<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">

	<description>Ctrip Configuration Center</description>

		<name>Ctrip, Inc.</name>

			<name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>


		<system>Travis CI</system>


			<name>Jason(Shun) Song</name>
			<email>nobodyiam at gmail.com</email>
			<organization>Ctrip, Inc.</organization>
			<name>Le Zhang</name>
			<email>lepdou at gmail.com</email>
			<organization>Ctrip, Inc.</organization>
			<name>Billy(Yiming) Liu</name>
			<email>liuyiming.vip at gmail.com</email>
			<organization>Ctrip, Inc.</organization>

		<!-- Plugins Version -->
		<!-- for travis usage -->


			<!-- ctrip internal dependencies, only used when ctrip profiles are enabled -->
					<!-- duplicated with xpp3:xpp3_min -->
					<!-- duplicated with bcpkix-jdk15on -->
					<!-- duplicated with hibernate-jpa-2.1-api -->
					<!-- partially duplicated with org.ow2.asm:asm -->
					<!-- duplicated with commons-collections and commons-beanutils -->
			<!--third party -->
			<!--for test -->
			<!-- declare Spring BOMs in order -->
			<!-- ctrip modified -->
			<!-- removed duplicated javax/persistence classes -->





				<!-- Need to set releases.repo and snapshots.repo properties in your .m2/settings.xml -->
			<!-- for travis usage -->
							<message>Site for ${project.artifactId}, ${project.version}</message>
			<!-- for open source usage -->
      <!-- for ctrip development -->
							<!-- use ctrip modified version instead -->
					<!-- eureka -->
							<!-- already in java -->
							<!-- duplicated with spring-security-core -->
							<!-- duplicated with xpp3:xpp3_min -->
							<!-- duplicated with netty-all -->
							<!-- duplicated with commons-collections and commons-beanutils -->
							<!-- duplicated with spring-aop -->
					<!-- end of eureka -->
			<!-- for ctrip development with logging capability -->
			<!-- for ctrip production -->
							<!-- use ctrip modified version instead -->
					<!-- eureka -->
							<!-- already in java -->
							<!-- duplicated with spring-security-core -->
							<!-- duplicated with xpp3:xpp3_min -->
							<!-- duplicated with netty-all -->
                            <!-- duplicated with commons-collections and commons-beanutils -->
							<!-- duplicated with spring-aop -->
					<!-- end of eureka -->

							<!-- <report>dependency-management</report> -->
							<!-- <report>dependencies</report> -->
							<!-- <report>dependency-convergence</report> -->