- 16 Sep, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
With this change the AbstractNotifier isn't specialized on status changes, but the default behaviour for the existing notifiers isn't changed. In addition the existing notifiers have been improved so that subclassing has become easier. To have existing notifiers acting on other events you need to override shouldNotify(). fixes #270
- 04 Sep, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
When includeing spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-amqp to your application it looks like that the ApplicationReadyEvent is fired twice (from main and child application context). So we need to take care that only the events from the main applications are taken into account. fixes #260
- 28 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 26 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
As it turns out (rather obvious) that the ThreadPools for registration and status updating needs to be destroyed on application shutdown so that the worker threads gets cancelled. To achieve this we simply register the ThreadPools as spring beans (since they are implementing DisposableBean). fixes #253
- 07 Aug, 2016 3 commits
Johannes Edmeier authored
Johannes Edmeier authored
When having registered some applications via discovery and some via http you can now add the appication names of the non-discovery to the ignored services so that they won't considered as stale an be removed from the registry by the ApplicationDiscoveryListener. fixes #244
Gabor Botka authored
With this commit you can specify the management.port for a discovered service via the metadatamap.
- 10 Jul, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 22 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
Sometimes Eureka only provides only the securedhealthUrl for the service. Previous to this commit the applciation won't be registered in that case. So with this commit the securedHealthUrl from Eureka is used, when available fixes #224
- 14 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 11 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Niklas Herder authored
Checks the DiscoveryClient's services on each heartbeat and removes all services, which are no longer registered.
- 08 Jun, 2016 2 commits
Johannes Edmeier authored
Use the metadata for health-/managament-url in the default service conversion. This allows custom health- and management-path per application. fixes #205
Johannes Edmeier authored
fixes #205
- 02 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 01 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
fixes #209
- 30 May, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
fixes #202
- 22 May, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
This adds a new FilteringNotifier which can use filters to suppres certain events from being notified of. Two filter implementation are provided, one filtering by name and one by id. Additional when a FilteringNotifier bean is present, the autoconfiguration creates a REST-controller to add and remove filters at runtime.
- 18 May, 2016 2 commits
Johannes Edmeier authored
Johannes Edmeier authored
- Updated Angular to 1.5.3 - Removed Angular UI Bootstrap, to make the Angular update possible without updating Bootstrap - Moved every view into its own module - Added concatenation of the module js and css assets to the webserver - Created directives/components for the various visual components and trimmed down the controllers - Removed unecessary ngRoute - Removed classpath section in details (it is included in environment) - Moved the counters and gauges to a separated metrics view - Added target="_blank" for the logfile - Added information about version, loaded ui modules to the about page - Extracted the activiti view to a separate maven artifact With this commit it is now possible to add your own ui modules to the servers classpath and they will show up in the ui. Every module needs an "entry" script file in the classpath located under `META-INF/spring-boot-admin-server-ui/<modulename>/module.js`. The module is be implemented as angular module and needs to be added to the global `uiModules` list. The spring-boot-admin-server-ui-activiti module is a simple sample for adding a application view but it is also possible to add main-views. Please have a look at the events module in spring-boot-admin-server-ui/modules. Please note that the internals of the ui can change anytime.
- 27 Apr, 2016 2 commits
Johannes Edmeier authored
Johannes Edmeier authored
Update to Spring Cloud Brixton and add the concept of ServiceInstanceConverters. A ServiceConverter is used to convert discovered ServiceInstances to Applications. The old converter and one for Eureka is provided. It is also possible to provide your own implementation. closes #154
- 13 Apr, 2016 1 commit
dobo authored
- 30 Mar, 2016 1 commit
Sebastian Meiser authored
added CompositeNotifier to allow for multiple notifiers. Only used when multiple notifiers are configured and no primary notifier is already configured.
- 14 Mar, 2016 1 commit
ukjbrown authored
- 28 Feb, 2016 2 commits
Johannes Edmeier authored
Johannes Edmeier authored
The RemindingNotifier sends periodic notifications using a delegate. It must be added explicitly to the ApplicationContext
- 14 Feb, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
The polling in the UI is replaced with server side events. Status changes are now reported immediately from the admin server to the UI.
- 15 Dec, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 13 Dec, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
Cause it was often requested, now the context-path for the admin server is configurable. This allows to move the admin-ui and endpoints to other http- paths than "/". NOTE: I'd still advise not to add the admin to the application you want to monitor.
- 11 Nov, 2015 2 commits
Johannes Edmeier authored
Tests in Abstract*.class are not executed during the maven build, so I moved the tests for code in AbstractNotifierTest to MailNotifierTest
Johannes Edmeier authored
To not accidentally expose senstive urls only expose whitelisted management-endpoints via the zuul proxy filter.
- 10 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
Deriving from Spring Clouds ProxyRouteLocator has become too difficult. It would have required to either set fixed ZuulProperties or providing a DiscoveryClient. So we are shipping our own lean version of it. Since the PreDecorationFilter is tightly coupled to the ProxyRouteLocator we also have to use our own stripped down version. closes #123
- 09 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 30 Oct, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 21 Oct, 2015 4 commits
Johannes Edmeier authored
Streamline the Hazelcast support with boot 1.3 and support storing events in hazelcast closes #113
Johannes Edmeier authored
Due to our use of @Conditionals on our @Configuration-classes the import must be deferred, so that the classes are processed after all other @Configuration-classes
Johannes Edmeier authored
remove logfileEndpoint rename logback.xml to logback-spring.xml in samples fixes #98
Johannes Edmeier authored
* Use @EventListener instead of ApplicationListener-interface * Don't inherit ClientApplicationEvent from ApplicationEvent - so JournaledEvent isn't needed anymore * added eclipse formatter rules * reformatted all files
- 14 Sep, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Stelzer authored
fixes #105
- 30 May, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Stelzer authored
The mail notification is enabled if a mailSender is present specified via spring.mail.* properties. On default the mail is sent to root@localhost and the chages from UNKNOWN to UP are ignored.