  - Copyright 2014-2018 the original author or authors.
  - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  - You may obtain a copy of the License at
  -     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  - limitations under the License.

  <section class="section" :class="{ 'is-loading' : !hasLoaded }">
    <div class="container">
      <div v-if="error" class="message is-danger">
        <div class="message-body">
            <font-awesome-icon class="has-text-danger" icon="exclamation-triangle"/>
            Fetching JMX Beans failed.
          <p v-text="error.message"/>
      <div class="columns">
        <div class="column is-narrow">
          <nav class="menu domain-list" v-sticks-below="['#navigation', '#instance-tabs']">
            <p class="menu-label">domains</p>
            <ul class="menu-list">
                <a class="" v-for="domain in domains" :key="domain.domain"
                   :class="{'is-active' : domain === selectedDomain}"
                   v-text="domain.domain" @click="select(domain)"/>
        <div class="column" v-if="selectedDomain">
          <h1 class="heading">MBeans</h1>
          <div class="m-bean card" :class="{'is-active': mBean === selectedMBean}"
               v-for="mBean in selectedDomain.mBeans" :key="mBean.descriptor.raw" :id="mBean.descriptor.raw"
               v-on-clickaway="() => mBean === selectedMBean && select(selectedDomain)">

            <header class="m-bean--header hero"
                    :class="{'is-primary': mBean === selectedMBean, 'is-selectable' : mBean !== selectedMBean }"
                    @click="select(selectedDomain, mBean)">
              <div class="level is-clipped">
                <div class="level-left">
                  <div class="level-item is-narrow"
                       v-for="attribute in mBean.descriptor.attributes"
                    <div class="is-clipped" :title="`${attribute.name} ${attribute.value}`">
                      <p class="heading" v-text="attribute.name"/>
                      <p class="title is-size-6" v-text="attribute.value"/>
              <sba-icon-button v-if="mBean === selectedMBean" :icon="['far', 'times-circle']"
                               class="m-bean--header--close has-text-white"
              <div class="hero-foot tabs is-boxed" v-if="mBean === selectedMBean">
                  <li v-if="mBean.attr" :class="{'is-active' : selected.view === 'attributes' }">
                    <a @click.stop="select(selectedDomain, selectedMBean, 'attributes')">Attributes</a>
                  <li v-if="mBean.op" :class="{'is-active' : selected.view === 'operations' }">
                    <a @click.stop="select(selectedDomain, selectedMBean, 'operations')">Operations</a>

            <div class="card-content" v-if="mBean === selectedMBean">
              <m-bean-attributes v-if="selected.view === 'attributes'" :instance="instance"
                                 :domain="selectedDomain.domain" :m-bean="mBean"/>
              <m-bean-operations v-if="selected.view === 'operations'" :instance="instance"
                                 :domain="selectedDomain.domain" :m-bean="mBean"/>

  import Instance from '@/services/instance';
  import _ from 'lodash';
  import {directive as onClickaway} from 'vue-clickaway';
  import mBeanAttributes from './m-bean-attributes';
  import mBeanOperations from './m-bean-operations';
  import sticksBelow from '@/directives/sticks-below';

  const getOperationName = (name, descriptor) => {
    const params = descriptor.args.map(arg => arg.type).join(',');
    return `${name}(${params})`;

  class MBeanDescriptor {
    constructor(raw) {
      Object.assign(this, MBeanDescriptor.parse(raw));
      this.raw = raw;

    static parse(raw) {
      const attributes = raw.split(',')
        .map(attribute => attribute.split('='))
        .map(([name, value]) => ({name, value}));
      const displayName = attributes.map(({value}) => value).join(' ').trim();
      return {attributes, displayName}

  export class MBean {
    constructor({descriptor, op, ...mBean}) {
      Object.assign(this, mBean);
      this.descriptor = new MBeanDescriptor(descriptor);
      const flattenedOps = _.toPairs(op).flatMap(([name, value]) => {
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
          return value.map(v => [name, v]);
        } else {
          return [[name, value]];
      }).map(([name, operation]) => [getOperationName(name, operation), operation]);
      this.op = flattenedOps.length > 0 ? _.fromPairs(flattenedOps) : null;

  export default {
    props: {
      instance: {
        type: Instance,
        required: true
    components: {mBeanOperations, mBeanAttributes},
    directives: {onClickaway, sticksBelow},
    data: () => ({
      hasLoaded: false,
      error: null,
      domains: null,
      selected: {
        domain: null,
        mBean: null,
        view: null
    computed: {
      selectedDomain() {
        return this.domains && this.domains.find(d => d.domain === this.selected.domain)
      selectedMBean() {
        return this.selectedDomain && this.selectedDomain.mBeans.find(b => b.descriptor.raw === this.selected.mBean)
    created() {
    watch: {
      '$route.query': {
        immediate: true,
        handler() {
          this.selected = this.$route.query;
      selected() {
        if (!_.isEqual(this.selected, !this.$route.query)) {
            name: 'instance/jolokia',
            query: this.selected
      async selectedMBean(newVal) {
        if (newVal) {
          await this.$nextTick();
          const el = document.getElementById(newVal.descriptor.raw);
          if (el) {
            const scrollingEl = document.scrollingElement;
            const instanceTabs = document.querySelector('#instance-tabs');
            const navbarOffset = (instanceTabs ? instanceTabs.getBoundingClientRect().bottom : 120) + 10;
            const top = scrollingEl.scrollTop + el.getBoundingClientRect().top - navbarOffset;
            if (scrollingEl.scrollTo) {
              scrollingEl.scrollTo({top, behavior: 'smooth'})
            } else {
              scrollingEl.scrollTop = top;
    methods: {
      async fetchMBeans() {
        this.error = null;
        try {
          const res = await this.instance.listMBeans();
          const domains = _.sortBy(res.data, [d => d.domain]);
          this.domains = domains.map(domain => ({
            mBeans: _.sortBy(domain.mBeans.map(mBean => new MBean(mBean)), [b => b.descriptor.displayName])
          if (!this.selectedDomain && this.domains.length > 0) {
        } catch (error) {
          console.warn('Fetching MBeans failed:', error);
          this.error = error;
        this.hasLoaded = true;
      select(domain, mBean, view) {
        this.selected = {
          domain: domain && domain.domain,
          mBean: mBean && mBean.descriptor.raw,
          view: view || (mBean ? (mBean.attr ? 'attributes' : (mBean.op ? 'operations' : null)) : null)

<style lang="scss">
  @import "~@/assets/css/utilities";

  .m-bean {
    transition: all $easing $speed;

    &.is-active {
      margin: 0.75rem -0.75rem;
      max-width: unset;

    &.is-active .m-bean--header {
      padding-bottom: 0;

    &:not(.is-active) .m-bean--header:hover {
      background-color: $white-bis;

    &--header {
      & .level .level-left {
        width: 100%;

        & .level-item {
          min-width: 0;
          flex-shrink: 1;

          & p {
            overflow: hidden;
            white-space: nowrap;
            text-overflow: ellipsis;

      &--close {
        position: absolute;
        right: 0.75rem;
        top: 0.75rem;