Securing Spring Boot Admin Server
Since there are several approaches on solving authentication and authorization in distributed web applications Spring Boot Admin doesn’t ship a default one.
If you include the spring-boot-admin-server-ui-login
in your dependencies it will provide a login page and a logout button.
A Spring Security configuration could look like this:
Unresolved directive in <stdin> - include::{samples-dir}/spring-boot-admin-sample-servlet/src/main/java/de/codecentric/boot/admin/[tags=configuration-spring-security]
For a complete sample look at[spring-boot-admin-sample-servlet.
If you protect the /api/applications endpoint don’t forget to configure the username and password on your SBA-Client using spring.boot.admin.client.username and spring.boot.admin.instance.password .
Securing Client Actuator Endpoints
When the actuator endpoints are secured using HTTP Basic authentication the SBA Server needs credentials to access them. You can submit the credentials in the metadata when registering the application. The BasicAuthHttpHeaderProvider
then uses this metadata to add the Authorization
header to access your application’s actuator endpoints. You can provide your own HttpHeadersProvider
to alter the behaviour (e.g. add some decryption) or add extra headers.
Submitting the credentials using SBA Client:
url: http://localhost:8080
metadata: ${}
user.password: ${}
Submitting the credentials using Eureka:
metadata-map: ${}
user.password: ${}
The SBA Server masks certain metadata in the HTTP interface to prevent leaking of sensitive information. |
You should configure HTTPS for your SBA Server or (service registry) when submitting credentials via the metadata. |
When using Spring Cloud Discovery, you must be aware that anybody who can query your service registry can obtain the credentials. |
When using this approach the SBA Server decides whether or not the user can access the registered applications. There are more complex solutions possible (using OAuth2) to let the clients decide if the user can access the endpoints. For that please have a look at the samples in joshiste/spring-boot-admin-samples. |