Commit 2e05fb70 by Yiming Liu

Integrate EurekaServer into AdminSerivce Test, and update sample test data

parent 0d9d990c
......@@ -23,6 +23,47 @@
<!-- end of eureka -->
......@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ package com.ctrip.apollo;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.builder.SpringApplicationBuilder;
public class SampleAdminServiceApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(SampleAdminServiceApplication.class).run(args);
name: apollo-adminservice
port: ${port:8090}
level: 'DEBUG'
file: /opt/logs/${ctrip.appid}/apollo-adminservice.log
appid: 100003172
hostname: ${hostname:localhost}
defaultZone: http://${eureka.instance.hostname}:8090/eureka/
enabled: true
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ INSERT INTO Namespace (Id, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName) VALUES (3, '100003
INSERT INTO Namespace (Id, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName) VALUES (4, '100003173', 'default', 'application');
INSERT INTO Namespace (Id, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName) VALUES (5, '100003171', 'default', 'application');
INSERT INTO Item (GroupId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (1, 'k1', 'v1', 'comment1');
INSERT INTO Item (GroupId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (1, 'k2', 'v2', 'comment2');
INSERT INTO Item (GroupId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (2, 'k3', 'v3', 'comment3');
INSERT INTO Item (GroupId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (5, 'k3', 'v4', 'comment4');
INSERT INTO Item (NamespaceId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (1, 'k1', 'v1', 'comment1');
INSERT INTO Item (NamespaceId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (1, 'k2', 'v2', 'comment2');
INSERT INTO Item (NamespaceId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (2, 'k3', 'v3', 'comment3');
INSERT INTO Item (NamespaceId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (5, 'k3', 'v4', 'comment4');
INSERT INTO `RELEASE` (Name, Comment, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName, Configurations) VALUES ('REV1','First Release','100003171', 'default', 'application', '{"k1":"v1"}');
INSERT INTO RELEASE (Name, Comment, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName, Configurations) VALUES ('REV1','First Release','100003171', 'default', 'application', '{"k1":"v1"}');
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import org.hibernate.annotations.Where;
@SQLDelete(sql = "Update App set isDeleted = 'false' where id = ?")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 'false'")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 0")
public class App extends BaseEntity {
@Column(nullable = false)
......@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import org.hibernate.annotations.Where;
@SQLDelete(sql = "Update AppNamespace set isDeleted = 'false' where id = ?")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 'false'")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 0")
public class AppNamespace extends BaseEntity{
@Column(nullable = false, unique = true)
@Column(nullable = false)
private String name;
@Column(nullable = false)
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import org.hibernate.annotations.Where;
@SQLDelete(sql = "Update Cluster set isDeleted = 'false' where id = ?")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 'false'")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 0")
public class Cluster extends BaseEntity {
@Column(nullable = false)
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import org.hibernate.annotations.Where;
@SQLDelete(sql = "Update Item set isDeleted = 'false' where id = ?")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 'false'")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 0")
public class Item extends BaseEntity {
@Column(nullable = false)
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import org.hibernate.annotations.Where;
@SQLDelete(sql = "Update Namespace set isDeleted = 'false' where id = ?")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 'false'")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 0")
public class Namespace extends BaseEntity {
@Column(nullable = false)
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import org.hibernate.annotations.Where;
@SQLDelete(sql = "Update Privilege set isDeleted = 'false' where id = ?")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 'false'")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 0")
public class Privilege extends BaseEntity {
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Lob;
import javax.persistence.Table;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SQLDelete;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Where;
......@@ -12,9 +11,8 @@ import org.hibernate.annotations.Where;
* @author Jason Song(
@Table(name = "\"Release\"")
@SQLDelete(sql = "Update Release set isDeleted = 'false' where id = ?")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 'false'")
@Where(clause = "isDeleted = 0")
public class Release extends BaseEntity {
@Column(nullable = false)
......@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ INSERT INTO Namespace (Id, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName) VALUES (3, '100003
INSERT INTO Namespace (Id, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName) VALUES (4, '100003173', 'default', 'application');
INSERT INTO Namespace (Id, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName) VALUES (5, '100003171', 'default', 'application');
INSERT INTO Item (GroupId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (1, 'k1', 'v1', 'comment1');
INSERT INTO Item (GroupId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (1, 'k2', 'v2', 'comment2');
INSERT INTO Item (GroupId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (2, 'k3', 'v3', 'comment3');
INSERT INTO Item (GroupId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (5, 'k3', 'v4', 'comment4');
INSERT INTO Item (NamespaceId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (1, 'k1', 'v1', 'comment1');
INSERT INTO Item (NamespaceId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (1, 'k2', 'v2', 'comment2');
INSERT INTO Item (NamespaceId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (2, 'k3', 'v3', 'comment3');
INSERT INTO Item (NamespaceId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (5, 'k3', 'v4', 'comment4');
INSERT INTO `RELEASE` (Name, Comment, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName, Configurations) VALUES ('REV1','First Release','100003171', 'default', 'application', '{"k1":"v1"}');
INSERT INTO RELEASE (Name, Comment, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName, Configurations) VALUES ('REV1','First Release','100003171', 'default', 'application', '{"k1":"v1"}');
spring.datasource.url = jdbc:h2:mem:~/fxapolloconfigdb;mode=mysql
spring.h2.console.enabled = true
\ No newline at end of file
name: apollo-configservice
url: jdbc:h2:mem:~/fxapolloconfigdb;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE
port: ${port:8080}
INSERT INTO App (AppId, Name, OwnerName, OwnerEmail) VALUES ('100003171','apollo-config-service','刘一鸣','');
INSERT INTO App (AppId, Name, OwnerName, OwnerEmail) VALUES ('100003172','apollo-admin-service','宋顺','');
INSERT INTO App (AppId, Name, OwnerName, OwnerEmail) VALUES ('100003173','apollo-portal','张乐','');
INSERT INTO App (AppId, Name, OwnerName, OwnerEmail) VALUES ('fxhermesproducer','fx-hermes-producer','梁锦华','');
INSERT INTO Cluster (AppId, Name) VALUES ('100003171', 'default');
INSERT INTO Cluster (AppId, Name) VALUES ('100003171', 'cluster1');
INSERT INTO Cluster (AppId, Name) VALUES ('100003172', 'default');
INSERT INTO Cluster (AppId, Name) VALUES ('100003172', 'cluster2');
INSERT INTO Cluster (AppId, Name) VALUES ('100003173', 'default');
INSERT INTO Cluster (AppId, Name) VALUES ('100003173', 'cluster3');
INSERT INTO Cluster (AppId, Name) VALUES ('fxhermesproducer', 'default');
INSERT INTO AppNamespace (AppId, Name) VALUES ('100003171', 'application');
INSERT INTO AppNamespace (AppId, Name) VALUES ('100003172', 'application');
INSERT INTO AppNamespace (AppId, Name) VALUES ('100003173', 'application');
INSERT INTO AppNamespace (AppID, Name) VALUES ('fxhermesproducer', 'application');
INSERT INTO Namespace (Id, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName) VALUES (1, '100003171', 'default', 'application');
INSERT INTO Namespace (Id, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName) VALUES (2, 'fxhermesproducer', 'default', 'application');
INSERT INTO Namespace (Id, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName) VALUES (3, '100003172', 'default', 'application');
INSERT INTO Namespace (Id, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName) VALUES (4, '100003173', 'default', 'application');
INSERT INTO Namespace (Id, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName) VALUES (5, '100003171', 'default', 'application');
INSERT INTO Item (NamespaceId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (1, 'k1', 'v1', 'comment1');
INSERT INTO Item (NamespaceId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (1, 'k2', 'v2', 'comment2');
INSERT INTO Item (NamespaceId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (2, 'k3', 'v3', 'comment3');
INSERT INTO Item (NamespaceId, `Key`, Value, Comment) VALUES (5, 'k3', 'v4', 'comment4');
INSERT INTO RELEASE (Name, Comment, AppId, ClusterName, NamespaceName, Configurations) VALUES ('REV1','First Release','100003171', 'default', 'application', '{"k1":"v1"}');
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