Commit 23235123 by Dave Syer

Clarification regardinff shared interfaces in server and client

parent 213df388
......@@ -905,8 +905,6 @@ WARNING: There is a limitation with the implementation of fallbacks in Feign and
Feign supports boilerplate apis via single-inheritance interfaces.
This allows grouping common operations into convenient base interfaces.
Together with Spring MVC you can share the same contract for your
REST endpoint and Feign client.
......@@ -938,6 +936,11 @@ public interface UserClient extends UserService {
NOTE: It is gernarally not advisable to share an interface between a
server and a client. It introduces tight coupling, and also actually
doesn't work with Spring MVC in its current form (method parameter
mapping is not inherited).
=== Feign request/response compression
You may consider enabling the request or response GZIP compression for your
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