 * State-based routing for AngularJS
 * @version v1.0.0alpha0
 * @link http://angular-ui.github.com/
 * @license MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT
!function (a, b) {
    "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = b() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], b) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports["ui.router"] = b() : a["ui.router"] = b()
}(this, function () {
    return function (a) {
        function b(d) {
            if (c[d])return c[d].exports;
            var e = c[d] = {exports: {}, id: d, loaded: !1};
            return a[d].call(e.exports, e, e.exports, b), e.loaded = !0, e.exports

        var c = {};
        return b.m = a, b.c = c, b.p = "", b(0)
    }([function (a, b, c) {
        a.exports = c(1)
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(2);
        b.common = d;
        var e = c(36);
        b.params = e;
        var f = c(15);
        b.path = f;
        var g = c(17);
        b.resolve = g;
        var h = c(12);
        b.state = h;
        var i = c(9);
        b.transition = i;
        var j = c(34);
        b.url = j;
        var k = c(49);
        b.view = k, Object.defineProperty(b, "__esModule", {value: !0}), b["default"] = "ui.router"
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a) {
            for (var c in a)b.hasOwnProperty(c) || (b[c] = a[c])

        d(c(3)), d(c(4)), d(c(5)), d(c(6))
    }, function (a, b) {
        function c(a) {
            function b(c) {
                return c.length >= d ? a.apply(null, c) : function () {
                    return b(c.concat([].slice.apply(arguments)))

            var c = [].slice.apply(arguments, [1]), d = a.length;
            return b(c)

        function d() {
            var a = arguments, b = a.length - 1;
            return function () {
                for (var c = b, d = a[b].apply(this, arguments); c--;)d = a[c].call(this, d);
                return d

        function e() {
            for (var a = [], b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++)a[b - 0] = arguments[b];
            return d.apply(null, [].slice.call(arguments).reverse())

        function f(a, b) {
            return function () {
                for (var c = [], d = 0; d < arguments.length; d++)c[d - 0] = arguments[d];
                return a.apply(null, c) && b.apply(null, c)

        function g(a, b) {
            return function () {
                for (var c = [], d = 0; d < arguments.length; d++)c[d - 0] = arguments[d];
                return a.apply(null, c) || b.apply(null, c)

        function h(a, b) {
            return function (c) {
                return c[a].apply(c, b)

        function i(a) {
            return function (b) {
                for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)if (a[c][0](b))return a[c][1](b)

        function j(a) {
            void 0 === a && (a = {});
            for (var b = [], c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++)b[c - 1] = arguments[c];
            var d = k.apply(null, [{}].concat(b));
            return J({}, d, o(a || {}, Object.keys(d)))

        function k(a) {
            for (var b = [], c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++)b[c - 1] = arguments[c];
            return I(b, function (b) {
                I(b, function (b, c) {
                    a.hasOwnProperty(c) || (a[c] = b)
            }), a

        function l(a, b) {
            var c = [];
            for (var d in a.path) {
                if (a.path[d] !== b.path[d])break;
            return c

        function m(a, b, c) {
            void 0 === c && (c = Object.keys(a));
            for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
                var e = c[d];
                if (a[e] != b[e])return !1
            return !0

        function n(a, b) {
            var c = {}, d = Q(arguments, 2);
            for (var e in b)a(d, e) && (c[e] = b[e]);
            return c

        function o(a) {
            return n.apply(null, [R].concat(Q(arguments)))

        function p(a) {
            return n.apply(null, [b.not(R)].concat(Q(arguments)))

        function q(a, c) {
            return t(a, b.prop(c))

        function r(a, b) {
            var c = H(a), d = c ? [] : {}, e = c ? function (a) {
                return d.push(a)
            } : function (a, b) {
                return d[b] = a
            return I(a, function (a, c) {
                b(a, c) && e(a, c)
            }), d

        function s(a, b) {
            var c;
            return I(a, function (a, d) {
                c || b(a, d) && (c = a)
            }), c

        function t(a, b) {
            var c = H(a) ? [] : {};
            return I(a, function (a, d) {
                return c[d] = b(a, d)
            }), c

        function u(a, b) {
            return void 0 === b && (b = "assert failure"), function (c) {
                if (!a(c))throw new Error(b);
                return !0

        function v() {
            for (var a = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; c++)a[c - 0] = arguments[c];
            if (0 === a.length)return [];
            var d = a.reduce(function (a, b) {
                return Math.min(b.length, a)
            }, 9007199254740991);
            return Array.apply(null, Array(d)).map(function (c, d) {
                return a.map(function (a) {
                    return a[d]
                }).reduce(b.pushR, [])

        function w(a, b) {
            var c, d;
            if (H(b) && (c = b[0], d = b[1]), !F(c))throw new Error("invalid parameters to applyPairs");
            return a[c] = d, a

        function x(a) {
            if (H(a) && a.length) {
                var c = a.slice(0, -1), d = a.slice(-1);
                if (c.filter(b.not(F)).length || d.filter(b.not(D)).length)return !1
            return D(a)

        function y(a) {
            var c = i([[H, function (a) {
                return a.slice(-1)[0]
            }], [b.val(!0), P]])(a);
            return c && c.toString() || "undefined"

        function z(a, b) {
            return b.length <= a ? b : b.substr(0, a - 3) + "..."

        function A(a, b) {
            for (; b.length < a;)b += " ";
            return b

        function B(a) {
            return a.length && a[a.length - 1] || void 0

        var C = angular.isDefined, D = angular.isFunction, E = angular.isNumber, F = angular.isString, G = angular.isObject, H = angular.isArray, I = angular.forEach, J = angular.extend, K = angular.copy, L = angular.noop, M = angular.toJson, N = angular.fromJson, O = angular.equals, P = angular.identity;
        b.isDefined = C, b.isFunction = D, b.isNumber = E, b.isString = F, b.isObject = G, b.isArray = H, b.forEach = I, b.extend = J, b.copy = K, b.noop = L, b.toJson = M, b.fromJson = N, b.equals = O, b.identity = P, b.abstractKey = "abstract", b.curry = c, b.compose = d, b.pipe = e, b.prop = function (a) {
            return function (b) {
                return b && b[a]
        }, b.propEq = c(function (a, b, c) {
            return c && c[a] === b
        }), b.parse = function (a) {
            return e.apply(null, a.split(".").map(b.prop))
        }, b.not = function (a) {
            return function () {
                for (var b = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; c++)b[c - 0] = arguments[c];
                return !a.apply(null, b)
        }, b.and = f, b.or = g, b.is = function (a) {
            return function (b) {
                return null != b && b.constructor === a || b instanceof a
        }, b.eq = function (a) {
            return function (b) {
                return a === b
        }, b.val = function (a) {
            return function () {
                return a
        }, b.invoke = h, b.pattern = i, b.inherit = function (a, b) {
            return J(new (J(function () {
            }, {prototype: a})), b)
        var Q = function (a, b) {
            return void 0 === b && (b = 0), Array.prototype.concat.apply(Array.prototype, Array.prototype.slice.call(a, b))
        }, R = function (a, b) {
            return -1 !== a.indexOf(b)
        b.removeFrom = function (a) {
            return function (b) {
                var c = a.indexOf(b);
                return c >= 0 && a.splice(c, 1), a
        }, b.defaults = j, b.merge = k, b.mergeR = function (a, b) {
            return J(a, b)
        }, b.ancestors = l, b.equalForKeys = m, b.pick = o, b.omit = p, b.pluck = q, b.filter = r, b.find = s, b.map = t, b.values = function (a) {
            return Object.keys(a).map(function (b) {
                return a[b]
        }, b.allTrueR = function (a, b) {
            return a && b
        }, b.anyTrueR = function (a, b) {
            return a || b
        }, b.pushR = function (a, b) {
            return a.push(b), a
        }, b.unnestR = function (a, b) {
            return a.concat(b)
        }, b.flattenR = function (a, c) {
            return H(c) ? a.concat(c.reduce(b.flattenR, [])) : b.pushR(a, c)
        }, b.unnest = function (a) {
            return a.reduce(b.unnestR, [])
        }, b.flatten = function (a) {
            return a.reduce(b.flattenR, [])
        }, b.assertPredicate = u, b.pairs = function (a) {
            return Object.keys(a).map(function (b) {
                return [b, a[b]]
        }, b.arrayTuples = v, b.applyPairs = w, b.isInjectable = x, b.isNull = function (a) {
            return null === a
        }, b.isPromise = f(G, e(b.prop("then"), D)), b.fnToString = y, b.maxLength = z, b.padString = A, b.tail = B, angular.module("ui.router.util", ["ng", "ui.router.init"]), angular.module("ui.router.router", ["ui.router.util"]), angular.module("ui.router.state", ["ui.router.router", "ui.router.util", "ui.router.angular1"]), angular.module("ui.router", ["ui.router.init", "ui.router.state", "ui.router.angular1"]), angular.module("ui.router.compat", ["ui.router"])
    }, function (a, b) {
        var c = function (a) {
            return function () {
                throw new Error(a + "(): No coreservices implementation for UI-Router is loaded. You should include one of: ['angular1.js']")
        }, d = {$q: void 0, $injector: void 0, location: {}, locationConfig: {}};
        b.services = d, ["replace", "url", "path", "search", "hash"].forEach(function (a) {
            return d.location[a] = c(a)
        }), ["port", "protocol", "host", "baseHref", "html5Mode", "hashPrefix"].forEach(function (a) {
            return d.locationConfig[a] = c(a)
    }, function (a, b) {
        var c = function () {
            function a(a) {
                void 0 === a && (a = []), this._items = a

            return a.prototype.enqueue = function (a) {
                return this._items.push(a), a
            }, a.prototype.dequeue = function () {
                return this.size() ? this._items.splice(0, 1)[0] : void 0
            }, a.prototype.clear = function () {
                var a = this._items;
                return this._items = [], a
            }, a.prototype.size = function () {
                return this._items.length
            }, a.prototype.remove = function (a) {
                var b = this._items.indexOf(a);
                return b > -1 && this._items.splice(b, 1)[0]
            }, a.prototype.peekTail = function () {
                return this._items[this._items.length - 1]
            }, a.prototype.peekHead = function () {
                return this.size() ? this._items[0] : void 0
            }, a
        b.Queue = c
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a) {
            return j.is(m.TransitionRejection)(a.reason) ? a.reason.toString() : "Promise(" + JSON.stringify(a) + ")"

        function e(a) {
            var b = j.fnToString(a), c = b.match(/^(function [^ ]+\([^)]*\))/);
            return c ? c[1] : b

        function f(a) {
            return j.isNumber(a) ? i[a] : i[i[a]]

        function g(a) {
            var b = j.pattern([[j.not(j.isDefined), j.val("undefined")], [j.isNull, j.val("null")], [j.isPromise, d], [j.is(l.Transition), j.invoke("toString")], [j.is(k.Resolvable), j.invoke("toString")], [j.isInjectable, e], [j.val(!0), j.identity]]);
            return JSON.stringify(a, function (a, c) {
                return b(c)
            }).replace(/\\"/g, '"')

        function h(a) {
            a.$watch(function () {

        var i, j = c(3), k = c(7), l = c(8), m = c(28), n = function (a) {
            return "ui-view id#" + a.id + ", contextual name '" + a.name + "@" + a.creationContext + "', fqn: '" + a.fqn + "'"
        }, o = function (a) {
            return "ViewConfig targeting ui-view: '" + a.uiViewName + "@" + a.uiViewContextAnchor + "', context: '" + a.context.name + "'"
        !function (a) {
            a[a.RESOLVE = 0] = "RESOLVE", a[a.TRANSITION = 1] = "TRANSITION", a[a.HOOK = 2] = "HOOK", a[a.INVOKE = 3] = "INVOKE", a[a.UIVIEW = 4] = "UIVIEW", a[a.VIEWCONFIG = 5] = "VIEWCONFIG"
        }(i || (i = {}));
        var p = function () {
            function a() {
                var a = this;
                this._enabled = {}, this.enable = function () {
                    for (var b = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; c++)b[c - 0] = arguments[c];
                    return a._set(!0, b)
                }, this.disable = function () {
                    for (var b = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; c++)b[c - 0] = arguments[c];
                    return a._set(!1, b)
                }, this.approximateDigests = 0

            return a.prototype._set = function (a, b) {
                var c = this;
                b.length || (b = Object.keys(i).filter(function (a) {
                    return isNaN(parseInt(a, 10))
                }).map(function (a) {
                    return i[a]
                })), b.map(f).forEach(function (b) {
                    return c._enabled[b] = a
            }, a.prototype.enabled = function (a) {
                return !!this._enabled[f(a)]
            }, a.prototype.traceTransitionStart = function (a) {
                if (this.enabled(i.TRANSITION)) {
                    var b = a.$id, c = this.approximateDigests, d = g(a);
                    console.log("Transition #" + b + " Digest #" + c + ": Started  -> " + d)
            }, a.prototype.traceTransitionIgnored = function (a) {
                if (this.enabled(i.TRANSITION)) {
                    var b = a.$id, c = this.approximateDigests, d = g(a);
                    console.log("Transition #" + b + " Digest #" + c + ": Ignored  <> " + d)
            }, a.prototype.traceHookInvocation = function (a, b) {
                if (this.enabled(i.HOOK)) {
                    var c = j.parse("transition.$id")(b), d = this.approximateDigests, f = j.parse("traceData.hookType")(b) || "internal", g = j.parse("traceData.context.state.name")(b) || j.parse("traceData.context")(b) || "unknown", h = e(a.fn);
                    console.log("Transition #" + c + " Digest #" + d + ":   Hook -> " + f + " context: " + g + ", " + j.maxLength(200, h))
            }, a.prototype.traceHookResult = function (a, b, c) {
                if (this.enabled(i.HOOK)) {
                    var d = j.parse("transition.$id")(c), e = this.approximateDigests, f = g(a), h = g(b);
                    console.log("Transition #" + d + " Digest #" + e + ":   <- Hook returned: " + j.maxLength(200, f) + ", transition result: " + j.maxLength(200, h))
            }, a.prototype.traceResolvePath = function (a, b) {
                if (this.enabled(i.RESOLVE)) {
                    var c = j.parse("transition.$id")(b), d = this.approximateDigests, e = a && a.toString(), f = b && b.resolvePolicy;
                    console.log("Transition #" + c + " Digest #" + d + ":         Resolving " + e + " (" + f + ")")
            }, a.prototype.traceResolvePathElement = function (a, b, c) {
                if (this.enabled(i.RESOLVE) && b.length) {
                    var d = j.parse("transition.$id")(c), e = this.approximateDigests, f = Object.keys(b).join(", "), g = a && a.toString(), h = c && c.resolvePolicy;
                    console.log("Transition #" + d + " Digest #" + e + ":         Resolve " + g + " resolvables: [" + f + "] (" + h + ")")
            }, a.prototype.traceResolveResolvable = function (a, b) {
                if (this.enabled(i.RESOLVE)) {
                    var c = j.parse("transition.$id")(b), d = this.approximateDigests, e = a && a.toString();
                    console.log("Transition #" + c + " Digest #" + d + ":               Resolving -> " + e)
            }, a.prototype.traceResolvableResolved = function (a, b) {
                if (this.enabled(i.RESOLVE)) {
                    var c = j.parse("transition.$id")(b), d = this.approximateDigests, e = a && a.toString(), f = g(a.data);
                    console.log("Transition #" + c + " Digest #" + d + ":               <- Resolved  " + e + " to: " + j.maxLength(200, f))
            }, a.prototype.tracePathElementInvoke = function (a, b, c, d) {
                if (this.enabled(i.INVOKE)) {
                    var f = j.parse("transition.$id")(d), g = this.approximateDigests, h = a && a.state && a.state.toString(), k = e(b);
                    console.log("Transition #" + f + " Digest #" + g + ":         Invoke " + d.when + ": context: " + h + " " + j.maxLength(200, k))
            }, a.prototype.traceError = function (a, b) {
                if (this.enabled(i.TRANSITION)) {
                    var c = b.$id, d = this.approximateDigests, e = g(b);
                    console.log("Transition #" + c + " Digest #" + d + ": <- Rejected " + e + ", reason: " + a)
            }, a.prototype.traceSuccess = function (a, b) {
                if (this.enabled(i.TRANSITION)) {
                    var c = b.$id, d = this.approximateDigests, e = a.name, f = g(b);
                    console.log("Transition #" + c + " Digest #" + d + ": <- Success  " + f + ", final state: " + e)
            }, a.prototype.traceUiViewEvent = function (a, b, c) {
                void 0 === c && (c = ""), this.enabled(i.UIVIEW) && console.log("ui-view: " + j.padString(30, a) + " " + n(b) + c)
            }, a.prototype.traceUiViewConfigUpdated = function (a, b) {
                this.enabled(i.UIVIEW) && this.traceUiViewEvent("Updating", a, " with ViewConfig from context='" + b + "'")
            }, a.prototype.traceUiViewScopeCreated = function (a, b) {
                this.enabled(i.UIVIEW) && this.traceUiViewEvent("Created scope for", a, ", scope #" + b.$id)
            }, a.prototype.traceUiViewFill = function (a, b) {
                this.enabled(i.UIVIEW) && this.traceUiViewEvent("Fill", a, " with: " + j.maxLength(200, b))
            }, a.prototype.traceViewServiceEvent = function (a, b) {
                this.enabled(i.VIEWCONFIG) && console.log("$view.ViewConfig: " + a + " " + o(b))
            }, a.prototype.traceViewServiceUiViewEvent = function (a, b) {
                this.enabled(i.VIEWCONFIG) && console.log("$view.ViewConfig: " + a + " " + n(b))
            }, a
        }(), q = new p;
        b.trace = q, h.$inject = ["$rootScope"], angular.module("ui.router").run(h), angular.module("ui.router").service("$trace", function () {
            return q
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = c(4), f = c(6), g = function () {
            function a(a, b, c) {
                this.promise = void 0, d.extend(this, {
                    name: a,
                    resolveFn: b,
                    deps: e.services.$injector.annotate(b),
                    data: c

            return a.prototype.resolveResolvable = function (a, b) {
                var c = this;
                void 0 === b && (b = {});
                var g = this, h = g.name, i = g.deps, j = g.resolveFn;
                f.trace.traceResolveResolvable(this, b);
                var k = e.services.$q.defer();
                this.promise = k.promise;
                var l = a.getResolvables(null, {omitOwnLocals: [h]}), m = d.pick(l, i), n = d.map(m, function (c) {
                    return c.get(a, b)
                return e.services.$q.all(n).then(function (a) {
                    try {
                        var b = e.services.$injector.invoke(j, null, a);
                    } catch (d) {
                    return c.promise
                }).then(function (a) {
                    return c.data = a, f.trace.traceResolvableResolved(c, b), c.promise
            }, a.prototype.get = function (a, b) {
                return this.promise || this.resolveResolvable(a, b)
            }, a.prototype.toString = function () {
                return "Resolvable(name: " + this.name + ", requires: [" + this.deps + "])"
            }, a.makeResolvables = function (b) {
                var c = d.filter(b, d.not(d.isFunction)), e = Object.keys(c);
                if (e.length)throw new Error("Invalid resolve key/value: " + e[0] + "/" + c[e[0]]);
                return d.map(b, function (b, c) {
                    return new a(c, b)
            }, a
        b.Resolvable = g
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(6), e = c(4), f = c(3), g = c(9), h = c(15), i = c(12), j = c(36), k = c(17), l = 0, m = new g.RejectFactory, n = f.prop("self"), o = function () {
            function a(a, b) {
                var c = this;
                if (this._deferred = e.services.$q.defer(), this.promise = this._deferred.promise, this.treeChanges = function () {
                        return c._treeChanges
                    }, this.isActive = function () {
                        return c === c._options.current()
                    }, !b.valid())throw new Error(b.error());
                g.HookRegistry.mixin(new g.HookRegistry, this), this._options = f.extend({current: f.val(this)}, b.options()), this.$id = l++;
                var d = h.PathFactory.buildToPath(a, b);
                this._treeChanges = h.PathFactory.treeChanges(a, d, this._options.reloadState), h.PathFactory.bindTransitionResolve(this._treeChanges, this)

            return a.prototype.$from = function () {
                return f.tail(this._treeChanges.from).state
            }, a.prototype.$to = function () {
                return f.tail(this._treeChanges.to).state
            }, a.prototype.from = function () {
                return this.$from().self
            }, a.prototype.to = function () {
                return this.$to().self
            }, a.prototype.is = function (b) {
                return b instanceof a ? this.is({
                    to: b.$to().name,
                    from: b.$from().name
                }) : !(b.to && !g.matchState(this.$to(), b.to) || b.from && !g.matchState(this.$from(), b.from))
            }, a.prototype.params = function (a) {
                return void 0 === a && (a = "to"), this._treeChanges[a].map(f.prop("values")).reduce(f.mergeR, {})
            }, a.prototype.resolves = function () {
                return f.map(f.tail(this._treeChanges.to).resolveContext.getResolvables(), function (a) {
                    return a.data
            }, a.prototype.addResolves = function (a, b) {
                void 0 === b && (b = "");
                var c = "string" == typeof b ? b : b.name, d = this._treeChanges.to, e = f.find(d, function (a) {
                    return a.state.name === c
                f.tail(d).resolveContext.addResolvables(k.Resolvable.makeResolvables(a), e.state)
            }, a.prototype.previous = function () {
                return this._options.previous || null
            }, a.prototype.options = function () {
                return this._options
            }, a.prototype.entering = function () {
                return f.map(this._treeChanges.entering, f.prop("state")).map(n)
            }, a.prototype.exiting = function () {
                return f.map(this._treeChanges.exiting, f.prop("state")).map(n).reverse()
            }, a.prototype.retained = function () {
                return f.map(this._treeChanges.retained, f.prop("state")).map(n)
            }, a.prototype.views = function (a, b) {
                void 0 === a && (a = "entering");
                var c = this._treeChanges[a];
                return b ? f.find(c, f.propEq("state", b)).views : f.unnest(c.map(f.prop("views")))
            }, a.prototype.redirect = function (b) {
                var c = f.extend({}, this.options(), b.options(), {previous: this});
                b = new i.TargetState(b.identifier(), b.$state(), b.params(), c);
                var d = new a(this._treeChanges.from, b), e = this.treeChanges().to, g = h.Node.matching(d.treeChanges().to, e), j = function (a, b) {
                    return -1 === ["$stateParams", "$transition$"].indexOf(b)
                return g.forEach(function (a, b) {
                    return f.extend(a.resolves, f.filter(e[b].resolves, j))
                }), d
            }, a.prototype.ignored = function () {
                var a = this._treeChanges, b = a.to, c = a.from;
                if (this._options.reload || f.tail(b).state !== f.tail(c).state)return !1;
                var d = b.map(function (a) {
                    return a.schema.filter(f.not(f.prop("dynamic")))
                }), e = [b, c].map(function (a) {
                    return a.map(f.prop("values"))
                }), g = e[0], h = e[1], i = f.arrayTuples(d, g, h);
                return i.map(function (a) {
                    var b = a[0], c = a[1], d = a[2];
                    return j.Param.equals(b, c, d)
                }).reduce(f.allTrueR, !0)
            }, a.prototype.hookBuilder = function () {
                return new g.HookBuilder(g.$transitions, this, {transition: this, current: this._options.current})
            }, a.prototype.run = function () {
                var a = this, b = this.hookBuilder(), c = g.TransitionHook.runSynchronousHooks, f = function () {
                    return c(b.getOnSuccessHooks(), {}, !0)
                }, h = function (a) {
                    return c(b.getOnErrorHooks(), {$error$: a}, !0)
                this.promise.then(f, h);
                var i = c(b.getOnBeforeHooks());
                if (g.TransitionHook.isRejection(i)) {
                    var j = i.reason;
                    return this._deferred.reject(j), this.promise
                if (!this.valid()) {
                    var k = new Error(this.error());
                    return this._deferred.reject(k), this.promise
                if (this.ignored()) {
                    var l = m.ignored();
                    return this._deferred.reject(l.reason), this.promise
                var n = function () {
                    a._deferred.resolve(a), d.trace.traceSuccess(a.$to(), a)
                }, o = function (b) {
                    return a._deferred.reject(b), d.trace.traceError(b, a), e.services.$q.reject(b)
                var p = b.asyncHooks().reduce(function (a, b) {
                    return a.then(b.invokeStep)
                }, i);
                return p.then(n, o), this.promise
            }, a.prototype.valid = function () {
                return !this.error()
            }, a.prototype.error = function () {
                var a = this.$to();
                return a.self[f.abstractKey] ? "Cannot transition to abstract state '" + a.name + "'" : j.Param.validates(a.parameters(), this.params()) ? void 0 : "Param values not valid for state '" + a.name + "'"
            }, a.prototype.toString = function () {
                var a = this.from(), b = this.to(), c = function (a) {
                    return null !== a["#"] && void 0 !== a["#"] ? a : f.omit(a, "#")
                }, d = this.$id, e = f.isObject(a) ? a.name : a, g = f.toJson(c(this._treeChanges.from.map(f.prop("values")).reduce(f.mergeR, {}))), h = this.valid() ? "" : "(X) ", i = f.isObject(b) ? b.name : b, j = f.toJson(c(this.params()));
                return "Transition#" + d + "( '" + e + "'" + g + " -> " + h + "'" + i + "'" + j + " )"
            }, a
        b.Transition = o
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a) {
            for (var c in a)b.hasOwnProperty(c) || (b[c] = a[c])

        d(c(10)), d(c(11)), d(c(28)), d(c(8)), d(c(47)), d(c(48))
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = c(9), f = function () {
            function a(a, b, c) {
                var e = this;
                this.$transitions = a, this.transition = b, this.baseHookOptions = c, this.getOnBeforeHooks = function () {
                    return e._buildTransitionHooks("onBefore", {}, {async: !1})
                }, this.getOnStartHooks = function () {
                    return e._buildTransitionHooks("onStart")
                }, this.getOnExitHooks = function () {
                    return e._buildNodeHooks("onExit", e.treeChanges.exiting.reverse(), function (a) {
                        return e._toFrom({from: a.state})
                }, this.getOnRetainHooks = function () {
                    return e._buildNodeHooks("onRetain", e.treeChanges.retained, function (a) {
                        return e._toFrom()
                }, this.getOnEnterHooks = function () {
                    return e._buildNodeHooks("onEnter", e.treeChanges.entering, function (a) {
                        return e._toFrom({to: a.state})
                }, this.getOnFinishHooks = function () {
                    return e._buildTransitionHooks("onFinish", {$treeChanges$: e.treeChanges})
                }, this.getOnSuccessHooks = function () {
                    return e._buildTransitionHooks("onSuccess", {}, {async: !1, rejectIfSuperseded: !1})
                }, this.getOnErrorHooks = function () {
                    return e._buildTransitionHooks("onError", {}, {async: !1, rejectIfSuperseded: !1})
                }, this.treeChanges = b.treeChanges(), this.toState = d.tail(this.treeChanges.to).state, this.fromState = d.tail(this.treeChanges.from).state, this.transitionOptions = b.options()

            return a.prototype.asyncHooks = function () {
                var a = this.getOnStartHooks(), b = this.getOnExitHooks(), c = this.getOnRetainHooks(), e = this.getOnEnterHooks(), f = this.getOnFinishHooks();
                return d.flatten([a, b, c, e, f]).filter(d.identity)
            }, a.prototype._toFrom = function (a) {
                return d.extend({to: this.toState, from: this.fromState}, a)
            }, a.prototype._buildTransitionHooks = function (a, b, c) {
                var e = this;
                void 0 === b && (b = {}), void 0 === c && (c = {});
                var f = this.treeChanges.to, g = d.tail(f);
                c.traceData = {hookType: a, context: f};
                var h = function (a) {
                    return e.buildHook(g, a.callback, b, c)
                return this._matchingHooks(a, this._toFrom()).map(h)
            }, a.prototype._buildNodeHooks = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
                var f = this;
                void 0 === d && (d = {}), void 0 === e && (e = {});
                var g = function (b) {
                    var g = c(b);
                    e.traceData = {hookType: a, context: b}, d.$state$ = b.state;
                    var h = function (a) {
                        return f.buildHook(b, a.callback, d, e)
                    return f._matchingHooks(a, g).map(h)
                return b.map(g)
            }, a.prototype.buildHook = function (a, b, c, f) {
                void 0 === f && (f = {});
                var g = d.extend({}, this.baseHookOptions, f);
                return new e.TransitionHook(b, d.extend({}, c), a.resolveContext, g)
            }, a.prototype._matchingHooks = function (a, b) {
                var c = function (a) {
                    return a.matches(b.to, b.from)
                }, e = function (a, b) {
                    return b.priority - a.priority
                return [this.transition, this.$transitions].map(function (b) {
                    return b.getHooks(a)
                }).filter(d.assertPredicate(d.isArray, "broken event named: " + a)).reduce(d.unnestR).filter(c).sort(e)
            }, a
        b.HookBuilder = f
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a, b) {
            function c(a) {
                for (var b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
                    var c = g.Glob.fromString(d[b]);
                    if (c && c.matches(a.name) || !c && d[b] === a.name)return !0
                return !1

            var d = f.isString(b) ? [b] : b, e = f.isFunction(d) ? d : c;
            return !!e(a)

        function e(a, b) {
            return function (c, d, e) {
                void 0 === e && (e = {});
                var g = new h(c, d, e);
                return a[b].push(g), function () {

        var f = c(3), g = c(12);
        b.matchState = d;
        var h = function () {
            function a(a, b, c) {
                void 0 === c && (c = {}), this.callback = b, this.matchCriteria = f.extend({
                    to: f.val(!0),
                    from: f.val(!0)
                }, a), this.priority = c.priority || 0

            return a.prototype.matches = function (a, b) {
                return d(a, this.matchCriteria.to) && d(b, this.matchCriteria.from)
            }, a
        b.EventHook = h;
        var i = function () {
            function a() {
                var a = this;
                this._transitionEvents = {
                    onBefore: [],
                    onStart: [],
                    onEnter: [],
                    onRetain: [],
                    onExit: [],
                    onFinish: [],
                    onSuccess: [],
                    onError: []
                }, this.getHooks = function (b) {
                    return a._transitionEvents[b]
                }, this.onBefore = e(this._transitionEvents, "onBefore"), this.onStart = e(this._transitionEvents, "onStart"), this.onEnter = e(this._transitionEvents, "onEnter"), this.onRetain = e(this._transitionEvents, "onRetain"), this.onExit = e(this._transitionEvents, "onExit"), this.onFinish = e(this._transitionEvents, "onFinish"), this.onSuccess = e(this._transitionEvents, "onSuccess"), this.onError = e(this._transitionEvents, "onError")

            return a.mixin = function (a, b) {
                Object.keys(a._transitionEvents).concat(["getHooks"]).forEach(function (c) {
                    return b[c] = a[c]
            }, a
        b.HookRegistry = i
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a) {
            for (var c in a)b.hasOwnProperty(c) || (b[c] = a[c])

        d(c(13)), d(c(14)), d(c(41)), d(c(42)), d(c(43)), d(c(23)), d(c(44)), d(c(45)), d(c(46)), d(c(29))
    }, function (a, b) {
        var c = function () {
            function a(a) {
                this.text = a, this.glob = a.split(".")

            return a.prototype.matches = function (a) {
                for (var b = a.split("."), c = 0, d = this.glob.length; d > c; c++)"*" === this.glob[c] && (b[c] = "*");
                return "**" === this.glob[0] && (b = b.slice(b.indexOf(this.glob[1])), b.unshift("**")), "**" === this.glob[this.glob.length - 1] && (b.splice(b.indexOf(this.glob[this.glob.length - 2]) + 1, Number.MAX_VALUE), b.push("**")), this.glob.length != b.length ? !1 : b.join("") === this.glob.join("")
            }, a.is = function (a) {
                return a.indexOf("*") > -1
            }, a.fromString = function (b) {
                return this.is(b) ? new a(b) : null
            }, a
        b.Glob = c
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a, b) {
            function c(a, b) {
                return r.builder(a, b) || this

            function d(a, b) {
                return e.isObject(a) ? b = a : b.name = a, s.register(b), this

            function l(a) {

            function m(a, b, c, d, l, m) {
                function r(c, d) {
                    function e(a) {
                        if (a instanceof g.TargetState) {
                            var b = a;
                            return b = p.target(b.identifier(), b.params(), b.options()), b.valid() ? j() !== k ? v.superseded() : p.transitionTo(b.identifier(), b.params(), b.options()) : v.invalid(b.error())

                    function h() {
                        var a = m.dequeue();
                        return void 0 === a ? v.invalid(d.error()) : n(a).then(e).then(function (a) {
                            return a || h()

                    var j = function () {
                        return t.peekTail() || u.peekTail()
                    }, k = j(), l = i.PathFactory.makeTargetState(c), m = new f.Queue([].concat(w)), n = function (c) {
                        return a.when(b.invoke(c, null, {$to$: d, $from$: l}))
                    return h()

                var x = m, y = {
                    name: "",
                    url: "^",
                    views: null,
                    params: {"#": {value: null, type: "hash"}},
                    "abstract": !0
                n = s.register(y, !0), n.navigable = null;
                var z = function () {
                    return i.PathFactory.bindTransNodesToPath([new i.Node(n, {})])
                return c.rootContext(n), e.extend(p, {
                    params: new k.StateParams,
                    current: n.self,
                    $current: n,
                    transition: null
                }), s.flush(p), s.autoFlush = !0, p.reload = function (a) {
                    return p.transitionTo(p.current, d, {reload: e.isDefined(a) ? a : !0, inherit: !1, notify: !1})
                }, p.go = function (a, b, c) {
                    var d = {relative: p.$current, inherit: !0}, f = e.defaults(c, d, h.defaultTransOpts);
                    return p.transitionTo(a, b, f)
                }, p.target = function (a, b, c) {
                    void 0 === c && (c = {});
                    var d = q.find(a, c.relative);
                    return new g.TargetState(a, d, b, c)
                }, p.transitionTo = function (b, f, g) {
                    if (void 0 === f && (f = {}), void 0 === g && (g = {}), g = e.defaults(g, h.defaultTransOpts), g = e.extend(g, {current: t.peekTail.bind(t)}), e.isObject(g.reload) && !g.reload.name)throw new Error("Invalid reload state object");
                    if (g.reloadState = g.reload === !0 ? p.$current.path[0] : q.find(g.reload, g.relative), g.reload && !g.reloadState)throw new Error("No such reload state '" + (e.isString(g.reload) ? g.reload : g.reload.name) + "'");
                    var i = p.target(b, f, g), k = u.peekTail(), m = k ? k.to : z();
                    if (!i.exists())return r(m, i);
                    if (!i.valid())return a.reject(i.error());
                    var n = x.create(m, i), o = new j.TransitionManager(n, x, l, c, p, d, a, t, u), s = o.runTransition();
                    return e.extend(s, {transition: n})
                }, p.is = function (a, b, c) {
                    c = e.defaults(c, {relative: p.$current});
                    var f = q.find(a, c.relative);
                    return e.isDefined(f) ? p.$current !== f ? !1 : e.isDefined(b) && null !== b ? k.Param.equals(f.parameters(), d, b) : !0 : void 0
                }, p.includes = function (a, b, c) {
                    c = e.defaults(c, {relative: p.$current});
                    var f = e.isString(a) && g.Glob.fromString(a);
                    if (f) {
                        if (!f.matches(p.$current.name))return !1;
                        a = p.$current.name
                    var h = q.find(a, c.relative), i = p.$current.includes;
                    return e.isDefined(h) ? e.isDefined(i[h.name]) ? b ? e.equalForKeys(k.Param.values(h.parameters(), b), d, Object.keys(b)) : !0 : !1 : void 0
                }, p.href = function (a, b, c) {
                    var f = {lossy: !0, inherit: !0, absolute: !1, relative: p.$current};
                    c = e.defaults(c, f);
                    var g = q.find(a, c.relative);
                    if (!e.isDefined(g))return null;
                    c.inherit && (b = d.$inherit(b || {}, p.$current, g));
                    var h = g && c.lossy ? g.navigable : g;
                    return h && void 0 !== h.url && null !== h.url ? l.href(h.url, k.Param.values(g.parameters(), b), {absolute: c.absolute}) : null
                }, p.get = function (a, b) {
                    if (0 === arguments.length)return Object.keys(o).map(function (a) {
                        return o[a].self
                    var c = q.find(a, b || p.$current);
                    return c && c.self || null
                }, p

            var n, o = {}, p = function () {
            }, q = new g.StateMatcher(o), r = new g.StateBuilder(function () {
                return n
            }, q, b), s = new g.StateQueueManager(o, r, a, p), t = new f.Queue, u = new f.Queue, v = new h.RejectFactory;
            this.decorator = c, this.state = d;
            var w = [];
            this.onInvalid = l, this.$get = m, m.$inject = ["$q", "$injector", "$view", "$stateParams", "$urlRouter", "$transitions"]

        var e = c(3), f = c(5), g = c(12), h = c(9), i = c(15), j = c(23), k = c(36);
        b.$StateProvider = d
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a) {
            for (var c in a)b.hasOwnProperty(c) || (b[c] = a[c])

        d(c(16)), d(c(22))
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = c(17), f = c(21), g = function () {
            function a(a, b, c) {
                void 0 === c && (c = {}), this.state = a, this.schema = a.parameters({inherit: !1});
                var g = function (a) {
                    return [a.id, a.value(b[a.id])]
                this.values = this.schema.reduce(function (a, b) {
                    return d.applyPairs(a, g(b))
                }, {}), this.resolves = d.extend(d.map(a.resolve, function (a, b) {
                    return new e.Resolvable(b, a)
                }), c);
                var h = function (c, d) {
                    return new f.ViewConfig({rawViewName: d, viewDeclarationObj: c, context: a, params: b})
                this.views = d.values(d.map(a.views, h))

            return a.prototype.parameter = function (a) {
                return d.find(this.schema, d.propEq("id", a))
            }, a.prototype.equals = function (a, b) {
                var c = this;
                void 0 === b && (b = this.schema.map(d.prop("id")));
                var e = function (b) {
                    return c.parameter(b).type.equals(c.values[b], a.values[b])
                return this.state === a.state && b.map(e).reduce(d.allTrueR, !0)
            }, a.clone = function (b, c) {
                return void 0 === c && (c = {}), new a(b.state, c.values || b.values, c.resolves || b.resolves)
            }, a.matching = function (a, b) {
                var c = a.reduce(function (a, c, d) {
                    return a === d && d < b.length && c.state === b[d].state ? d + 1 : a
                }, 0);
                return a.slice(0, c)
            }, a
        b.Node = g
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a) {
            for (var c in a)b.hasOwnProperty(c) || (b[c] = a[c])

        d(c(7)), d(c(18)), d(c(20))
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a, b) {
            var c = e.isString(a) ? a : null, d = e.isObject(a) ? a : {}, f = d[b.name] || c || i;
            return h.ResolvePolicy[f]

        var e = c(3), f = c(6), g = c(4), h = c(19), i = h.ResolvePolicy[h.ResolvePolicy.LAZY], j = function () {
            function a(a) {
                this._path = a, e.extend(this, {
                    _nodeFor: function (a) {
                        return e.find(this._path, e.propEq("state", a))
                    }, _pathTo: function (a) {
                        var b = this._nodeFor(a), c = this._path.indexOf(b);
                        if (-1 === c)throw new Error("This path does not contain the state");
                        return this._path.slice(0, c + 1)

            return a.prototype.getResolvables = function (a, b) {
                b = e.defaults(b, {omitOwnLocals: []});
                var c = (e.find(this._path, e.propEq("")), a ? this._pathTo(a) : this._path), d = e.tail(c);
                return c.reduce(function (a, c) {
                    var f = c === d ? b.omitOwnLocals : [], g = e.omit(c.resolves, f);
                    return e.extend(a, g)
                }, {})
            }, a.prototype.getResolvablesForFn = function (a) {
                var b = g.services.$injector.annotate(a);
                return e.pick(this.getResolvables(), b)
            }, a.prototype.isolateRootTo = function (b) {
                return new a(this._pathTo(b))
            }, a.prototype.addResolvables = function (a, b) {
                e.extend(this._nodeFor(b).resolves, a)
            }, a.prototype.getOwnResolvables = function (a) {
                return e.extend({}, this._nodeFor(a).resolves)
            }, a.prototype.resolvePath = function (a) {
                var b = this;
                void 0 === a && (a = {}), f.trace.traceResolvePath(this._path, a);
                var c = function (c) {
                    return b.resolvePathElement(c.state, a)
                return g.services.$q.all(e.map(this._path, c)).then(e.noop)
            }, a.prototype.resolvePathElement = function (a, b) {
                var c = this;
                void 0 === b && (b = {});
                var j = b && b.resolvePolicy, k = h.ResolvePolicy[j || i], l = this.getOwnResolvables(a), m = function (b) {
                    return d(a.resolvePolicy, b) >= k
                }, n = e.filter(l, m), o = function (d) {
                    return d.get(c.isolateRootTo(a), b)
                }, p = e.map(n, o);
                return f.trace.traceResolvePathElement(this, n, b), g.services.$q.all(p).then(e.noop)
            }, a.prototype.invokeLater = function (a, b, c) {
                var d = this;
                void 0 === b && (b = {}), void 0 === c && (c = {});
                var h = this.getResolvablesForFn(a);
                f.trace.tracePathElementInvoke(e.tail(this._path), a, Object.keys(h), e.extend({when: "Later"}, c));
                var i = function (a) {
                    return a.get(d, c)
                }, j = e.map(h, i);
                return g.services.$q.all(j).then(function () {
                    try {
                        return d.invokeNow(a, b, c)
                    } catch (e) {
                        return g.services.$q.reject(e)
            }, a.prototype.invokeNow = function (a, b, c) {
                void 0 === c && (c = {});
                var d = this.getResolvablesForFn(a);
                f.trace.tracePathElementInvoke(e.tail(this._path), a, Object.keys(d), e.extend({when: "Now  "}, c));
                var h = e.map(d, e.prop("data"));
                return g.services.$injector.invoke(a, null, e.extend({}, b, h))
            }, a
        b.ResolveContext = j
    }, function (a, b) {
        !function (a) {
            a[a.JIT = 0] = "JIT", a[a.LAZY = 1] = "LAZY", a[a.EAGER = 2] = "EAGER"
        }(b.ResolvePolicy || (b.ResolvePolicy = {}));
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = function () {
            function a(a, b) {
                this._resolveContext = a, this._state = b

            return a.prototype.invokeLater = function (a, b) {
                return this._resolveContext.invokeLater(a, b)
            }, a.prototype.invokeNow = function (a, b) {
                return this._resolveContext.invokeNow(null, a, b)
            }, a.prototype.getLocals = function (a) {
                var b = this, c = function (a) {
                    return a.get(b._resolveContext)
                return d.map(this._resolveContext.getResolvablesForFn(a), c)
            }, a
        b.ResolveInjector = e
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        "use strict";
        function d(a) {
            void 0 === a && (a = "");
            var b = a.split("@"), c = b[0] || "$default", d = f.isString(b[1]) ? b[1] : "^", e = /^(\^(?:\.\^)*)\.(.*$)/.exec(c);
            return e && (d = e[1], c = e[2]), "!" === c.charAt(0) && (c = c.substr(1), d = ""), {
                uiViewName: c,
                uiViewContextAnchor: d

        function e(a, b, c, d) {
            var e = [], h = [], i = function (a) {
                for (var b = [], c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++)b[c - 1] = arguments[c];
                return function (c) {
                    return b.reduce(function (b, d) {
                        return b && a[d] === c[d]
                    }, !0)
            this.rootContext = function (a) {
                return a ? this._rootContext = a : this._rootContext
            }, this.load = function (a, d) {
                if (!a.hasTemplate())throw new Error("No template configuration specified for '" + a.uiViewName + "@" + a.uiViewContextAnchor + "'");
                var e = {template: c.when(a.getTemplate(b, d)), controller: c.when(a.getController(d))};
                return c.all(e).then(function (b) {
                    return g.trace.traceViewServiceEvent("Loaded", a), f.extend(a, b)
            }, this.reset = function (a) {
                g.trace.traceViewServiceEvent("<- Removing", a), h.filter(i(a, "uiViewName", "context")).forEach(f.removeFrom(h))
            }, this.registerStateViewConfig = function (a) {
                g.trace.traceViewServiceEvent("-> Registering", a), h.push(a)
            }, this.sync = function () {
                function a(a) {
                    return a.fqn.split(".").length

                function b(a) {
                    for (var b = a.context, c = 0; ++c && b.parent;)b = b.parent;
                    return c

                var c = e.map(function (a) {
                    return [a.fqn, a]
                }).reduce(f.applyPairs, {}), d = f.curry(function (a, b) {
                    var d = b.uiViewName.split("."), e = a.fqn.split(".");
                    if (!angular.equals(d, e.slice(0 - d.length)))return !1;
                    var f = 1 - d.length || void 0, g = e.slice(0, f).join("."), h = c[g].creationContext;
                    return b.uiViewContextAnchor === (h && h.name)
                }), g = f.curry(function (a, b, c, d) {
                    return b * (a(c) - a(d))
                }), i = function (a) {
                    var c = h.filter(d(a));
                    return c.length > 1 && c.sort(g(b, -1)), [a, c[0]]
                }, j = function (a) {
                    var b = a[0], c = a[1];
                    -1 !== e.indexOf(b) && b.configUpdated(c)
                e.sort(g(a, 1)).map(i).forEach(j)
            }, this.registerUiView = function (a) {
                g.trace.traceViewServiceUiViewEvent("-> Registering", a);
                var b = function (b) {
                    return b.fqn === a.fqn
                return e.filter(b).length && g.trace.traceViewServiceUiViewEvent("!!!! duplicate uiView named:", a), e.push(a), this.sync(), function () {
                    var b = e.indexOf(a);
                    return 0 >= b ? void g.trace.traceViewServiceUiViewEvent("Tried removing non-registered uiView", a) : (g.trace.traceViewServiceUiViewEvent("<- Deregistering", a), void f.removeFrom(e)(a))
            }, this.available = function () {
                return e.map(f.prop("fqn"))
            }, this.active = function () {
                return e.filter(f.prop("$config")).map(f.prop("name"))

        var f = c(3), g = c(2), h = function () {
            function a(a) {
                var b = d(a.rawViewName), c = b.uiViewName, e = b.uiViewContextAnchor, g = /^(\^(?:\.\^)*)$/;
                if (g.exec(e)) {
                    var h = e.split(".").reduce(function (a, b) {
                        return a.parent
                    }, a.context);
                    e = h.name
                f.extend(this, f.pick(a, "viewDeclarationObj", "params", "context", "locals"), {
                    uiViewName: c,
                    uiViewContextAnchor: e
                }), this.controllerAs = a.viewDeclarationObj.controllerAs

            return a.prototype.hasTemplate = function () {
                var a = this.viewDeclarationObj;
                return !!(a.template || a.templateUrl || a.templateProvider)
            }, a.prototype.getTemplate = function (a, b) {
                return a.fromConfig(this.viewDeclarationObj, this.params, b.invokeLater.bind(b))
            }, a.prototype.getController = function (a) {
                var b = this.viewDeclarationObj.controllerProvider;
                return f.isInjectable(b) ? a.invokeLater(b, {}) : this.viewDeclarationObj.controller
            }, a
        b.ViewConfig = h, e.$inject = ["$rootScope", "$templateFactory", "$q", "$timeout"], angular.module("ui.router.state").service("$view", e)
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = c(12), f = c(15), g = c(17), h = function () {
            function a() {

            return a.makeTargetState = function (a) {
                var b = d.tail(a).state;
                return new e.TargetState(b, b, a.map(d.prop("values")).reduce(d.mergeR, {}))
            }, a.buildToPath = function (b, c) {
                var d = c.params(), e = a.makeParamsNode(d), f = c.$state().path.map(e);
                return c.options().inherit && (f = a.inheritParams(b, f, Object.keys(d))), f
            }, a.inheritParams = function (a, b, c) {
                function e(a, b) {
                    var c = d.find(a, d.propEq("state", b));
                    return d.extend({}, c && c.values)

                void 0 === c && (c = []);
                var g = d.curry(function (a, b, c) {
                    var g = d.extend({}, c && c.values), h = d.pick(g, b);
                    g = d.omit(g, b);
                    var i = e(a, c.state) || {}, j = d.extend(g, i, h);
                    return new f.Node(c.state, j)
                return b.map(g(a, c))
            }, a.bindTransNodesToPath = function (a) {
                var b = new g.ResolveContext(a);
                return a.forEach(function (a) {
                    a.resolveContext = b.isolateRootTo(a.state), a.resolveInjector = new g.ResolveInjector(a.resolveContext, a.state), a.resolves.$stateParams = new g.Resolvable("$stateParams", function () {
                        return a.values
                    }, a.values)
                }), a
            }, a.treeChanges = function (b, c, e) {
                function g(a, b) {
                    return f.Node.clone(a, {values: c[b].values})

                for (var h = 0, i = Math.min(b.length, c.length), j = function (a) {
                    return a.parameters({inherit: !1}).filter(d.not(d.prop("dynamic"))).map(d.prop("id"))
                }, k = function (a, b) {
                    return a.equals(b, j(a.state))
                }; i > h && b[h].state !== e && k(b[h], c[h]);)h++;
                var l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s;
                return l = b, m = l.slice(0, h), n = l.slice(h), q = m.map(g), r = c.slice(h), s = q.concat(r), p = a.bindTransNodesToPath(s), o = p.slice(h), {
                    from: l,
                    to: p,
                    retained: m,
                    exiting: n,
                    entering: o
            }, a.bindTransitionResolve = function (a, b) {
                var c = a.to[0];
                c.resolves.$transition$ = new g.Resolvable("$transition$", function () {
                    return b
                }, b)
            }, a.makeParamsNode = d.curry(function (a, b) {
                return new f.Node(b, a)
            }), a
        b.PathFactory = h
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = c(24), f = c(28), g = c(29), h = c(30), i = c(39), j = c(40), k = function () {
            function a(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, l) {
                this.transition = a, this.$transitions = b, this.$urlRouter = c, this.$view = d, this.$state = e, this.$stateParams = f, this.$q = g, this.activeTransQ = k, this.changeHistory = l, this.viewHooks = new h.ViewHooks(a, d), this.enterExitHooks = new i.EnterExitHooks(a), this.resolveHooks = new j.ResolveHooks(a), this.treeChanges = a.treeChanges(), this.registerUpdateGlobalState(), this.viewHooks.registerHooks(), this.enterExitHooks.registerHooks(), this.resolveHooks.registerHooks()

            return a.prototype.runTransition = function () {
                var a = this;
                return this.activeTransQ.clear(), this.activeTransQ.enqueue(this.transition), this.transition.run().then(function (a) {
                    return a.to()
                })["catch"](function (b) {
                    return a.transRejected(b)
                })["finally"](function () {
                    return a.activeTransQ.remove(a.transition)
            }, a.prototype.registerUpdateGlobalState = function () {
                this.transition.onFinish({}, this.updateGlobalState.bind(this), {priority: -1e4})
            }, a.prototype.updateGlobalState = function () {
                var a = this, b = a.treeChanges, c = a.transition, d = a.$state, e = a.changeHistory;
                d.$current = c.$to(), d.current = d.$current.self, e.enqueue(b), this.updateStateParams()
            }, a.prototype.transRejected = function (a) {
                var b = this, c = b.transition, h = b.$state, i = b.$stateParams, j = b.$q;
                if (a instanceof f.TransitionRejection) {
                    if (a.type === f.RejectType.IGNORED) {
                        var k = h.$current.parameters().filter(d.prop("dynamic"));
                        return e.Param.equals(k, i, c.params()) || this.updateStateParams(), h.current
                    if (a.type === f.RejectType.SUPERSEDED && a.redirected && a.detail instanceof g.TargetState)return this._redirectMgr(c.redirect(a.detail)).runTransition()
                return this.$transitions.defaultErrorHandler()(a), j.reject(a)
            }, a.prototype.updateStateParams = function () {
                var a = this, b = a.transition, c = a.$urlRouter, e = a.$state, f = a.$stateParams, g = b.options();
                e.params = b.params(), d.copy(e.params, f), f.$sync().$off(), g.location && e.$current.navigable && c.push(e.$current.navigable.url, f, {replace: "replace" === g.location}), c.update(!0)
            }, a.prototype._redirectMgr = function (b) {
                var c = this, d = c.$transitions, e = c.$urlRouter, f = c.$view, g = c.$state, h = c.$stateParams, i = c.$q, j = c.activeTransQ, k = c.changeHistory;
                return new a(b, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k)
            }, a
        b.TransitionManager = k
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d, e = c(3), f = c(4), g = c(25), h = c(26), i = c(27), j = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, k = function (a) {
            return 0 === ["value", "type", "squash", "array", "dynamic"].filter(j.bind(a || {})).length
        !function (a) {
            a[a.PATH = 0] = "PATH", a[a.SEARCH = 1] = "SEARCH", a[a.CONFIG = 2] = "CONFIG"
        }(d || (d = {}));
        var l = function () {
            function a(a, b, c, f) {
                function j(a) {
                    return a = k(a) && {value: a} || a, e.extend(a, {
                        $$fn: e.isInjectable(a.value) ? a.value : function () {
                            return a.value

                function l(b, c, e) {
                    if (b.type && c && "string" !== c.name)throw new Error("Param '" + a + "' has two type configurations.");
                    return b.type && c && "string" === c.name && i.paramTypes.type(b.type) ? i.paramTypes.type(b.type) : c ? c : b.type ? b.type instanceof h.Type ? b.type : i.paramTypes.type(b.type) : e === d.CONFIG ? i.paramTypes.type("any") : i.paramTypes.type("string")

                function m() {
                    var b = {array: f === d.SEARCH ? "auto" : !1}, g = a.match(/\[\]$/) ? {array: !0} : {};
                    return e.extend(b, g, c).array

                function n(a, b) {
                    var c = a.squash;
                    if (!b || c === !1)return !1;
                    if (!e.isDefined(c) || null == c)return g.matcherConfig.defaultSquashPolicy();
                    if (c === !0 || e.isString(c))return c;
                    throw new Error("Invalid squash policy: '" + c + "'. Valid policies: false, true, or arbitrary string")

                function o(a, b, c, d) {
                    var f, g, h = [{from: "", to: c || b ? void 0 : ""}, {from: null, to: c || b ? void 0 : ""}];
                    return f = e.isArray(a.replace) ? a.replace : [], e.isString(d) && f.push({
                        from: d,
                        to: void 0
                    }), g = e.map(f, e.prop("from")), e.filter(h, function (a) {
                        return -1 === g.indexOf(a.from)

                c = j(c), b = l(c, b, f);
                var p = m();
                b = p ? b.$asArray(p, f === d.SEARCH) : b;
                var q = void 0 !== c.value, r = c.dynamic === !0, s = n(c, q), t = o(c, p, q, s);
                e.extend(this, {
                    id: a,
                    type: b,
                    location: f,
                    squash: s,
                    replace: t,
                    isOptional: q,
                    dynamic: r,
                    config: c,
                    array: p

            return a.prototype.isDefaultValue = function (a) {
                return this.isOptional && this.type.equals(this.value(), a)
            }, a.prototype.value = function (a) {
                var b = this, c = function () {
                    if (!f.services.$injector)throw new Error("Injectable functions cannot be called at configuration time");
                    var a = f.services.$injector.invoke(b.config.$$fn);
                    if (null !== a && void 0 !== a && !b.type.is(a))throw new Error("Default value (" + a + ") for parameter '" + b.id + "' is not an instance of Type (" + b.type.name + ")");
                    return a
                }, d = function (a) {
                    var c = e.map(e.filter(b.replace, e.propEq("from", a)), e.prop("to"));
                    return c.length ? c[0] : a
                return a = d(a), e.isDefined(a) ? this.type.$normalize(a) : c()
            }, a.prototype.isSearch = function () {
                return this.location === d.SEARCH
            }, a.prototype.validates = function (a) {
                if ((!e.isDefined(a) || null === a) && this.isOptional)return !0;
                var b = this.type.$normalize(a);
                if (!this.type.is(b))return !1;
                var c = this.type.encode(b);
                return e.isString(c) && !this.type.pattern.exec(c) ? !1 : !0
            }, a.prototype.toString = function () {
                return "{Param:" + this.id + " " + this.type + " squash: '" + this.squash + "' optional: " + this.isOptional + "}"
            }, a.fromConfig = function (b, c, e) {
                return new a(b, c, e, d.CONFIG)
            }, a.fromPath = function (b, c, e) {
                return new a(b, c, e, d.PATH)
            }, a.fromSearch = function (b, c, e) {
                return new a(b, c, e, d.SEARCH)
            }, a.values = function (a, b) {
                return b = b || {}, a.map(function (a) {
                    return [a.id, a.value(b[a.id])]
                }).reduce(e.applyPairs, {})
            }, a.equals = function (a, b, c) {
                return b = b || {}, c = c || {}, -1 === a.map(function (a) {
                    return a.type.equals(b[a.id], c[a.id])
            }, a.validates = function (a, b) {
                return b = b || {}, -1 === a.map(function (a) {
                    return a.validates(b[a.id])
            }, a
        b.Param = l
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = function () {
            function a() {
                this._isCaseInsensitive = !1, this._isStrictMode = !0, this._defaultSquashPolicy = !1

            return a.prototype.caseInsensitive = function (a) {
                return this._isCaseInsensitive = d.isDefined(a) ? a : this._isCaseInsensitive
            }, a.prototype.strictMode = function (a) {
                return this._isStrictMode = d.isDefined(a) ? a : this._isStrictMode
            }, a.prototype.defaultSquashPolicy = function (a) {
                if (d.isDefined(a) && a !== !0 && a !== !1 && !d.isString(a))throw new Error("Invalid squash policy: " + a + ". Valid policies: false, true, arbitrary-string");
                return this._defaultSquashPolicy = d.isDefined(a) ? a : this._defaultSquashPolicy
            }, a
        b.matcherConfig = new e
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a, b) {
            function c(a) {
                return e.isArray(a) ? a : e.isDefined(a) ? [a] : []

            function d(a) {
                switch (a.length) {
                    case 0:
                        return void 0;
                    case 1:
                        return "auto" === b ? a[0] : a;
                        return a

            function f(a, b) {
                return function (f) {
                    var g = c(f), h = e.map(g, a);
                    return b === !0 ? 0 === e.filter(h, function (a) {
                        return !a
                    }).length : d(h)

            function g(a) {
                return function (b, d) {
                    var e = c(b), f = c(d);
                    if (e.length !== f.length)return !1;
                    for (var g = 0; g < e.length; g++)if (!a(e[g], f[g]))return !1;
                    return !0

            var h = this;
            ["encode", "decode", "equals", "$normalize"].map(function (b) {
                h[b] = ("equals" === b ? g : f)(a[b].bind(a))
            }), e.extend(this, {name: a.name, pattern: a.pattern, is: f(a.is.bind(a), !0), $arrayMode: b})

        var e = c(3), f = function () {
            function a(a) {
                this.pattern = /.*/, e.extend(this, a)

            return a.prototype.is = function (a, b) {
                return !0
            }, a.prototype.encode = function (a, b) {
                return a
            }, a.prototype.decode = function (a, b) {
                return a
            }, a.prototype.equals = function (a, b) {
                return a == b
            }, a.prototype.$subPattern = function () {
                var a = this.pattern.toString();
                return a.substr(1, a.length - 2)
            }, a.prototype.toString = function () {
                return "{Type:" + this.name + "}"
            }, a.prototype.$normalize = function (a) {
                return this.is(a) ? a : this.decode(a)
            }, a.prototype.$asArray = function (a, b) {
                if (!a)return this;
                if ("auto" === a && !b)throw new Error("'auto' array mode is for query parameters only");
                return new d(this, a)
            }, a
        b.Type = f
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = c(4), f = c(26), g = function (a, b) {
            return function (c) {
                return null != c ? c.toString().replace(a, b) : c
        }, h = g(/\//g, "%2F"), i = g(/%2F/g, "/"), j = function () {
            function a() {
                this.enqueue = !0, this.typeQueue = [], this.defaultTypes = {
                    hash: {
                        encode: h,
                        decode: i,
                        is: d.is(String),
                        pattern: /.*/,
                        equals: d.val(!0)
                    string: {encode: h, decode: i, is: d.is(String), pattern: /[^\/]*/},
                    "int": {
                        encode: h, decode: function (a) {
                            return parseInt(a, 10)
                        }, is: function (a) {
                            return d.isDefined(a) && this.decode(a.toString()) === a
                        }, pattern: /-?\d+/
                    bool: {
                        encode: function (a) {
                            return a && 1 || 0
                        }, decode: function (a) {
                            return 0 !== parseInt(a, 10)
                        }, is: d.is(Boolean), pattern: /0|1/
                    date: {
                        encode: function (a) {
                            return this.is(a) ? [a.getFullYear(), ("0" + (a.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2), ("0" + a.getDate()).slice(-2)].join("-") : void 0
                        decode: function (a) {
                            if (this.is(a))return a;
                            var b = this.capture.exec(a);
                            return b ? new Date(b[1], b[2] - 1, b[3]) : void 0
                        is: function (a) {
                            return a instanceof Date && !isNaN(a.valueOf())
                        equals: function (a, b) {
                            return this.is(a) && this.is(b) && a.toISOString() === b.toISOString()
                        pattern: /[0-9]{4}-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])/,
                        capture: /([0-9]{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])/
                    json: {encode: d.toJson, decode: d.fromJson, is: d.is(Object), equals: d.equals, pattern: /[^\/]*/},
                    any: {encode: d.identity, decode: d.identity, equals: d.equals, pattern: /.*/}
                var a = function (a, b) {
                    return new f.Type(d.extend({name: b}, a))
                this.types = d.inherit(d.map(this.defaultTypes, a), {})

            return a.prototype.type = function (a, b, c) {
                if (!d.isDefined(b))return this.types[a];
                if (this.types.hasOwnProperty(a))throw new Error("A type named '" + a + "' has already been defined.");
                return this.types[a] = new f.Type(d.extend({name: a}, b)), c && (this.typeQueue.push({
                    name: a,
                    def: c
                }), this.enqueue || this._flushTypeQueue()), this
            }, a.prototype._flushTypeQueue = function () {
                for (; this.typeQueue.length;) {
                    var a = this.typeQueue.shift();
                    if (a.pattern)throw new Error("You cannot override a type's .pattern at runtime.");
                    d.extend(this.types[a.name], e.services.$injector.invoke(a.def))
            }, a
        b.paramTypes = new j
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        "use strict";
        var d = c(3), e = c(4);
        !function (a) {
            a[a.SUPERSEDED = 2] = "SUPERSEDED", a[a.ABORTED = 3] = "ABORTED", a[a.INVALID = 4] = "INVALID", a[a.IGNORED = 5] = "IGNORED"
        }(b.RejectType || (b.RejectType = {}));
        var f = b.RejectType, g = function () {
            function a(a, b, c) {
                d.extend(this, {type: a, message: b, detail: c})

            return a.prototype.toString = function () {
                var a = function (a) {
                    return a && a.toString !== Object.prototype.toString ? a.toString() : JSON.stringify(a)
                }, b = this.type, c = this.message, d = a(this.detail);
                return "TransitionRejection(type: " + b + ", message: " + c + ", detail: " + d + ")"
            }, a
        b.TransitionRejection = g;
        var h = function () {
            function a() {

            return a.prototype.superseded = function (a, b) {
                var c = "The transition has been superseded by a different transition (see detail).", h = new g(f.SUPERSEDED, c, a);
                return b && b.redirected && (h.redirected = !0), d.extend(e.services.$q.reject(h), {reason: h})
            }, a.prototype.redirected = function (a) {
                return this.superseded(a, {redirected: !0})
            }, a.prototype.invalid = function (a) {
                var b = "This transition is invalid (see detail)", c = new g(f.INVALID, b, a);
                return d.extend(e.services.$q.reject(c), {reason: c})
            }, a.prototype.ignored = function (a) {
                var b = "The transition was ignored.", c = new g(f.IGNORED, b, a);
                return d.extend(e.services.$q.reject(c), {reason: c})
            }, a.prototype.aborted = function (a) {
                var b = "The transition has been aborted.", c = new g(f.ABORTED, b, a);
                return d.extend(e.services.$q.reject(c), {reason: c})
            }, a
        b.RejectFactory = h
    }, function (a, b) {
        var c = function () {
            function a(a, b, c, d) {
                void 0 === c && (c = {}), void 0 === d && (d = {}), this._identifier = a, this._definition = b, this._options = d, this._params = c || {}

            return a.prototype.name = function () {
                return this._definition && this._definition.name || this._identifier
            }, a.prototype.identifier = function () {
                return this._identifier
            }, a.prototype.params = function () {
                return this._params
            }, a.prototype.$state = function () {
                return this._definition
            }, a.prototype.state = function () {
                return this._definition && this._definition.self
            }, a.prototype.options = function () {
                return this._options
            }, a.prototype.exists = function () {
                return !(!this._definition || !this._definition.self)
            }, a.prototype.valid = function () {
                return !this.error()
            }, a.prototype.error = function () {
                var a = this.options().relative;
                if (!this._definition && a) {
                    var b = a.name ? a.name : a;
                    return "Could not resolve '" + this.name() + "' from state '" + b + "'"
                return this._definition ? this._definition.self ? void 0 : "State '" + this.name() + "' has an invalid definition" : "No such state '" + this.name() + "'"
            }, a
        b.TargetState = c
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = c(4), f = c(31), g = function () {
            function a(a, b) {
                this.transition = a, this.$view = b, this.treeChanges = a.treeChanges(), this.enteringViews = a.views("entering"), this.exitingViews = a.views("exiting")

            return a.prototype.loadAllEnteringViews = function () {
                var a = this, b = function (b) {
                    var c = d.find(a.treeChanges.to, d.propEq("state", b.context)).resolveInjector;
                    return a.$view.load(b, c)
                return e.services.$q.all(this.enteringViews.map(b)).then(d.noop)
            }, a.prototype.loadAllControllerLocals = function () {
                var a = this, b = function (b) {
                    function c() {

                    var g = f.annotateController(b.controller), h = d.find(a.treeChanges.to, d.propEq("state", b.context)).resolveInjector;
                    return c.$inject = g, e.services.$q.all(h.getLocals(c)).then(function (a) {
                        return b.locals = a
                }, c = this.enteringViews.filter(function (a) {
                    return !!a.controller
                return e.services.$q.all(c).then(d.noop)
            }, a.prototype.updateViews = function () {
                var a = this.$view;
                this.exitingViews.forEach(function (b) {
                    return a.reset(b)
                }), this.enteringViews.forEach(function (b) {
                    return a.registerStateViewConfig(b)
                }), a.sync()
            }, a.prototype.registerHooks = function () {
                this.enteringViews.length && (this.transition.onStart({}, this.loadAllEnteringViews.bind(this)), this.transition.onFinish({}, this.loadAllControllerLocals.bind(this))), (this.exitingViews.length || this.enteringViews.length) && this.transition.onSuccess({}, this.updateViews.bind(this))
            }, a
        b.ViewHooks = g
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a) {
            var b = h.services.$injector, c = b.get("$controller"), d = b.instantiate;
            try {
                var e;
                return b.instantiate = function (a) {
                    b.instantiate = d, e = b.annotate(a)
                }, c(a, {$scope: {}}), e
            } finally {
                b.instantiate = d

        function e(a, b) {
            h.services.$injector = a, h.services.$q = b

        function f(a) {
            function b(b, c, d) {
                return h.services.locationConfig.html5Mode = function () {
                    var b = a.html5Mode();
                    return b = i.isObject(b) ? b.enabled : b, b && d.history
                }, k(["replace", "url", "path", "search", "hash"], b, h.services.location), k(["port", "protocol", "host"], b, h.services.locationConfig), k(["baseHref"], c, h.services.locationConfig), l

            l = new g.Router, k(["hashPrefix"], a, h.services.locationConfig), this.$get = b, b.$inject = ["$location", "$browser", "$sniffer"]

        var g = c(32), h = c(4), i = c(3), j = angular.module("ui.router.angular1", []);
        b.annotateController = d, e.$inject = ["$injector", "$q"], j.run(e);
        var k = function (a, b, c) {
            return a.forEach(function (a) {
                return c[a] = b[a].bind(b)
        }, l = null;
        f.$inject = ["$locationProvider"], angular.module("ui.router.init", []).provider("ng1UIRouter", f), angular.module("ui.router.util").provider("$urlMatcherFactory", ["ng1UIRouterProvider", function () {
            return l.urlMatcherFactory
        }]), angular.module("ui.router.router").provider("$urlRouter", ["ng1UIRouterProvider", function () {
            return l.urlRouterProvider
        }]), angular.module("ui.router.state").provider("$state", ["ng1UIRouterProvider", function () {
            return l.stateProvider
        }]), angular.module("ui.router.init").run(["ng1UIRouter", function (a) {
        }]), angular.module("ui.router.state").run(["$state", function (a) {
        }]), angular.module("ui.router.util").run(["$urlMatcherFactory", function (a) {
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(33), e = c(38), f = c(14), g = function () {
            function a() {
                this.urlMatcherFactory = new d.UrlMatcherFactory, this.urlRouterProvider = new e.$UrlRouterProvider(this.urlMatcherFactory), this.stateProvider = new f.$StateProvider(this.urlRouterProvider, this.urlMatcherFactory)

            return a
        b.Router = g
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d() {
            return {strict: f.matcherConfig.strictMode(), caseInsensitive: f.matcherConfig.caseInsensitive()}

        var e = c(3), f = c(34), g = c(36), h = function () {
            function a() {
                e.extend(this, {UrlMatcher: f.UrlMatcher, Param: g.Param})

            return a.prototype.caseInsensitive = function (a) {
                return f.matcherConfig.caseInsensitive(a)
            }, a.prototype.strictMode = function (a) {
                return f.matcherConfig.strictMode(a)
            }, a.prototype.defaultSquashPolicy = function (a) {
                return f.matcherConfig.defaultSquashPolicy(a)
            }, a.prototype.compile = function (a, b) {
                return new f.UrlMatcher(a, e.extend(d(), b))
            }, a.prototype.isMatcher = function (a) {
                if (!e.isObject(a))return !1;
                var b = !0;
                return e.forEach(f.UrlMatcher.prototype, function (c, d) {
                    e.isFunction(c) && (b = b && e.isDefined(a[d]) && e.isFunction(a[d]))
                }), b
            }, a.prototype.type = function (a, b, c) {
                var d = g.paramTypes.type(a, b, c);
                return e.isDefined(b) ? this : d
            }, a.prototype.$get = function () {
                return g.paramTypes.enqueue = !1, g.paramTypes._flushTypeQueue(), this
            }, a
        b.UrlMatcherFactory = h
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a) {
            for (var c in a)b.hasOwnProperty(c) || (b[c] = a[c])

        d(c(35)), d(c(25)), d(c(33)), d(c(38))
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a, b) {
            var c = ["", ""], d = a.replace(/[\\\[\]\^$*+?.()|{}]/g, "\\$&");
            if (!b)return d;
            switch (b.squash) {
                    c = ["(", ")" + (b.isOptional ? "?" : "")];
                    c = ["?(", ")?"];
                    c = ["(" + b.squash + "|", ")?"]
            return d + c[0] + b.type.pattern.source + c[1]

        var e = c(3), f = c(36), g = function (a, b, c) {
            return a[b] = a[b] || c()
        }, h = function () {
            function a(b, c) {
                var g = this;
                this.pattern = b, this.config = c, this._cache = {
                    path: [],
                    pattern: null
                }, this._children = [], this._params = [], this._segments = [], this._compiled = [], this.config = e.defaults(this.config, {
                    params: {},
                    strict: !0,
                    caseInsensitive: !1,
                    paramMap: e.identity
                for (var h, i, j, k = /([:*])([\w\[\]]+)|\{([\w\[\]]+)(?:\:\s*((?:[^{}\\]+|\\.|\{(?:[^{}\\]+|\\.)*\})+))?\}/g, l = /([:]?)([\w\[\]-]+)|\{([\w\[\]-]+)(?:\:\s*((?:[^{}\\]+|\\.|\{(?:[^{}\\]+|\\.)*\})+))?\}/g, m = 0, n = [], o = function (c) {
                    if (!a.nameValidator.test(c))throw new Error("Invalid parameter name '" + c + "' in pattern '" + b + "'");
                    if (e.find(g._params, e.propEq("id", c)))throw new Error("Duplicate parameter name '" + c + "' in pattern '" + b + "'")
                }, p = function (a, c) {
                    var d = a[2] || a[3], h = c ? a[4] : a[4] || ("*" === a[1] ? ".*" : null);
                    return {
                        id: d,
                        regexp: h,
                        cfg: g.config.params[d],
                        segment: b.substring(m, a.index),
                        type: h ? f.paramTypes.type(h || "string") || e.inherit(f.paramTypes.type("string"), {pattern: new RegExp(h, g.config.caseInsensitive ? "i" : void 0)}) : null
                }; (h = k.exec(b)) && (i = p(h, !1), !(i.segment.indexOf("?") >= 0));)o(i.id), this._params.push(f.Param.fromPath(i.id, i.type, this.config.paramMap(i.cfg, !1))), this._segments.push(i.segment), n.push([i.segment, e.tail(this._params)]), m = k.lastIndex;
                j = b.substring(m);
                var q = j.indexOf("?");
                if (q >= 0) {
                    var r = j.substring(q);
                    if (j = j.substring(0, q), r.length > 0)for (m = 0; h = l.exec(r);)i = p(h, !0), o(i.id), this._params.push(f.Param.fromSearch(i.id, i.type, this.config.paramMap(i.cfg, !0))), m = k.lastIndex
                this._segments.push(j), e.extend(this, {
                    _compiled: n.map(function (a) {
                        return d.apply(null, a)
                    }).concat(d(j)), prefix: this._segments[0]
                }), Object.freeze(this)

            return a.prototype.append = function (a) {
                return this._children.push(a), e.forEach(a._cache, function (b, c) {
                    return a._cache[c] = e.isArray(b) ? [] : null
                }), a._cache.path = this._cache.path.concat(this), a
            }, a.prototype.isRoot = function () {
                return 0 === this._cache.path.length
            }, a.prototype.toString = function () {
                return this.pattern
            }, a.prototype.exec = function (a, b, c, d) {
                function f(a) {
                    var b = function (a) {
                        return a.split("").reverse().join("")
                    }, c = function (a) {
                        return a.replace(/\\-/g, "-")
                    }, d = b(a).split(/-(?!\\)/), f = e.map(d, b);
                    return e.map(f, c).reverse()

                var h = this;
                void 0 === b && (b = {}), void 0 === d && (d = {});
                var i = g(this._cache, "pattern", function () {
                    return new RegExp(["^", e.unnest(h._cache.path.concat(h).map(e.prop("_compiled"))).join(""), h.config.strict === !1 ? "/?" : "", "$"].join(""), h.config.caseInsensitive ? "i" : void 0)
                if (!i)return null;
                var j = this.parameters(), k = j.filter(function (a) {
                    return !a.isSearch()
                }), l = j.filter(function (a) {
                    return a.isSearch()
                }), m = this._cache.path.concat(this).map(function (a) {
                    return a._segments.length - 1
                }).reduce(function (a, b) {
                    return a + b
                }), n = {};
                if (m !== i.length - 1)throw new Error("Unbalanced capture group in route '" + this.pattern + "'");
                for (var o = 0; m > o; o++) {
                    for (var p = k[o], q = i[o + 1], r = 0; r < p.replace; r++)p.replace[r].from === q && (q = p.replace[r].to);
                    q && p.array === !0 && (q = f(q)), n[p.id] = p.value(q)
                return e.forEach(l, function (a) {
                    n[a.id] = a.value(b[a.id])
                }), c && (n["#"] = c), n
            }, a.prototype.parameters = function (a) {
                return void 0 === a && (a = {}), a.inherit === !1 ? this._params : e.unnest(this._cache.path.concat(this).map(e.prop("_params")))
            }, a.prototype.parameter = function (a, b) {
                void 0 === b && (b = {});
                var c = e.tail(this._cache.path);
                return e.find(this._params, e.propEq("id", a)) || b.inherit !== !1 && c && c.parameter(a) || null
            }, a.prototype.validates = function (a) {
                var b = this, c = function (a, b) {
                    return !a || a.validates(b)
                return e.pairs(a || {}).map(function (a) {
                    var d = a[0], e = a[1];
                    return c(b.parameter(d), e)
                }).reduce(e.allTrueR, !0)
            }, a.prototype.format = function (a) {
                function b(a) {
                    return encodeURIComponent(a).replace(/-/g, function (a) {
                        return "%5C%" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()

                void 0 === a && (a = {});
                var c = this._segments, d = c[0], f = !1, g = this.parameters({inherit: !1}), h = e.tail(this._cache.path);
                if (!this.validates(a))return null;
                g.map(function (g, h) {
                    var i = h < c.length - 1, j = g.value(a[g.id]), k = g.isDefaultValue(j), l = k ? g.squash : !1, m = g.type.encode(j);
                    if (!i) {
                        if (null == m || k && l !== !1)return;
                        return e.isArray(m) || (m = [m]), m = e.map(m, encodeURIComponent).join("&" + g.id + "="), d += (f ? "&" : "?") + (g.id + "=" + m), void(f = !0)
                    d += function (a, c) {
                        return l === !0 ? a.match(c.match(/\/$/) ? /\/?(.*)/ : /(.*)/)[1] : e.isString(l) ? l + a : l !== !1 ? "" : null == m ? a : e.isArray(m) ? e.map(m, b).join("-") + a : g.type.raw ? m + a : encodeURIComponent(m) + a
                    }(c[h + 1], d)
                }), a["#"] && (d += "#" + a["#"]);
                var i = ["#"].concat(g.map(e.prop("id")));
                return (h && h.format(e.omit(a, i)) || "") + d
            }, a.nameValidator = /^\w+(-+\w+)*(?:\[\])?$/, a
        b.UrlMatcher = h
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a) {
            for (var c in a)b.hasOwnProperty(c) || (b[c] = a[c])

        d(c(24)), d(c(27)), d(c(37)), d(c(26))
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d() {
            function a() {
                function a(a, b) {
                    return function () {
                        e.forEach(a.split(" "), function (a) {
                            return c[a].splice(c[a].indexOf(b), 1)

                function b(a, b) {
                    c[a] && c[a].length && e.forEach(c[a], function (a) {
                        return a(b)

                var c = {}, d = {};
                return f.prototype.$digest = function () {
                    var a = this;
                    e.forEach(this, function (c, e) {
                        c !== d[e] && a.hasOwnProperty(e) && (d[e] = c, b(e, c))
                }, f.prototype.$inherit = function (a, b, c) {
                    var d, f = e.ancestors(b, c), g = {}, h = [];
                    for (var i in f)if (f[i].params && (d = Object.keys(f[i].params), d.length))for (var j in d)h.indexOf(d[j]) >= 0 || (h.push(d[j]), g[d[j]] = this[d[j]]);
                    return e.extend({}, g, a)
                }, f.prototype.$set = function (a, c) {
                    var d = this, f = !1, g = !1;
                    return c && e.forEach(a, function (a, b) {
                        (c.parameter(b) || {}).dynamic !== !0 && (g = !0)
                    }), g ? !1 : (e.forEach(a, function (a, c) {
                        a !== d[c] && (d[c] = a, b(c), f = !0)
                    }), this.$sync(), f)
                }, f.prototype.$sync = function () {
                    return e.copy(this, d), this
                }, f.prototype.$off = function () {
                    return c = {}, this
                }, f.prototype.$raw = function () {
                    return e.omit(this, Object.keys(this).filter(f.prototype.hasOwnProperty.bind(f.prototype)))
                }, f.prototype.$localize = function (a, b) {
                    return new f(e.pick(b || this, Object.keys(a.params)))
                }, f.prototype.$observe = function (b, d) {
                    return e.forEach(b.split(" "), function (a) {
                        return (c[a] || (c[a] = [])).push(d)
                    }), a(b, d)
                }, new f

            function b(a) {
                return a.$watch(function () {
                }), c

            var c = a();
            this.$get = b, b.$inject = ["$rootScope"]

        var e = c(3), f = function () {
            function a(a) {
                void 0 === a && (a = {}), e.extend(this, a)

            return a.prototype.$digest = function () {
            }, a.prototype.$inherit = function (a, b, c) {
            }, a.prototype.$set = function (a, b) {
            }, a.prototype.$sync = function () {
            }, a.prototype.$off = function () {
            }, a.prototype.$raw = function () {
            }, a.prototype.$localize = function (a, b) {
            }, a.prototype.$observe = function (a, b) {
            }, a
        b.StateParams = f, d.$inject = [], angular.module("ui.router.state").provider("$stateParams", d)
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a) {
            function b(a) {
                var b = /^\^((?:\\[^a-zA-Z0-9]|[^\\\[\]\^$*+?.()|{}]+)*)/.exec(a.source);
                return null != b ? b[1].replace(/\\(.)/g, "$1") : ""

            function c(a, b) {
                return a.replace(/\$(\$|\d{1,2})/, function (a, c) {
                    return b["$" === c ? 0 : Number(c)]

            function d(a, b, c) {
                if (!c)return !1;
                var d = a.invoke(b, b, {$match: c});
                return e.isDefined(d) ? d : !0

            function h(a) {
                function b(a, b, c) {
                    var d = f.services.locationConfig.baseHref();
                    return "/" === d ? a : b ? d.slice(0, -1) + a : c ? d.slice(1) + a : a

                function c(a) {
                    function b(a) {
                        var b = a(f.services.$injector, g);
                        return b ? (e.isString(b) && (g.replace(), g.url(b)), !0) : !1

                    if (!a || !a.defaultPrevented) {
                        var c, d = j.length;
                        for (c = 0; d > c; c++)if (b(j[c]))return;
                        k && b(k)

                function d() {
                    return i = i || a.$on("$locationChangeSuccess", c)

                var h = g.url();
                return l || d(), {
                    sync: function () {
                    }, listen: function () {
                        return d()
                    }, update: function (a) {
                        return a ? void(h = g.url()) : void(g.url() !== h && (g.url(h), g.replace()))
                    }, push: function (a, b, c) {
                        g.url(a.format(b || {})), c && c.replace && g.replace()
                    }, href: function (a, c, d) {
                        if (!a.validates(c))return null;
                        var e = a.format(c);
                        d = d || {};
                        var g = f.services.locationConfig, h = g.html5Mode();
                        if (h || null === e || (e = "#" + g.hashPrefix() + e), e = b(e, h, d.absolute), !d.absolute || !e)return e;
                        var i = !h && e ? "/" : "", j = g.port();
                        return j = 80 === j || 443 === j ? "" : ":" + j, [g.protocol(), "://", g.host(), j, i, e].join("")

            var i, j = [], k = null, l = !1;
            this.rule = function (a) {
                if (!e.isFunction(a))throw new Error("'rule' must be a function");
                return j.push(a), this
            }, this.otherwise = function (a) {
                if (!e.isFunction(a) && !e.isString(a))throw new Error("'rule' must be a string or function");
                return k = e.isString(a) ? function () {
                    return a
                } : a, this
            }, this.when = function (h, i) {
                var j, k = e.isString(i);
                if (e.isString(h) && (h = a.compile(h)), !k && !e.isFunction(i) && !e.isArray(i))throw new Error("invalid 'handler' in when()");
                var l = {
                    matcher: function (b, c) {
                        return k && (j = a.compile(c), c = ["$match", j.format.bind(j)]), e.extend(function () {
                            return d(f.services.$injector, c, b.exec(g.path(), g.search(), g.hash()))
                        }, {prefix: e.isString(b.prefix) ? b.prefix : ""})
                    }, regex: function (a, h) {
                        if (a.global || a.sticky)throw new Error("when() RegExp must not be global or sticky");
                        return k && (j = h, h = ["$match", function (a) {
                            return c(j, a)
                        }]), e.extend(function () {
                            return d(f.services.$injector, h, a.exec(g.path()))
                        }, {prefix: b(a)})
                }, m = {matcher: a.isMatcher(h), regex: h instanceof RegExp};
                for (var n in m)if (m[n])return this.rule(l[n](h, i));
                throw new Error("invalid 'what' in when()")
            }, this.deferIntercept = function (a) {
                void 0 === a && (a = !0), l = a
            }, this.$get = h, h.$inject = ["$rootScope"]

        var e = c(3), f = c(4), g = f.services.location;
        b.$UrlRouterProvider = d
    }, function (a, b) {
        var c = function () {
            function a(a) {
                this.transition = a

            return a.prototype.registerHooks = function () {
                this.registerOnEnterHooks(), this.registerOnRetainHooks(), this.registerOnExitHooks()
            }, a.prototype.registerOnEnterHooks = function () {
                var a = this, b = function (b) {
                    return a.transition.onEnter({to: b.name}, b.onEnter)
                this.transition.entering().filter(function (a) {
                    return !!a.onEnter
            }, a.prototype.registerOnRetainHooks = function () {
                var a = this, b = function (b) {
                    return a.transition.onRetain({}, b.onRetain)
                this.transition.retained().filter(function (a) {
                    return !!a.onRetain
            }, a.prototype.registerOnExitHooks = function () {
                var a = this, b = function (b) {
                    return a.transition.onExit({from: b.name}, b.onExit)
                this.transition.exiting().filter(function (a) {
                    return !!a.onExit
            }, a
        b.EnterExitHooks = c
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = c(19), f = e.ResolvePolicy[e.ResolvePolicy.LAZY], g = e.ResolvePolicy[e.ResolvePolicy.EAGER], h = function () {
            function a(a) {
                this.transition = a

            return a.prototype.registerHooks = function () {
                function a(a) {
                    return d.tail(c.to).resolveContext.resolvePath(d.extend({transition: a}, {resolvePolicy: g}))

                function b(a, b) {
                    var e = d.find(c.entering, d.propEq("state", a));
                    return e.resolveContext.resolvePathElement(e.state, d.extend({transition: b}, {resolvePolicy: f}))

                var c = this.transition.treeChanges();
                a.$inject = ["$transition$"], b.$inject = ["$state$", "$transition$"], this.transition.onStart({}, a, {priority: 1e3}), this.transition.onEnter({}, b, {priority: 1e3})
            }, a
        b.ResolveHooks = h
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = c(36), f = function (a) {
            if (!d.isString(a))return !1;
            var b = "^" === a.charAt(0);
            return {val: b ? a.substring(1) : a, root: b}
        }, g = function () {
            function a(a, b, c) {
                this.matcher = b;
                var g = this;
                this.builders = {
                    parent: [function (c) {
                        return c === a() ? null : b.find(g.parentName(c)) || a()
                    }], data: [function (a) {
                        return a.parent && a.parent.data && (a.data = a.self.data = d.extend({}, a.parent.data, a.data)), a.data
                    }], url: [function (b) {
                        var e = b, g = f(e.url), h = b.parent, i = g ? c.compile(g.val, {
                            params: b.params || {},
                            paramMap: function (a, b) {
                                return e.reloadOnSearch === !1 && b && (a = d.extend(a || {}, {dynamic: !0})), a
                        }) : e.url;
                        if (!i)return null;
                        if (!c.isMatcher(i))throw new Error("Invalid url '" + i + "' in state '" + b + "'");
                        return g && g.root ? i : (h && h.navigable || a()).url.append(i)
                    }], navigable: [function (b) {
                        return b !== a() && b.url ? b : b.parent ? b.parent.navigable : null
                    }], params: [function (a) {
                        var b = function (a, b) {
                            return e.Param.fromConfig(b, null, a)
                        }, c = a.url && a.url.parameters({inherit: !1}) || [], f = d.values(d.map(d.omit(a.params || {}, c.map(d.prop("id"))), b));
                        return c.concat(f).map(function (a) {
                            return [a.id, a]
                        }).reduce(d.applyPairs, {})
                    }], views: [function (a) {
                        var b = {}, c = ["templateProvider", "templateUrl", "template", "notify", "async"], e = ["controller", "controllerProvider", "controllerAs"], f = c.concat(e);
                        return d.forEach(a.views || {$default: d.pick(a, f)}, function (c, f) {
                            f = f || "$default", d.forEach(e, function (b) {
                                a[b] && !c[b] && (c[b] = a[b])
                            }), Object.keys(c).length > 0 && (b[f] = c)
                        }), b
                    }], path: [function (a) {
                        return a.parent ? a.parent.path.concat(a) : [a]
                    }], includes: [function (a) {
                        var b = a.parent ? d.extend({}, a.parent.includes) : {};
                        return b[a.name] = !0, b

            return a.prototype.builder = function (a, b) {
                var c = this.builders, e = c[a] || [];
                return d.isString(a) && !d.isDefined(b) ? e.length > 1 ? e : e[0] : d.isString(a) && d.isFunction(b) ? (c[a] = e, c[a].push(b), function () {
                    return c[a].splice(c[a].indexOf(b, 1)) && null
                }) : void 0
            }, a.prototype.build = function (a) {
                var b = this, c = b.matcher, e = b.builders, f = this.parentName(a);
                if (f && !c.find(f))return null;
                for (var g in e)if (e.hasOwnProperty(g)) {
                    var h = e[g].reduce(function (a, b) {
                        return function (c) {
                            return b(c, a)
                    }, d.noop);
                    a[g] = h(a)
                return a
            }, a.prototype.parentName = function (a) {
                var b = a.name || "";
                return -1 !== b.indexOf(".") ? b.substring(0, b.lastIndexOf(".")) : a.parent ? d.isString(a.parent) ? a.parent : a.parent.name : ""
            }, a.prototype.name = function (a) {
                var b = a.name;
                if (-1 !== b.indexOf(".") || !a.parent)return b;
                var c = d.isString(a.parent) ? a.parent : a.parent.name;
                return c ? c + "." + b : b
            }, a
        b.StateBuilder = g
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a, b) {
            var c, d = a.match(/^\s*({[^}]*})\s*$/);
            if (d && (a = b + "(" + d[1] + ")"), c = a.replace(/\n/g, " ").match(/^([^(]+?)\s*(\((.*)\))?$/), !c || 4 !== c.length)throw new Error("Invalid state ref '" + a + "'");
            return {state: c[1], paramExpr: c[3] || null}

        function e(a) {
            var b = a.parent().inheritedData("$uiView");
            return b && b.context && b.context.name ? b.context : void 0

        function f(a, b) {
            return {
                restrict: "A", require: ["?^uiSrefActive", "?^uiSrefActiveEq"], link: function (c, f, g, j) {
                    var k = d(g.uiSref, a.current.name), l = null, m = e(f) || a.$current, n = null, o = "A" === f.prop("tagName"), p = "FORM" === f[0].nodeName, q = p ? "action" : "href", r = !0, s = c.$eval(g.uiSrefOpts), t = {
                        relative: m,
                        inherit: !0
                    }, u = h.defaults(s, t, i.defaultTransOpts), v = function (b) {
                        if (b && (l = h.copy(b)), r) {
                            n = a.href(k.state, l, u);
                            var c = j[1] || j[0];
                            return c && c.$$addStateInfo(k.state, l), null === n ? (r = !1, !1) : void g.$set(q, n)
                    k.paramExpr && (c.$watch(k.paramExpr, function (a) {
                        a !== l && v(a)
                    }, !0), l = h.copy(c.$eval(k.paramExpr))), v(), p || f.bind("click", function (c) {
                        var d = c.which || c.button;
                        if (!(d > 1 || c.ctrlKey || c.metaKey || c.shiftKey || f.attr("target"))) {
                            var e = b(function () {
                                a.go(k.state, l, u)
                            var g = o && !n ? 1 : 0;
                            c.preventDefault = function () {
                                g-- <= 0 && b.cancel(e)

        function g(a, b, c) {
            return {
                restrict: "A",
                controller: ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs", "$timeout", "$transitions", function (b, f, g, i, j) {
                    function k(b, c, d) {
                        var g = a.get(b, e(f)), h = m(b, c);
                        t.push({state: g || {name: b}, params: c, hash: h}), u[h] = d

                    function l(a) {

                    function m(a, c) {
                        if (!h.isString(a))throw new Error("state should be a string");
                        return h.isObject(c) ? a + h.toJson(c) : (c = b.$eval(c), h.isObject(c) ? a + h.toJson(c) : a)

                    function n() {
                        for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++)q(t[a].state, t[a].params) ? o(f, u[t[a].hash]) : p(f, u[t[a].hash]), r(t[a].state, t[a].params) ? o(f, s) : p(f, s)

                    function o(a, b) {
                        i(function () {

                    function p(a, b) {

                    function q(b, c) {
                        return a.includes(b.name, c)

                    function r(b, c) {
                        return a.is(b.name, c)

                    var s, t = [], u = {};
                    s = c(g.uiSrefActiveEq || "", !1)(b);
                    var v = b.$eval(g.uiSrefActive) || c(g.uiSrefActive || "", !1)(b);
                    h.isObject(v) && h.forEach(v, function (c, e) {
                        if (h.isString(c)) {
                            var f = d(c, a.current.name);
                            k(f.state, b.$eval(f.paramExpr), e)
                    }), this.$$addStateInfo = function (a, b) {
                        h.isObject(v) && t.length > 0 || (k(a, b, v), n())
                    }, b.$on("$stateChangeSuccess", n), l.$inject = ["$transition$"];
                    var w = j.onStart({}, l);
                    b.$on("$destroy", w)

        var h = c(3), i = c(9);
        f.$inject = ["$state", "$timeout"], g.$inject = ["$state", "$stateParams", "$interpolate"], angular.module("ui.router.state").directive("uiSref", f).directive("uiSrefActive", g).directive("uiSrefActiveEq", g)
    }, function (a, b) {
        function c(a) {
            return function (b) {
                return a.is(b)

        function d(a) {
            return function (b, c, d) {
                return a.includes(b, c, d)

        c.$inject = ["$state"], b.$IsStateFilter = c, d.$inject = ["$state"], b.$IncludedByStateFilter = d, angular.module("ui.router.state").filter("isState", c).filter("includedByState", d)
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(2), e = function () {
            function a(a) {
                d.extend(this, a)

            return a.prototype.is = function (a) {
                return this === a || this.self === a || this.fqn() === a
            }, a.prototype.fqn = function () {
                if (!(this.parent && this.parent instanceof this.constructor))return this.name;
                var a = this.parent.fqn();
                return a ? a + "." + this.name : this.name
            }, a.prototype.root = function () {
                return this.parent && this.parent.root() || this
            }, a.prototype.parameters = function (a) {
                a = d.defaults(a, {inherit: !0});
                var b = a.inherit && this.parent && this.parent.parameters() || [];
                return b.concat(d.values(this.params))
            }, a.prototype.parameter = function (a, b) {
                return void 0 === b && (b = {}), this.url && this.url.parameter(a, b) || d.find(d.values(this.params), d.propEq("id", a)) || b.inherit && this.parent && this.parent.parameter(a)
            }, a.prototype.toString = function () {
                return this.fqn()
            }, a
        b.State = e
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = function () {
            function a(a) {
                this._states = a

            return a.prototype.isRelative = function (a) {
                return a = a || "", 0 === a.indexOf(".") || 0 === a.indexOf("^")
            }, a.prototype.find = function (a, b) {
                if (!a && "" !== a)return void 0;
                var c = d.isString(a), e = c ? a : a.name;
                this.isRelative(e) && (e = this.resolvePath(e, b));
                var f = this._states[e];
                return !f || !c && (c || f !== a && f.self !== a) ? void 0 : f
            }, a.prototype.resolvePath = function (a, b) {
                if (!b)throw new Error("No reference point given for path '" + a + "'");
                for (var c = this.find(b), d = a.split("."), e = 0, f = d.length, g = c; f > e; e++)if ("" !== d[e] || 0 !== e) {
                    if ("^" !== d[e])break;
                    if (!g.parent)throw new Error("Path '" + a + "' not valid for state '" + c.name + "'");
                    g = g.parent
                } else g = c;
                var h = d.slice(e).join(".");
                return g.name + (g.name && h ? "." : "") + h
            }, a
        b.StateMatcher = e
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = c(12), f = function () {
            function a(a, b, c, d) {
                this.states = a, this.builder = b, this.$urlRouterProvider = c, this.$state = d, this.autoFlush = !1, this.queue = []

            return a.prototype.register = function (a, b) {
                var c = this, f = c.states, g = c.queue, h = c.$state, i = d.inherit(new e.State, d.extend({}, a, {
                    self: a,
                    resolve: a.resolve || {},
                    toString: function () {
                        return a.name
                if (!d.isString(i.name))throw new Error("State must have a valid name");
                if (f.hasOwnProperty(i.name) || -1 !== d.pluck(g, "name").indexOf(i.name))throw new Error("State '" + i.name + "' is already defined");
                return g[b ? "unshift" : "push"](i), this.autoFlush && this.flush(h), i
            }, a.prototype.flush = function (a) {
                for (var b, c, d, e = this, f = e.queue, g = e.states, h = e.builder, i = [], j = {}; f.length > 0;)if (c = f.shift(), b = h.build(c), d = i.indexOf(c), b) {
                    if (g.hasOwnProperty(c.name))throw new Error("State '" + name + "' is already defined");
                    g[c.name] = c, this.attachRoute(a, c), d >= 0 && i.splice(d, 1)
                } else {
                    var k = j[c.name];
                    if (j[c.name] = f.length, d >= 0 && k === f.length)throw new Error("Cannot register orphaned state '" + c.name + "'");
                    0 > d && i.push(c), f.push(c)
                return g
            }, a.prototype.attachRoute = function (a, b) {
                var c = this.$urlRouterProvider;
                !b[d.abstractKey] && b.url && c.when(b.url, ["$match", "$stateParams", function (c, e) {
                    a.$current.navigable === b && d.equalForKeys(c, e) || a.transitionTo(b, c, {
                        inherit: !0,
                        location: !1
            }, a
        b.StateQueueManager = f
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        var d = c(3), e = c(6), f = c(4), g = c(28), h = c(12), i = new g.RejectFactory, j = {
            async: !0,
            rejectIfSuperseded: !0,
            current: d.noop,
            transition: null,
            traceData: {}
        }, k = function () {
            function a(a, b, c, f) {
                var g = this;
                this.fn = a, this.locals = b, this.resolveContext = c, this.options = f, this.isSuperseded = function () {
                    return g.options.current() !== g.options.transition
                }, this.mapHookResult = d.pattern([[this.isSuperseded, function () {
                    return i.superseded(g.options.current())
                }], [d.eq(!1), d.val(i.aborted("Hook aborted transition"))], [d.is(h.TargetState), function (a) {
                    return i.redirected(a)
                }], [d.isPromise, function (a) {
                    return a.then(g.handleHookResult.bind(g))
                }]]), this.invokeStep = function (a) {
                    var b = g, c = b.options, f = b.fn, h = b.resolveContext, j = d.extend({}, g.locals, a);
                    if (e.trace.traceHookInvocation(g, c), c.rejectIfSuperseded && g.isSuperseded())return i.superseded(c.current());
                    if (!c.async) {
                        var k = h.invokeNow(f, j, c);
                        return g.handleHookResult(k)
                    return h.invokeLater(f, j, c).then(g.handleHookResult.bind(g))
                }, this.options = d.defaults(f, j)

            return a.prototype.handleHookResult = function (a) {
                if (!d.isDefined(a))return void 0;
                e.trace.traceHookResult(a, void 0, this.options);
                var b = this.mapHookResult(a);
                return b && e.trace.traceHookResult(a, b, this.options), b
            }, a.prototype.toString = function () {
                var a = this, b = a.options, c = a.fn, e = d.parse("traceData.hookType")(b) || "internal", f = d.parse("traceData.context.state.name")(b) || d.parse("traceData.context")(b) || "unknown", g = d.fnToString(c);
                return e + " context: " + f + ", " + d.maxLength(200, g)
            }, a.runSynchronousHooks = function (b, c, e) {
                void 0 === c && (c = {}), void 0 === e && (e = !1);
                for (var g = [], h = 0; h < b.length; h++)try {
                } catch (i) {
                    if (!e)throw i;
                    console.log("Swallowed exception during synchronous hook handler: " + i)
                var j = g.filter(a.isRejection);
                return j.length ? j[0] : g.filter(d.not(a.isRejection)).filter(d.isPromise).reduce(function (a, b) {
                    return a.then(d.val(b))
                }, f.services.$q.when())
            }, a.isRejection = function (a) {
                return a && a.reason instanceof g.TransitionRejection && a
            }, a
        b.TransitionHook = k
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d() {
            this._reinit.bind(b.$transitions)(), this.$get = function () {
                return b.$transitions

        var e = c(8), f = c(11);
        b.defaultTransOpts = {
            location: !0,
            relative: null,
            inherit: !1,
            notify: !0,
            reload: !1,
            custom: {},
            current: function () {
                return null
        var g = function () {
            function a() {
                this._defaultErrorHandler = function (a) {
                    a instanceof Error && console.log(a)
                }, this._reinit()

            return a.prototype.defaultErrorHandler = function (a) {
                return this._defaultErrorHandler = a || this._defaultErrorHandler
            }, a.prototype._reinit = function () {
                f.HookRegistry.mixin(new f.HookRegistry, this)
            }, a.prototype.create = function (a, b) {
                return new e.Transition(a, b)
            }, a
        b.$transitions = new g, d.prototype = b.$transitions, b.$transitionsProvider = d, angular.module("ui.router.state").provider("$transitions", b.$transitionsProvider)
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a) {
            for (var c in a)b.hasOwnProperty(c) || (b[c] = a[c])

        d(c(50)), d(c(21)), d(c(51)), d(c(52))
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a, b) {
            this.fromConfig = function (a, b, c) {
                return e.isDefined(a.template) ? this.fromString(a.template, b) : e.isDefined(a.templateUrl) ? this.fromUrl(a.templateUrl, b) : e.isDefined(a.templateProvider) ? this.fromProvider(a.templateProvider, b, c) : null
            }, this.fromString = function (a, b) {
                return e.isFunction(a) ? a(b) : a
            }, this.fromUrl = function (c, d) {
                return e.isFunction(c) && (c = c(d)), null == c ? null : a.get(c, {
                    cache: b,
                    headers: {Accept: "text/html"}
            }, this.fromProvider = function (a, b, c) {
                return c(a)

        var e = c(3);
        d.$inject = ["$http", "$templateCache"], angular.module("ui.router.util").service("$templateFactory", d)
    }, function (a, b, c) {
        function d(a, b, c, d, e) {
            function h(a, c) {
                return {
                    enter: function (a, c, d) {
                        angular.version.minor > 2 ? b.enter(a, null, c).then(d) : b.enter(a, null, c, d)
                    }, leave: function (a, c) {
                        angular.version.minor > 2 ? b.leave(a).then(c) : b.leave(a, c)

            function i(a, b) {
                return a === b

            var j = {context: a.rootContext()}, k = {
                count: 0,
                restrict: "ECA",
                terminal: !0,
                priority: 400,
                transclude: "element",
                compile: function (b, e, l) {
                    return function (b, e, m) {
                        function n(a) {
                            i(x, a) || (g.trace.traceUiViewConfigUpdated(A, a && a.context), x = a, p(a))

                        function o() {
                            q && (g.trace.traceUiViewEvent("Removing    (previous) el", A), q.remove(), q = null), s && (g.trace.traceUiViewEvent("Destroying  (previous) scope", A), s.$destroy(), s = null), r && (g.trace.traceUiViewEvent("Animate out (previous)", A), w.leave(r, function () {
                                q = null
                            }), q = r, r = null)

                        function p(a) {
                            a = a || {};
                            var d = b.$new();
                            g.trace.traceUiViewScopeCreated(A, d), f.extend(A, {
                                context: a.context,
                                $template: a.template,
                                $controller: a.controller,
                                $controllerAs: a.controllerAs,
                                $locals: a.locals
                            var h = l(d, function (a) {
                                w.enter(a.data("$uiView", A), e, function () {
                                    s && s.$emit("$viewContentAnimationEnded"), (f.isDefined(v) && !v || b.$eval(v)) && c(a)
                                }), o()
                            r = h, s = d, s.$emit("$viewContentLoaded", a || x), s.$eval(u)

                        var q, r, s, t, u = m.onload || "", v = m.autoscroll, w = h(m, b), x = void 0, y = e.inheritedData("$uiView") || j, z = d(m.uiView || m.name || "")(b) || "$default", A = {
                            id: k.count++,
                            name: z,
                            fqn: y.name ? y.fqn + "." + z : z,
                            config: null,
                            configUpdated: n,
                            get creationContext() {
                                return y.context
                        g.trace.traceUiViewEvent("Linking", A), e.data("$uiView", A), p(), t = a.registerUiView(A), b.$on("$destroy", function () {
                            g.trace.traceUiViewEvent("Destroying/Unregistering", A), t()
            return k

        function e(a, b, c, d, e) {
            return {
                restrict: "ECA", priority: -400, compile: function (c) {
                    var d = c.html();
                    return function (c, e) {
                        var h = e.data("$uiView");
                        if (h) {
                            e.html(h.$template || d), g.trace.traceUiViewFill(h, e.html());
                            var i = a(e.contents()), j = h.$controller, k = h.$controllerAs;
                            if (j) {
                                var l = h.$locals, m = b(j, f.extend(l, {$scope: c}));
                                k && (c[k] = m), e.data("$ngControllerController", m), e.children().data("$ngControllerController", m)

        var f = c(3), g = c(6);
        d.$inject = ["$view", "$animate", "$uiViewScroll", "$interpolate", "$q"], e.$inject = ["$compile", "$controller", "$interpolate", "$injector", "$q"], angular.module("ui.router.state").directive("uiView", d), angular.module("ui.router.state").directive("uiView", e)
    }, function (a, b) {
        function c() {
            var a = !1;
            this.useAnchorScroll = function () {
                a = !0
            }, this.$get = ["$anchorScroll", "$timeout", function (b, c) {
                return a ? b : function (a) {
                    return c(function () {
                    }, 0, !1)

        angular.module("ui.router.state").provider("$uiViewScroll", c)