Commit b3f2f481 by lepdou

Merge pull request #241 from nobodyiam/apollo-client-doc-merge

Update apollo client readme
parents 8b78bf03 f0224e9c
## Maven Dependency
## I. Prerequisite
### I.I Mandatory Setup
Apollo client requires `AppId` and `Environment` information available to function properly, so please read the following and configure them properly:
#### 1. AppId
AppId is the identity for the application, which is a key information to retrieve the config from server.
AppId information should be put in `classpath:/META-INF/` with its key as ``.
For example, you could place the file as the following screenshot:
![ example](doc/pic/app-id-location.png)
And config the file as:
#### 2. Environment
Apollo supports config by multiple environments, so environment is another key information to retrieve the config from server.
Environment could be configured in 3 ways:
1. As Java System Property
* You could specify environment as java system property `env`
* For example, when starting the java application, it can be configured via `-Denv=YOUR-ENVIRONMENT`
* Please note the key should be lower case
2. As OS System Environment
* You could also specify environment as system environment `ENV`
* Please note the key should be UPPER CASE
3. As Property File
* You could create a file `/opt/settings/` on the target machine
* And specify the environment in the file as `env=YOUR-ENVIRONMENT`
* Please note the key should be lower case
### I.II Optional Setup
#### Cluster
Apollo supports config separated by clusters, which means for one appId and one environment, you could have different configs.
If you need this functionality, you could specify the cluster as follows:
1. As Java System Property
* You could specify environment as java system property `apollo.cluster`
* For example, when starting the java application, it can be configured via `-Dapollo.cluster=xxx`
* Please note the key should be lower case
2. As Property file
* You could create a file `/opt/settings/` on the target machine
* And specify the environment in the file as `idc=xxx`
* Please note the key should be lower case
##### Cluster Precedence
1. If both `apollo.cluster` and `idc` are specified:
* We will first try to load config from cluster specified as `apollo.cluster`
* If not found, we will fall back to cluster specified as `idc`
* If still not found, we will fall back to the default cluster `default`
2. If only `apollo.cluster` is specified:
* We will first try to load config from cluster specified as `apollo.cluster`
* If not found, we will fall back to the default cluster `default`
3. If only `idc` is specified:
* We will first try to load config from cluster specified as `idc`
* If not found, we will fall back to the default cluster `default`
4. If neither `apollo.cluster` nor `idc` is specified:
* We will load config from the default cluster `default`
## II. Maven Dependency
## Client Usage
## III. Client Usage
### 1. Load config from default namespace(application)
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