- 08 Jan, 2017 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 27 Dec, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 26 Dec, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
The info is now fetched by the server on status change. This way the info can be used in the notifications and also improves performance when listing a huge amount of applications in the ui. closes #349
- 24 Dec, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 17 Dec, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
With this change it is possible to include credentials in the instance metadata which will then be used to access the client endpoints using HTTP Basic authorization. closes #359
- 14 Dec, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
With this commit you can now associate your applications with custom metadata using `spring.boot.admin.client.metadata.*` sensitive values are recognized by key and are masked in the http interface. This can be useful in the future if there are instance specific settings which should be used by the admin server, e.g. custom notification recipients. For now there is no extra imetadata view in the ui. The values are shown in the environment view.
- 16 Nov, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
The StatusInfo has a new details field. The StatusUpdater puts either the reponse from the health endpoint or the exception message in the details. This allows us to see the details over time (via the journal) and also to use `em in a bit more mail notifications. closes #329
- 15 Nov, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
With this commits the server no longer depends on the client. The classes for the clients are moved to de.codecentric.boot.admin.client package. Since the perspective on applications is totally different from client and server the model has been split apart. What means this for users: 1) The client is no longer a transitive dependency for your admin server you may need to add it explicitly to your dependencies, respectively jolokia-core in case you're using discovery and want to use the jmx-bean interface 2)In case you have cutomised parts of the client you need to reflect the package change. fixes #332
- 26 Sep, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
With the fix for #260 we ignored all events from child contexts which turns out to be wrong since the "main" application context is, in case spring cloud config is used, is a child of the bootstrap context. So we just act on the events from WebApplicationContexts. After they're fired up the needed port information is available. fixes #277
- 04 Sep, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
When includeing spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-amqp to your application it looks like that the ApplicationReadyEvent is fired twice (from main and child application context). So we need to take care that only the events from the main applications are taken into account. fixes #260
- 26 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
As it turns out (rather obvious) that the ThreadPools for registration and status updating needs to be destroyed on application shutdown so that the worker threads gets cancelled. To achieve this we simply register the ThreadPools as spring beans (since they are implementing DisposableBean). fixes #253
- 10 Jul, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 22 May, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
This adds a new FilteringNotifier which can use filters to suppres certain events from being notified of. Two filter implementation are provided, one filtering by name and one by id. Additional when a FilteringNotifier bean is present, the autoconfiguration creates a REST-controller to add and remove filters at runtime.
- 18 May, 2016 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 09 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
- 21 Oct, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Edmeier authored
* Use @EventListener instead of ApplicationListener-interface * Don't inherit ClientApplicationEvent from ApplicationEvent - so JournaledEvent isn't needed anymore * added eclipse formatter rules * reformatted all files
- 14 Sep, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Stelzer authored
fixes #105
- 30 May, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Stelzer authored
The health-check is made at a fixed interval (default: 10s) for all expired status-information (default-lifetime: 30s). The application health-endpoint must either respond with a JSON-Body having a status-field or with an empty body and all 2xx-http-responses are interpreted as UP and every other status as DOWN.
- 26 May, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Stelzer authored
- 26 Apr, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Stelzer authored
- 04 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Johannes Stelzer authored
- 17 Nov, 2014 1 commit
Johannes Stelzer authored
Rename ApplicationStore methods to spring-data-style
- 14 Nov, 2014 1 commit
Johannes Stelzer authored
* Separate AppStore from AppRegistry * Allow Id generation to be altered * Remove logic from Application; Move id genretation into AppRegistry * Make AppStore threadSafe