  - Copyright 2014-2018 the original author or authors.
  - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  - You may obtain a copy of the License at
  -     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  - limitations under the License.

  <div class="section">
    <div class="container">
      <h1 class="title">About Spring Boot Admin</h1>
      <h2 class="subtitle" v-if="version" v-text="`Version ${version}`"/>
      <div class="content">
          This is an administration UI for Spring Boot applications.
          To monitor applications, they must be registered at this server. This is either done by including the
          <a href="https://codecentric.github.io/spring-boot-admin/@project.version@/#register-clients-via-spring-boot-admin">
            Spring Boot Admin Client
          or using a
          <a href="https://codecentric.github.io/spring-boot-admin/@project.version@/#discover-clients-via-spring-cloud-discovery">
            Spring Cloud Discovery Client
          </a> implementation.
          If you have any question please consult the
          <a href="https://codecentric.github.io/spring-boot-admin/@project.version@">Reference Guide</a>, ask
          on <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/spring-boot-admin"> Stack Overflow</a> or
          have a chat on the <a href="https://gitter.im/codecentric/spring-boot-admin">Gitter</a> channel.
          If you found a bug, want to propose a feature or submit a pull request please use the
          <a href="https://github.com/codecentric/spring-boot-admin/issues">issue tracker</a>.
        <div class="about-links">
          <a class="button is-primary is-outlined"
            <font-awesome-icon size="lg" icon="book"/>&nbsp;Reference Guide
          <a class="button is-black is-outlined" href="https://github.com/codecentric/spring-boot-admin">
            <font-awesome-icon size="lg" :icon="['fab', 'github']"/>&nbsp;Sources
          <a class="button is-stackoverflow is-outlined"
            <font-awesome-icon size="lg" :icon="['fab', 'stack-overflow']"/>&nbsp;Stack Overflow
          <a class="button is-gitter is-outlined" href="https://gitter.im/codecentric/spring-boot-admin">
            <font-awesome-icon size="lg" :icon="['fab', 'gitter']"/>&nbsp;Gitter
      <h1 class="title is-5">Trademarks and Licenses</h1>
      <div class="content">
          The source code of Spring Boot Admin is licensed under <a
          href="https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0">Apache License 2.0</a>.
          Spring, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud are trademarks of <a href="https://pivotal.io/">Pivotal
          Software, Inc.</a> in the U.S. and other countries.

  const component = {
    data: () => ({
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
      version: __PROJECT_VERSION__

  export default component;
  export const view = {
    path: '/about',
    name: 'about',
    handle: 'About',
    order: 200,
    component: component

<style lang="scss">
  .about-links {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;

    & > * {
      margin-right: 0.5rem;

  $stackoverflow: #f48024;
  .button.is-stackoverflow.is-outlined {
    background-color: transparent;
    border-color: $stackoverflow;
    color: $stackoverflow;

    &:focus {
      background-color: $stackoverflow;
      border-color: $stackoverflow;
      color: white;

  $gitter: #ed1965;
  .button.is-gitter.is-outlined {
    background-color: transparent;
    border-color: $gitter;
    color: $gitter;

    &:focus {
      background-color: $gitter;
      border-color: $gitter;
      color: white;