<div class="container"> <div ng-if="errorWhileListing"> <p><b>This only applies to Spring Boot 1.4.x and older applications:</b> <br/> To make the logging section work you need to make the /jolokia-endpoint accessible. <br/>Include the jolokia-core.jar in your spring-boot-application: <pre><dependency> <groupId>org.jolokia</groupId> <artifactId>jolokia-core</artifactId> </dependency></pre> </p> <p>Please note that the logging section currently only works with Logback. <br/> To make the section work with Logback please activate the JMXConfigurator in your <b>logback.xml</b>: <pre><configuration> <include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/base.xml"/> <jmxConfigurator/></configuration></pre> </p> </div> <pre class="alert alert-error" ng-if="error"><b>Error:</b><br/>{{ error | json }}</pre> <div ng-show="loggers"> <form> <div class="input-prepend input-append"> <button class="btn" title="Show package-level loggers" ng-class="{'btn-inverse': showPackageLoggers}" ng-click="togglePackageLoggers()"><i class="fa fa-folder-o"></i></button> <input placeholder="Filter by name ..." class="input-xxlarge" type="search" ng-model="filterLogger.name" /> <button class="btn" title="reload list" ng-click="refreshLoggers()"><i class="fa fa-repeat"></i></button> <span title="filtered / total" class="add-on">{{ filteredLoggers.length }}/{{ loggers.length }}</span> </div> </form> <table class="table table-hover"> <tbody> <tr ng-repeat="logger in (filteredLoggers = (loggers | filter:packageFilter | filter:filterLogger) ) | limitTo: limit track by logger.name"> <td> <sba-logger value="logger" on-level-changed="refreshLoggers"></sba-logger> </td> </tr> <tr ng-show="limit < loggers.length"> <td> <button class="btn btn-link btn-block" ng-click="limit = limit + 10">show more</button> </td> </tr> <tr ng-show="limit < loggers.length"> <td> <button class="btn btn-link btn-block" ng-click="limit = loggers.length">show all</button> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div>