1. 14 Dec, 2016 1 commit
    • Add metadata to the applications · 21c17900
      Johannes Edmeier authored
      With this commit you can now associate your applications with custom
      metadata using `spring.boot.admin.client.metadata.*` sensitive values
      are recognized by key and are masked in the http interface.
      This can be useful in the future if there are instance specific settings
      which should be used by the admin server, e.g. custom notification
      For now there is no extra imetadata view in the ui. The values are shown
      in the environment view.
  2. 07 Aug, 2016 1 commit
  3. 08 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  4. 27 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Update to Brixton and add Eureka-Service converter · 272633e1
      Johannes Edmeier authored
      Update to Spring Cloud Brixton and add the concept of ServiceInstanceConverters.
      A ServiceConverter is used to convert discovered ServiceInstances to
      Applications. The old converter and one for Eureka is provided. It is also
      possible to provide your own implementation.
      closes #154