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 * LABELAUTY jQuery Plugin
 * @file: jquery-labelauty.js
 * @author: Francisco Neves (@fntneves)
 * @site: www.francisconeves.com
 * @license: MIT License

(function( $ ){

	$.fn.labelauty = function( options )
		 * Our default settings
		 * Hope you don't need to change anything, with these settings
		var settings = $.extend(
			// Development Mode
			// This will activate console debug messages
			development: false,

			// Trigger Class
			// This class will be used to apply styles
			class: "labelauty",

			// Use text label ?
			// If false, then only an icon represents the input
			label: true,

			// Separator between labels' messages
			// If you use this separator for anything, choose a new one
			separator: "|",

			// Default Checked Message
			// This message will be visible when input is checked
			checked_label: "Checked",

			// Default UnChecked Message
			// This message will be visible when input is unchecked
			unchecked_label: "Unchecked",

			// Minimum Label Width
			// This value will be used to apply a minimum width to the text labels
			minimum_width: false,

			// Use the greatest width between two text labels ?
			// If this has a true value, then label width will be the greatest between labels
			same_width: true
		}, options);

		 * Let's create the core function
		 * It will try to cover all settings and mistakes of using
		return this.each(function()
			var $object = $( this );
			var use_labels = true;
			var labels;
			var labels_object;
			var input_id;

			// Test if object is a check input
			// Don't mess me up, come on
			if( $object.is( ":checkbox" ) === false && $object.is( ":radio" ) === false )
				return this;

			// Add "labelauty" class to all checkboxes
			// So you can apply some custom styles
			$object.addClass( settings.class );

			// Get the value of "data-labelauty" attribute
			// Then, we have the labels for each case (or not, as we will see)
			labels = $object.attr( "data-labelauty" );

			use_labels = settings.label;

			// It's time to check if it's going to the right way
			// Null values, more labels than expected or no labels will be handled here
			if( use_labels === true )
				if( labels == null || labels.length === 0 )
					// If attribute has no label and we want to use, then use the default labels
					labels_object = new Array();
					labels_object[0] = settings.unchecked_label;
					labels_object[1] = settings.checked_label;
					// Ok, ok, it's time to split Checked and Unchecked labels
					// We split, by the "settings.separator" option
					labels_object = labels.split( settings.separator );

					// Now, let's check if exist _only_ two labels
					// If there's more than two, then we do not use labels :(
					// Else, do some additional tests
					if( labels_object.length > 2 )
						use_labels = false;
						debug( settings.development, "There's more than two labels. LABELAUTY will not use labels." );
						// If there's just one label (no split by "settings.separator"), it will be used for both cases
						// Here, we have the possibility of use the same label for both cases
						if( labels_object.length === 1 )
							debug( settings.development, "There's just one label. LABELAUTY will use this one for both cases." );

			 * Let's begin the beauty

			// Start hiding ugly checkboxes
			// Obviously, we don't need native checkboxes :O
			$object.css({ display : "none" });

			// We don't need more data-labelauty attributes!
			// Ok, ok, it's just for beauty improvement
			$object.removeAttr( "data-labelauty" );

			// Now, grab checkbox ID Attribute for "label" tag use
			// If there's no ID Attribute, then generate a new one
			input_id = $object.attr( "id" );

			if( input_id == null )
				var input_id_number = 1 + Math.floor( Math.random() * 1024000 );
				input_id = "labelauty-" + input_id_number;

				// Is there any element with this random ID ?
				// If exists, then increment until get an unused ID
				while( $( input_id ).length !== 0 )
					input_id = "labelauty-" + input_id_number;
					debug( settings.development, "Holy crap, between 1024 thousand numbers, one raised a conflict. Trying again." );

				$object.attr( "id", input_id );

			// Now, add necessary tags to make this work
			// Here, we're going to test some control variables and act properly
			$object.after( create( input_id, labels_object, use_labels ) );

			// Now, add "min-width" to label
			// Let's say the truth, a fixed width is more beautiful than a variable width
			if( settings.minimum_width !== false )
				$object.next( "label[for=" + input_id + "]" ).css({ "min-width": settings.minimum_width });

			// Now, add "min-width" to label
			// Let's say the truth, a fixed width is more beautiful than a variable width
			if( settings.same_width != false && settings.label == true )
				var label_object = $object.next( "label[for=" + input_id + "]" );
				var unchecked_width = getRealWidth(label_object.find( "span.labelauty-unchecked" ));
				var checked_width = getRealWidth(label_object.find( "span.labelauty-checked" ));

				if( unchecked_width > checked_width )
					label_object.find( "span.labelauty-checked" ).width( unchecked_width );
					label_object.find( "span.labelauty-unchecked" ).width( checked_width );

	 * Tricky code to work with hidden elements, like tabs.
	 * Note: This code is based on jquery.actual plugin.
	 * https://github.com/dreamerslab/jquery.actual
	function getRealWidth( element )
		var width = 0;
		var $target = element;
		var style = 'position: absolute !important; top: -1000 !important; ';

		$target = $target.clone().attr('style', style).appendTo('body');
		width = $target.width(true);

		return width;

	function debug( debug, message )
		if( debug && window.console && window.console.log )
			window.console.log( "jQuery-LABELAUTY: " + message );

	function create( input_id, messages_object, label )
		var block;
		var unchecked_message;
		var checked_message;

		if( messages_object == null )
			unchecked_message = checked_message = "";
			unchecked_message = messages_object[0];

			// If checked message is null, then put the same text of unchecked message
			if( messages_object[1] == null )
				checked_message = unchecked_message;
				checked_message = messages_object[1];

		if( label == true )
			block = '<label for="' + input_id + '">' +
						// '<span class="labelauty-unchecked-image"></span>' +
						'<span class="labelauty-unchecked">' + unchecked_message + '</span>' +
						// '<span class="labelauty-checked-image"></span>' +
						'<span class="labelauty-checked">' + checked_message + '</span>' +
			block = '<label for="' + input_id + '">' +
						'<span class="labelauty-unchecked-image"></span>' +
						'<span class="labelauty-checked-image"></span>' +

		return block;

}( jQuery ));