Commit b6faa0e0 by Roy Clarkson

Fix spelling of 'broker'

parent fadfc67f
......@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ Spring Cloud provides a `spring-cloud-starter-turbine` that has all the dependen
=== Turbine AMQP
In some environments (e.g. in a PaaS setting), the classic Turbine model of pulling metrics from all the distributed Hystrix commands doesn't work. In that case you might want to have your Hystrix commands push metrics to Turbine, and Spring Cloud enables that with AMQP messaging. All you need to do on the client is add a dependency to `spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-amqp` and make sure there is a Rabbit brooker available (see Spring Boot documentation for details on how to configure the client credentials, but it should work out of the box for a local broker or in Cloud Foundry).
In some environments (e.g. in a PaaS setting), the classic Turbine model of pulling metrics from all the distributed Hystrix commands doesn't work. In that case you might want to have your Hystrix commands push metrics to Turbine, and Spring Cloud enables that with AMQP messaging. All you need to do on the client is add a dependency to `spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix-amqp` and make sure there is a Rabbit broker available (see Spring Boot documentation for details on how to configure the client credentials, but it should work out of the box for a local broker or in Cloud Foundry).
On the server side Just create a Spring Boot application and annotate it with `@EnableTurbineAmqp` and by default it will come up on port 8989 (point your Hystrix dashboard to that port, any path). You can customize the port using either `server.port` or `turbine.amqp.port`. If you have `spring-boot-starter-web` and `spring-boot-starter-actuator` on the classpath as well, then you can open up the Actuator endpoints on a separate port (with Tomcat by default) by providing a `management.port` which is different.
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