Commit 781fa3ea by Gregor Zurowski

Add documentation about the detailed output of the routes endpoint

parent a08b661a
......@@ -1656,7 +1656,37 @@ To not discard these well known security headers in case Spring Security is on t
If you are using `@EnableZuulProxy` with tha Spring Boot Actuator you
will enable (by default) an additional endpoint, available via HTTP as
`/routes`. A GET to this endpoint will return a list of the mapped
routes. A POST will force a refresh of the existing routes (e.g. in
.GET /routes
/stores/**: "http://localhost:8081"
Additional route details can be requested by adding the `?format=details` query
string to `/routes`. This will produce the following output:
.GET /routes?format=details
"/stores/**": {
"id": "stores",
"fullPath": "/stores/**",
"location": "http://localhost:8081",
"path": "/**",
"prefix": "/stores",
"retryable": false,
"customSensitiveHeaders": false,
"prefixStripped": true
A POST will force a refresh of the existing routes (e.g. in
case there have been changes in the service catalog). You can disable
this endpoint by setting `endpoints.routes.enabled` to `false`.
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