRegistry` and begin collecting metrics on every Spring MVC request. By default, a Servo timer with the name `rest` will be recorded for each MVC request which is tagged with:

1. HTTP method
2. HTTP status (e.g. 200, 400, 500)
3. URI (or "root" if the URI is empty), sanitized for Atlas
4. The exception class name, if the request handler threw an exception
5. The caller, if a request header with a key matching `netflix.metrics.rest.callerHeader` is set on the request. There is no default key for `netflix.metrics.rest.callerHeader`. You must add it to your application properties if you wish to collect caller information.

Set the `netflix.metrics.rest.metricName` property to change the name of the metric from `rest` to a name you provide.

If Spring AOP is enabled and `org.aspectj:aspectjweaver` is present on your runtime classpath, Spring Cloud will also collect metrics on every client call made with `RestTemplate`. A Servo timer with the name of `restclient` will be recorded for each MVC request which is tagged with:

1. HTTP method
2. HTTP status (e.g. 200, 400, 500), "CLIENT_ERROR" if the response returned null, or "IO_ERROR" if an `IOException` occurred during the execution of the `RestTemplate` method
3. URI, sanitized for Atlas
4. Client name

1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811
WARNING: Avoid using hardcoded url parameters within `RestTemplate`.  When targeting dynamic endpoints use URL variables. This will avoid potential "GC Overhead Limit Reached" issues where `ServoMonitorCache` treats each url as a unique key.

// recommended
String orderid = "1";
restTemplate.getForObject("http://testeurekabrixtonclient/orders/{orderid}", String.class, orderid)

// avoid
restTemplate.getForObject("http://testeurekabrixtonclient/orders/1", String.class)

1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893
=== Metrics Collection: Spectator

To enable Spectator metrics, include a dependency on `spring-boot-starter-spectator`:


In Spectator parlance, a meter is a named, typed, and tagged configuration and a metric represents the value of a given meter at a point in time. Spectator meters are created and controlled by a registry, which currently has several different implementations. Spectator provides 4 meter types: counter, timer, gauge, and distribution summary.

Spring Cloud Spectator integration configures an injectable `com.netflix.spectator.api.Registry` instance for you. Specifically, it configures a `ServoRegistry` instance in order to unify the collection of REST metrics and the exporting of metrics to the Atlas backend under a single Servo API. Practically, this means that your code may use a mixture of Servo monitors and Spectator meters and both will be scooped up by Spring Boot Actuator `MetricReader` instances and both will be shipped to the Atlas backend.

==== Spectator Counter

A counter is used to measure the rate at which some event is occurring.

// create a counter with a name and a set of tags
Counter counter = registry.counter("counterName", "tagKey1", "tagValue1", ...);
counter.increment(); // increment when an event occurs
counter.increment(10); // increment by a discrete amount

The counter records a single time-normalized statistic.

==== Spectator Timer

A timer is used to measure how long some event is taking. Spring Cloud automatically records timers for Spring MVC requests and conditionally `RestTemplate` requests, which can later be used to create dashboards for request related metrics like latency:

.Request Latency
image::RequestLatency.png []

// create a timer with a name and a set of tags
Timer timer = registry.timer("timerName", "tagKey1", "tagValue1", ...);

// execute an operation and time it at the same time
T result = timer.record(() -> fooReturnsT());

// alternatively, if you must manually record the time
Long start = System.nanoTime();
T result = fooReturnsT();
timer.record(System.nanoTime() - start, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);

The timer simultaneously records 4 statistics: count, max, totalOfSquares, and totalTime.  The count statistic will always match the single normalized value provided by a counter if you had called `increment()` once on the counter for each time you recorded a timing, so it is rarely necessary to count and time separately for a single operation.

For link:https://github.com/Netflix/spectator/wiki/Timer-Usage#longtasktimer[long running operations], Spectator provides a special `LongTaskTimer`.

==== Spectator Gauge

Gauges are used to determine some current value like the size of a queue or number of threads in a running state. Since gauges are sampled, they provide no information about how these values fluctuate between samples.

The normal use of a gauge involves registering the gauge once in initialization with an id, a reference to the object to be sampled, and a function to get or compute a numeric value based on the object. The reference to the object is passed in separately and the Spectator registry will keep a weak reference to the object. If the object is garbage collected, then Spectator will automatically drop the registration. See link:https://github.com/Netflix/spectator/wiki/Gauge-Usage#using-lambda[the note] in Spectator's documentation about potential memory leaks if this API is misused.

// the registry will automatically sample this gauge periodically
registry.gauge("gaugeName", pool, Pool::numberOfRunningThreads);

// manually sample a value in code at periodic intervals -- last resort!
registry.gauge("gaugeName", Arrays.asList("tagKey1", "tagValue1", ...), 1000);

==== Spectator Distribution Summaries

A distribution summary is used to track the distribution of events. It is similar to a timer, but more general in that the size does not have to be a period of time. For example, a distribution summary could be used to measure the payload sizes of requests hitting a server.

// the registry will automatically sample this gauge periodically
DistributionSummary ds = registry.distributionSummary("dsName", "tagKey1", "tagValue1", ...);

1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917
=== Metrics Collection: Servo

WARNING: If your code is compiled on Java 8, please use Spectator instead of Servo as Spectator is destined to replace Servo entirely in the long term.

In Servo parlance, a monitor is a named, typed, and tagged configuration and a metric represents the value of a given monitor at a point in time. Servo monitors are logically equivalent to Spectator meters. Servo monitors are created and controlled by a `MonitorRegistry`. In spite of the above warning, Servo does have a link:https://github.com/Netflix/servo/wiki/Getting-Started[wider array] of monitor options than Spectator has meters.

Spring Cloud integration configures an injectable `com.netflix.servo.MonitorRegistry` instance for you. Once you have created the appropriate `Monitor` type in Servo, the process of recording data is wholly similar to Spectator.

==== Creating Servo Monitors

If you are using the Servo `MonitorRegistry` instance provided by Spring Cloud (specifically, an instance of `DefaultMonitorRegistry`), Servo provides convenience classes for retrieving link:https://github.com/Netflix/spectator/wiki/Servo-Comparison#dynamiccounter[counters] and link:https://github.com/Netflix/spectator/wiki/Servo-Comparison#dynamictimer[timers].  These convenience classes ensure that only one `Monitor` is registered for each unique combination of name and tags.

To manually create a Monitor type in Servo, especially for the more exotic monitor types for which convenience methods are not provided, instantiate the appropriate type by providing a `MonitorConfig` instance:

MonitorConfig config = MonitorConfig.builder("timerName").withTag("tagKey1", "tagValue1").build();

// somewhere we should cache this Monitor by MonitorConfig
Timer timer = new BasicTimer(config);

1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924
=== Metrics Backend: Atlas

Atlas was developed by Netflix to manage dimensional time series data for near real-time operational insight. Atlas features in-memory data storage, allowing it to gather and report very large numbers of metrics, very quickly.

Atlas captures operational intelligence. Whereas business intelligence is data gathered for analyzing trends over time, operational intelligence provides a picture of what is currently happening within a system.

Spring Cloud provides a `spring-cloud-starter-atlas` that has all the dependencies you need. Then just annotate your Spring Boot application with `@EnableAtlas` and provide a location for your running Atlas server with the `netflix.atlas.uri` property.
1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965

==== Global tags

Spring Cloud enables you to add tags to every metric sent to the Atlas backend. Global tags can be used to separate metrics by application name, environment, region, etc.

Each bean implementing `AtlasTagProvider` will contribute to the global tag list:

AtlasTagProvider atlasCommonTags(
    @Value("${spring.application.name}") String appName) {
  return () -> Collections.singletonMap("app", appName);

==== Using Atlas

To bootstrap a in-memory standalone Atlas instance:

$ curl -LO https://github.com/Netflix/atlas/releases/download/v1.4.2/atlas-1.4.2-standalone.jar
$ java -jar atlas-1.4.2-standalone.jar

TIP: An Atlas standalone node running on an r3.2xlarge (61GB RAM) can handle roughly 2 million metrics per minute for a given 6 hour window.

Once running and you have collected a handful of metrics, verify that your setup is correct by listing tags on the Atlas server:

$ curl http://ATLAS/api/v1/tags

TIP: After executing several requests against your service, you can gather some very basic information on the request latency of every request by pasting the following url in your browser: `http://ATLAS/api/v1/graph?q=name,rest,:eq,:avg`

The Atlas wiki contains a link:https://github.com/Netflix/atlas/wiki/Single-Line[compilation of sample queries] for various scenarios.

Make sure to check out the link:https://github.com/Netflix/atlas/wiki/Alerting-Philosophy[alerting philosophy] and docs on using link:https://github.com/Netflix/atlas/wiki/DES[double exponential smoothing] to generate dynamic alert thresholds.