Commit 1c9d11de by Dave Syer

Add note to clarify that zuul starter does not include discovery

Fixes gh-992
parent 860d7b84
......@@ -1060,13 +1060,17 @@ independently for all the backends.
To enable it, annotate a Spring Boot main class with
`@EnableZuulProxy`, and this forwards local calls to the appropriate
service. By convention, a service with the Eureka ID "users", will
service. By convention, a service with the ID "users", will
receive requests from the proxy located at `/users` (with the prefix
stripped). The proxy uses Ribbon to locate an instance to forward to
via Eureka, and all requests are executed in a hystrix command, so
via discovery, and all requests are executed in a hystrix command, so
failures will show up in Hystrix metrics, and once the circuit is open
the proxy will not try to contact the service.
NOTE: the Zuul starter does not include a discovery client, so for
routes based on service IDs you need to provide one of those
on the classpath as well (e.g. Eureka is one choice).
To skip having a service automatically added, set
`zuul.ignored-services` to a list of service id patterns. If a service
matches a pattern that is ignored, but also included in the explicitly
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