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== Client applications ==

=== Show version in application list ===

To get the version show up in the admin's application list you can use the `build-info` goal from the `spring-boot-maven-plugin`, which generates the `META-INF/`. See also the[Spring Boot Reference Guide].


=== JMX-bean management ===

To interact with JMX-beans in the admin UI you have to include[Jolokia] in your application. In case you are using the `spring-boot-admin-starter-client` it will be pulled in for you, if not add Jolokia to your dependencies:


=== Loglevel managment ===
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For applications using Spring Boot 1.5.x (or later) you can manage loglevels out-of-the-box.
For applications using older versions of Spring Boot the loglevel management is only available for[Logback]. It is accessed via JMX so <<jmx-bean-management, include Jolokia>> in your application. In addition you have configure Logback's `JMXConfigurator`:
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NOTE: In case you are deploying multiple applications to the same JVM and multiple Logback-JMX-beans are present, the UI will select the JMXConfigurator with the context-name equals to your applications name. In this case you need to set the `contextName` in your logback-configuration.

=== Spring Boot Admin Client ===

The Spring Boot Admin Client registers the application at the admin server. This is done by periodically doing a http post-request to the admin server providing informations about the application. It also adds Jolokia to your dependencies, so that JMX-beans are accessible via http, this is needed if you want to manage loglevels or JMX-beans via the admin UI.

.Spring Boot Admin Client configuration options
| Property name |Description |Default value

| spring.boot.admin.client.enabled
| Enables the Spring Boot Admin Client.
| `true`

| spring.boot.admin.url
| Comma separated ordered list of URLs of the Spring Boot Admin server to register at. This triggers the AutoConfiguration. *Mandatory*.

| spring.boot.admin.api-path
| Http-path of registration endpoint at your admin server.
| `"api/applications"`

| spring.boot.admin.username
| Username and password for http-basic authentication. If set the registration uses http-basic-authentication when registering at the admin server.

| spring.boot.admin.period
| Interval for repeating the registration (in ms).
| `10.000`

| If set to true the periodic task to register the application is automatically scheduled after the application is ready.
| `true`

| Switch to enable auto-deregistration at Spring Boot Admin server when context is closed.
| `false`

| spring.boot.admin.register-once
| If set to true the client will only register against one admin server (in order defined by `spring.boot.admin.url`); if that admin server goes down, will automatically register against the next admin server. If false, will register against all admin servers.
| `true`

| Client-health-url to register with. Can be overridden in case the reachable URL is different (e.g. Docker). Must be unique in registry.
| Guessed based on management-url and ``.

| Client-management-url to register with. Can be overridden in case the reachable url is different (e.g. Docker).
| Guessed based on service-url, `server.servlet-path`, `management.port` and `management.context-path`.

| spring.boot.admin.client.service-url
| Client-service-url to register with. Can be overridden in case the reachable url is different (e.g. Docker).
| Guessed based on hostname, `server.port` and `server.context-path`.

| Name to register with.
| `${}` if set, `"spring-boot-application"` otherwise.

| spring.boot.admin.client.prefer-ip
| Use the ip-address rather then the hostname in the guessed urls. If `server.address` / `management.address` is set, it get used. Otherwise the IP address returned from `InetAddress.getLocalHost()` gets used.
| `false`