
Building this module

The jar can be build with Maven with the maven-exec-plugin. To do this node.js and npm must be installed on your machine and be on your $PATH. If you don't want to use the maven exec run the following commands:

Running Spring Boot Admin Server for development

To develop the ui on an running server the best to do is

  1. Running the ui build in watch mode so the resources get updated: shell npm run watch
  2. Run a Spring Boot Admin Server instances with the template-location and resource-location pointing to the build output and disable caching: spring.boot.admin.cache.no-cache: true spring.boot.admin.resource-locations: file://@project.basedir@/../../spring-boot-admin-server-ui/target/dist/ spring.boot.admin.template-location: file://@project.basedir@/../../spring-boot-admin-server-ui/target/dist/ spring.boot.admin.cache-templates: false Or just start the spring-boot-admin-sample-servlet project using the dev profile.


npm install
npm run build

Repeated build with watching the files:

npm run watch

Run tests

npm run test

Repeated tests with watching the files:

npm run watch:test