Commit 9dc2821b by boostrack Committed by Dave Syer

Small fixes to typos in docs

Fixes gh-274
parent 924363ca
......@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ Intelligent Routing (Zuul) and Client Side Load Balancing (Ribbon).
* Circuit Breaker: embedded Hystrix dashboard with declarative Java configuration
* Declarative REST Client: Feign creates a dynamic implementation of an interface decorated with JAX-RS or Spring MVC annotations
* Client Side Load Balancer: Ribbon
* External Configuration: a bridge from the Sprnig Environment to Archaius (enabls native configuration of Netflix components using Spring Boot conventions)
* Router and Filter: automatic regsitration of Zuul filters,a nd a simple convention over configuration approach to reverse proxy creation
* External Configuration: a bridge from the Spring Environment to Archaius (enables native configuration of Netflix components using Spring Boot conventions )
* Router and Filter: automatic registration of Zuul filters, and a simple convention over configuration approach to reverse proxy creation
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