Commit df977608 by 张乐 Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #691 from nobodyiam/build-scripts

add build.bat and add notice on meta servers
parents f6d4da92 6a90ad05
@echo off
rem apollo config db info
set apollo_config_db_url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ApolloConfigDB?characterEncoding=utf8"
set apollo_config_db_username="root"
set apollo_config_db_password=""
rem apollo portal db info
set apollo_portal_db_url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ApolloPortalDB?characterEncoding=utf8"
set apollo_portal_db_username="root"
set apollo_portal_db_password=""
rem meta server url, different environments should have different meta server addresses
set dev_meta="http://localhost:8080"
set fat_meta="http://someIp:8080"
set uat_meta="http://anotherIp:8080"
set pro_meta="http://yetAnotherIp:8080"
set META_SERVERS_OPTS=-Ddev_meta=%dev_meta% -Dfat_meta=%fat_meta% -Duat_meta=%uat_meta% -Dpro_meta=%pro_meta%
rem =============== Please do not modify the following content ===============
cd ..
rem package config-service and admin-service
echo "==== starting to build config-service and admin-service ===="
call mvn clean package -DskipTests -pl apollo-configservice,apollo-adminservice -am -Dapollo_profile=github -Dspring_datasource_url=%apollo_config_db_url% -Dspring_datasource_username=%apollo_config_db_username% -Dspring_datasource_password=%apollo_config_db_password%
echo "==== building config-service and admin-service finished ===="
echo "==== starting to build portal ===="
call mvn clean package -DskipTests -pl apollo-portal -am -Dapollo_profile=github -Dspring_datasource_url=%apollo_portal_db_url% -Dspring_datasource_username=%apollo_portal_db_username% -Dspring_datasource_password=%apollo_portal_db_password% %META_SERVERS_OPTS%
echo "==== building portal finished ===="
echo "==== starting to build client ===="
call mvn clean install -DskipTests -pl apollo-client -am %META_SERVERS_OPTS%
echo "==== building client finished ===="
......@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ apollo_portal_db_url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ApolloPortalDB?characterEncodin
# meta server url
# meta server url, different environments should have different meta server addresses
META_SERVERS_OPTS="-Ddev_meta=$dev_meta -Dfat_meta=$fat_meta -Duat_meta=$uat_meta -Dpro_meta=$pro_meta"
......@@ -40,5 +40,3 @@ mvn clean install -DskipTests -pl apollo-client -am $META_SERVERS_OPTS
echo "==== building client finished ===="
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