Commit 48de83ca by Johannes Edmeier Committed by GitHub

Fix .travis.yml

parent a7058452
......@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ before_install:
- 'if [[ ${TRAVIS_TAG} != "" ]]; then ./mvnw versions:set -DnewVersion="${TRAVIS_TAG}"; fi'
- 'nvm install ${NODE_VERSION} && nvm use ${NODE_VERSION}'
script: ./mvn clean verify
script: ./mvnw clean verify
- ./mvnw jacoco:report coveralls:report
- "[[ ${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST} == 'false' ]] && [[ ${TRAVIS_TAG} == '' ]] && ./mvn deploy -DreposityId=sonatype-nexus-snapshots -DskipTests --settings deploy-settings.xml"
- "[[ ${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST} == 'false' ]] && [[ ${TRAVIS_TAG} != '' ]] && ./mvn deploy -DreposityId=sonatype-nexus-staging -DskipTests --settings deploy-settings.xml"
- "[[ ${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST} == 'false' ]] && [[ ${TRAVIS_TAG} == '' ]] && ./mvnw deploy -DreposityId=sonatype-nexus-snapshots -DskipTests --settings deploy-settings.xml"
- "[[ ${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST} == 'false' ]] && [[ ${TRAVIS_TAG} != '' ]] && ./mvnw deploy -DreposityId=sonatype-nexus-staging -DskipTests --settings deploy-settings.xml"
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